
More than a Nanny (MoNa)

Dorbi is a beautiful 22 year old orphan who works at a restaurant to take care of her seven year old brother as her only priority, cassper on the other hand is a multi millionaire businessman and a widower who vowed not to fall for any woman but rather focus on his business and daughter "Isabella". what happens when Bella falls in love with Dorbi and wants her for her dad??? find out in this intriguing story.

Daoist014wOI · Fantasy
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21 Chs

chapter 9

Dorbi's POV


The house was busy as the guards took the luggage into the car.

Grandma left since on Saturday to be with her daughter before our return.

She was even asked to rest since I will be taking over but she refused.

I wished I was in her shoes, I'll have accepted the offer and stay at home, receiving the pension of three hundred thousand dollars.

That's really a huge amount you know.

We pack the bags into the boot and we're set to go.

Two of the guards were to come with us because once we reach there, the guards over there will take over.

The house was kept under Leo's care as the head guard and cassper's most trusted.

We entered the car, the kids were in a different car and I had to stay in the same car with Mr rude.

Can today get any worse????

I got into the car without saying a word to Mr rude who was busy with his phone and settled down as well.

The driver took off.

I continued fidgeting with my fingers to keep my self busy and thank God Mr rude didn't try to talk to me.

Well I won't talk to him either.

I think the silent is the best.

I remembered Jenny and took out my phone to chat her up so I can be busy.

"Hey girlfriend" I texted and she replied instantly making me wonder if she has typed the message and is waiting for me to start it up.

"Girl how is your husband" she texted and I chuckled.

"I'm not married ok? Just had a contract to complete that's all" I replied the text.

"Marriage contract? She asked

This girl is unbelievable.

"No it's not. Just a month contract with one Mr cassper" I texted back.

"Wait cassper Alberto? She asked

"Exactly you know him"I texted back

"Who wouldn't girl, the most handsome and stinking rich business man, you should have told me and I would have visited you a million times. Girl you got to be kidding me, you have to marry him you hear? Get that cash baby love him by force." She texted and I chuckled

"You are crazy am gonna talk to you later" I texted and looked up to see Mr rude staring at me.

Maybe I'm mistaken, I blinked again and he turned his head back to his phone.

I sighed being confused, why is he looking at me like that, I am not his speck so his stare shouldn't matter to me I consoled myself and opened my phone to see a text from Jenny

"Girl if don't make use of that one month wisely, I will smack your ass" i read and shoved it aside and started playing games.

We arrived at the airport and the guard took the bags to the private jet that will be used for the traveling.

I was amused at the way rich people waste resources.

I mean less than fifteen people on a jet.

We entered the jet and Seth and Bella came and sat beside me.

"MoNa? They called in unison

"Yes? I asked wondering what the case might be.

"We need your phone" they all said and I wondered if they actually planned it.

This days I don't trust their movement, they are hiding something and I must find out what it is.

Kids of nowadays, I wonder how they settled that fight of theirs self.

"Ok you can have it" I replied giving them the phone as they collected it and went to the front seat.

Mr rude came and sat beside me.

Won't he at least give me a breathing space?

I sighed and closed my eyes to rest when the kids came

"Uncle" Seth was the the one that spoke this time around.

"Yes young man?he replied with a raised eyebrow

"Can I have your phone? He asked and I opened my mouth in shock.

What if he gets mad at him??

"What do you need it for? Mr rude asked and I closed my mouth.

"Actually we know that we are going to be bored so we want to keep our self busy by using your phones.

"MoNa gave us her own already" Bella said before he asked any more questions.

"Don't you think I'll be bored too, let's go, I'll like to join this game of yours" he said standing up and they hurriedly left with him and for a second, I became jealous.

Why would they come and make him leave the seat huh?

"But I thought you wanted him to stay at some other place" my subconscious mind reminded me.

"I think I need to rest my head right now" I said and closed my eyes to sleep.

Cassper's POV

I followed the kids not because I really want to play with them but because I want to know the person that was making Dorbi laugh earlier.

Who knows maybe it is her boyfriend.

No it shouldn't be, I tried to console myself.

But what if it is?

"You said she was not your speck so why are you worried about who made her smile" my inner self asked.

I shoved it aside and played along with the kids.

Their he was actually very funny.

You will search the phone gallery and pick your best song and the opposite will have to sing the lyrics.

We continued the game and I enjoyed it though I was waiting for my turn.

"Daddy, you will have to use MoNa's phone" she said and gave me.

Of course I collected the phone and went to the message instead of gallery.

I checked her last conversation and I was from Jenny.

Ah!!! I exhaled knowing that it was a girl.

I quickly glanced through the chat and chuckled.

"You favorite song is funny? Seth asked and I smiled.

"Well I went through the gallery and all the contents don't have my favorite"I lied returning the phone to Bella who looked unsatisfied with my answer.

This little angel of mine is sensitive.

"Let me see" I said collecting the phone to remove the trace of what I checked to avoid being caught red handed.

"Here you go" I said returning the phone back to her.

By then, we took off already.

"But dad" Bella tried to complain but I cut her in.

"I need to go work on something and don't worry, I won't be needing the phone"I said standing up.

"Have fun ok? I said leaving them and going back to my seat to meat Dorbi sleeping. Her head was uncomfortable and I helped her by letting her lean on me.

The flight lasted for about 3 hours before we landed. I tapped Dorbi and before she regain her senses back, I got up and went down with the kids following me.

I must say am surprised they never slept till we arrived at California.

We dropped and entered the car waiting for us and left for my mother's house.

Let me say our family house.

We arrived at the mansion and mom and dad were waiting outside already.

I alighted from the car and mom hugged me tightly and kisses my head cheeks and checked me out.

"My baby boy is home" she said and Bella ran and hugged her together with Seth.

"My grandkids are home" she said hoping them but paused and started walking to my back and when I turned, I saw that she was going towards Dorbi's direction.

"You are really beautiful my dear and I must admit that you will make a beautiful in law" she said and hugged her...
