
Mordred in Teyvat

What would happen if after her death, Mordred found herself into the world of Teyvat? I find the lack of Mordred content a shame, so I decided to give it a shot myself. This is my first time writing, and English isn't my first language, so you are welcome to advise or correct me should I make a mistake. The cover is not mine; should the original artist want me to remove it, just contact me. I do not own anything. Mordred and Genshin Impact belong to their original authors (or the people having the rights).

CrystalEnBoite · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 10 : Attack on Mondstadt

After eating, Lumine and Paimon starts travelling towards the City of Freedom, Mondstadt.

"So, Paimon, what can you tell me about this world?"

"This world has seven nations each ruled by an Archon. Each Archon is basically a god of one of the seven elements. Right now we are in the nation of Mondstadt so that's why we're going to the capital since it's the closest major city. Mondstadt is the Land of Freedom and is under the protection of Barbatos, the Anemo Archon. This nation is the only one where the country's Archon doesn't have any presence since he is also the Archon of freedom, and as such elected not to interfere with mortal affairs."

"You mentioned there being seven elements, could you develop on that?"

"There is Anemo, the wind, where we are. Then there is Geo, the rock element in Lyue. Inazuma is the land of Electro, the lightning element. Next is Sumeru, the land of Dendro, basically plants and stuff. In fifth we have Fontaine, with Hydro, basically water. For Pyro, fire it's in Natlan. And finally Cryo from Shneznaya is ice."

"I see... I'll probably have to study about those gods and their element if I am to question them about my brother."

As they kept discussing the world, they soon arrived near the statue of a winged figure holding a sphere of stone, its face hidden by a hood.

"Look, it's a statue of the Anemo Archon! It's HIM that you'll have to find."

"I feel something from this statue. As if it was begging me to touch it. Do you think it's safe to do?"

"Paimon never heard of anyone having problems for touching a statue of the seven, how would people clean it otherwise?"

"Guess I'll try then."

Lumine held out her hand to the staute and, as she touched it, felt something entering her, fusing with her essence and connecting her with her surroundings.

"What was that? It feels strange but also deeply familiar. As if I had it in the past and recovered it just now."

As she said that, a gust of wind appeared in her hand and she felt faint traces of power all around her, flowing with the wind.

"It looked like Anemo power ! Paimon never saw anyone with the ability to use elemental energy without a vision ! Who knows, if you touch another statue you may even use other elements."

"Is that so? Then I'll have to go to the statues of each Archon then. Also what is a vision?"

"I was joking about the multiple elements you know? And visions are basically foci bestowed upon mortals by the Archons that allow them to use elemental energy."

Walking along the path, Lumine saw a rather unusual sight. A human trying to talk to a dragon. She immediatly held Paimon near her and hid behind a tree. The dragon was a gigantic, six winged beast. Unlike the usual representation of dragons, this one was more bird-like despite still having four scaly legs. As for the human, he was clad in white and green garnments and had bicolored hair. Mainly a dark blue with teal colored braids.

"Don't be afraid. It's alright now, I'm back."

As the boy said that, the dense Anemo energy permeating the surroundings of the dragon resonated with Lumine's own, drawing the attention of both the dragon and the boy. The dragon roared at the boy before swinging one of it's clawed leg at him. He dodged and jumped back.

"Who's here?"

While the boy asked that, the dragon started to fly away. Seeing this, the boy disapeared in light blue light.

"That was close! Paimon almost got blown away! Luckily Paimon managed to grab hold of your hair! Thanks."

"Good thing you didn't pull my hair out. It hurts you know."

"Sorry about that. But what was that? Paimon thought we were gonna get eaten. It definitely has to do with that weirdo who was talking to the dragon."

"It obviously was someone talking to a dragon. By the way, is it normal here?"

"Of course not!"

Talking to Paimon, Lumine noticed a strange red glow coming from where the dragon was.

"What's that? It kinda looks like a gem."

