
More than a Nanny (MoNa)

Dorbi is a beautiful 22 year old orphan who works at a restaurant to take care of her seven year old brother as her only priority, cassper on the other hand is a multi millionaire businessman and a widower who vowed not to fall for any woman but rather focus on his business and daughter "Isabella". what happens when Bella falls in love with Dorbi and wants her for her dad??? find out in this intriguing story.

Daoist014wOI · Fantasy
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21 Chs

chapter 13

Dorbi's POV

I stood goosebumps as Mr rude's lip met mine.

I wasn't expecting that, is this part of his game?

But I see sincerity in his kiss. It feels so real.

Should I be happy or sad?

I don't know how to express right now because I'm having a mixed feeling.

I am supposed to be happy because the man I'm in love with is kissing me right now but realizing that it's a game hurts badly.

I disengage from the kiss and clean my mouth.

"You shouldn't stoop this low as to hurt someone's feelings for just your games"I said tearfully as he ruffled his hair.

"Think of a person's feelings before you do anything, don't go about giving them false impression and end up throwing it in the mud" I said turning and leaving the place in tears.

I just can't believe he would do that.

Why would he kiss me? It really hurts when I know that it means nothing.

He can't love anyone other than Notch.

But then why would he do that huh?

I went to the playground and cried my eyes out.

Cassper's POV

I just stood and watch her leave the garden in tears.

I'm really sorry Dorbi.

But why didn't she give me the chance to explain that I really mean that kiss.

I kiss is supposed to bring two hearts together but ours will surely create a distance between us.

I don't blame her actually, I have been a dickhead.

I shouldn't have been rude and all that.

But it wasn't my fault. Imagine the girl I am falling for calling me Mr rude?

I just hope everything goes well for me but looks like I've ruined it with a kiss.



Diva's POV

I placed around the room and watched groovy with anger.

I can't tell this days my head is playing with me.

I really need to get this whole plan done and leave because if I should stay a little longer, I'm afraid I might fall in love with groovy.

"So what's the next move" I asked sounding impatient.

"Calm down, it's a slow process ok? I'll soon execute the next plan and believe me, it will work out well" he assured and I sighed.

"Just smile for me huh. You know your smile activate my brain" he said causing me to blush.

I really need to act fast before I fall for him.

Groovy's POV

I watched as she blushed and I couldn't help but be happy that my plans are working.

I'm not doing this to help Diva out and I hated the fact that she was involved in a murder case before but that was not fully her fault.

I just want to make her mine and I must make it happen.

It hurts me seeing her run after what doesn't deserve her but I must give her that life she deserves, but before that, we have to make everything work.

I'll make her fall for me before then.

Killing two stones at once.

[Flashback]~ ten years back.

Diva's POV

"Mom I'm off to school"I shouted as I left the dining room.

"Hey my darling I've been wanting to tell you something but looks like you are busy" she said not sounding too happy.

"What is it mom? I asked dropping my bag.

"It's your dad" she said crying. I couldn't help it because my mom crying is something I cannot take.

"What has he done mom" I asked.

" He sold the company to pay his Dept and I'm afraid things may not be the same" she said breaking down in tears.

This must be a joke right?

I rushed out of the house and entered my car and took off driving recklessly.

After what he put my mom through??

All the beating and everything he still wants to make us feel bad.

I went to school that day with a heavy heart.

I couldn't help it. I just couldn't.

Groovy walked up to me, he was expecting a reply from me about his confession to me.

I wanted to accept him but from the news I had at home.

I just walked pass him to the classroom.

After school, I went home only to hear my parents shouting.

It's a normal thing now for me shaa.

I walked into the room and just in time my dad pushed my mom and she hit her head on the coach and died.

Seeing my mom lifeless on the floor, I couldn't think well anymore.

The only creature that loved my, without thinking twice, I took the table knife and stabbed my dad continually shouting that I hate him till he collapses.

I came back to my senses and drop the knife and held him.

"I'm sorry for causing you so much pain. I just hope you find True love and care" he said coughing blood.

"I'm sorry dad" I wailed

"I deserve it for what I put you and your mom through. I've never told you this, I love you my dearest daughter" he said and I cried.

" I love you too Dad" I said but he didn't reply.

It then downed on me...

I killed my father...