
ask my wife

You're joking right, how can August Yu, get married to a college student." Adam said

" She's a college student, final year" August said

" So where did you meet, was she one of your multiple girlfriends. I mean those celeb you dated in the past" Adam asked

" No, I just meet her last night" he said

" So it's an arranged marriage" Adam asked

" Why aren't you in college?" He asked

" I don't have class" Adam said

" You're having a general subject this morning" he said

" When did you start knowing our time table" Adam asked

" Excuse me, I just told you my wife is a college student" he said

" So, we're in the same college. That's great I'll get to know my sister in law better" Adam said

" Don't near her" August said

" But if it an arranged marriage, why did she agree marry you" Adam asked

" She was tricked into signing, she's very calm and sweet" he said

" Tell me about your wedding night?" Adam asked

" Why?, " He asked

" Because I want to know how it feels" Adam said

" When you marry, you'll know how it feels" he said

" Come on" Adam said collecting the document from his hand

" Nothing happened, she ...." He said explaining everything

" So she's still innocent, you're gonna try a lot" Adam said giving him back his file

" Alright, enjoy your married life. I'm going out" he said

" Won't you go to college" August asked as Adam head out

"I'll think about it" Adam said going.

" I wonder what he'll turn to" August said .

After school I returned to the mansion and everyone was gone, so that's what he meant by you can leave now.

I changed my dress into a one of the dresses, since I was at home and the only male around was my husband. I went to the kitchen to cook dinner, I was dishing the food when I heard the door close.

" What are you doing in the kitchen?" He asked coming closer

" I'm cooking dinner" I asked concentrating on the food as I felt his hand wrapping around my waist slowly

" It smells nice, you shouldn't have bothered. I would have just called the cook. You must be tired from today's class" he said

" You should freshen up, I'll serve the dish" I said

" Why won't you look at me?, If you want to know me you have to at least try. I made a book about myself you can read about me there" he said going and I held him back

" What's your name?" I asked and he was shocked

" Oh my.... You don't know my name" he said and I nodded

" August Yu, just call me August. And by tomorrow, the dresses will be changed. You look nice in it though" he said before going to freshen up.

He came downstairs, we were eating dinner silently when he got a call. He picked the call and placed the phone on the table putting it on speaker.

" Who is speaking?" He asked silently putting his food in his mouth

" It's me Rosy Gu, didn't you save my number" the voice said

" Rosy, that name sounds familiar" he said

" You're so funny, you forgot your ex introduced me to you few days ago" she said

" Um.. I think I do remember, the lady with the short hair" he said

" Yeah, I was thinking maybe I should come over to your place. I'm bored" she said and I looked at the guy in front of me. Was he kidding me?

" Um... I think you should ask my wife" he said

" Y.. your wife?" She stammered

" Yeah, she's here listening to you" he said looking at me as the corner of his lips move upward slightly

" I.. I think you should come if you want" I said and his expression changed immediately

" Don't worry, I have something important to do" she said hanging up