"Be careful, Paimon has a bad feeling about it!"

"It doesn't seem that dangerous to touch at the moment. And it might be bad if it fell into the wrong hands. We should take it for now."

The duo set off again, but were interrupted by a new peripety as a young girl bursts out of a thicket and lands before the two in a display of impressive physical prowess. The girl wears a red, black and white top with a golden crest on the front, red shorts, white thigh-high boots and a large red ribbon looking like bunny ears.

"May the Anemo Archon protect you, stranger! I am Amber, Outrider for the Knights of Favonius. You don't look like Mondstadt citizens, can I know who you are?"

"Hi, I'm Lumine."

"Doesn't sound local. And this... mascot, what's the deal with it?"

"Emergency food."

"Hey! That's even worse than being a mascot!"

"So you're travelling partners, right? Well look, there's been a dragon flying around recently so it's best if we get to Mondstadt quickly. I'm going there too so let's walk together."

"Oh? Paimon thought you'd have a mission to do or something. Cause, you know, you're in the middle of nowhere and all?"

"Don't worry about that, I am coming back from a mission. It's been a few days since I came back to Mondstadt but now I can finally go home!"

"Alright, let's go together then."

"Anyway, what are you coming to Mondstadt for?"

"I am searching for my brother. He looks kinda like me but with long hair, exposed stomach and a really annoying tendency to sometimes scream the name of his attacks. Have you seen him anywhere?"

"Doesn't ring a bell but I'll help you put up posters and I'll ask around."

"We kinda saw a dragon on the way here. So it's a menace? Was wondering if it was a local attraction."

"Paimon thinks it would be too dangerous as an attraction. Paimon was almost blown away by its roar."

"My hair kinda noticed that Paimon, you almost made me bald."

"Hey! At least I apologized!"

"It's no attraction but if you want to see attractions, leave it to me. We're almost there! Are you ready for the best city tour you'll ever have?"


"It's finally time for the most exciting part of the tour, your Wind Glider exam!"

"An exam... Not really the kind of thing I'd call exciting."

"Don't worry, it's called an exam but you'll just have to glide around. It's really easy and it feels amazing, trust me!"

'It's true that flying around does feel pretty nice. A shame that I can't do it anymore.'

"So, how does this Wind Glider thingy works? Do I just wear it and jump or are there more controls to it?"

"You put it on like a cape and then you can jump. To deploy it, simply spread your arms in mid-air. To control your movement, just tilt your body in the direction where you want to go."

Putting on a brand new Wind Glider, courtesy of Amber, Lumine jumps from the city wall, opening her Wind Glider and starts her flight. She performs a few tricks required for the exam with practiced ease. Finally, reaching the main plaza, she neatly lands near Amber, ready to receive her license.

Suddenly, at the very moment where Lumine lands, raging winds start blowing, the sky covers in dark clouds and a storm strikes.

"Are you sure the dragon isn't just a tourist attraction ? Cause it's getting closer."

"Take Paimon with you and take cover, quick! The knights will handle it, somehow."

The tempest, however, disagrees with that as Lumine is blown away into the sky. Opening her newly obtained Wind Glider, she slows down her fall. To her surprise however, her fall stops completely.

"Huh? How are you staying afloat like this with just a Wind Glider?"

"How should I know? I only had this thing for five minutes, Paimon!"

Paimon's question was soon answered by a mysterious voice, seemingly coming from everywhere around them.

"I'm preventing your fall with the power of a thousand winds."

"Thanks I guess? The real question being : What the hell am I supposed to do in this situation?"

"Concentrate, see yourself grasping the wind, harness it's power and fend Dvalin off."

Taking a deep breath, Lumine focused her mind. Feeling the traces of Anemo energy permeating the winds, she tried manipulating it like she did earlier at the statue but failed as the power in these winds was much stronger than the faint traces she felt back then. Not one to give up, she tried again, this time guiding the elemental energy instead of forcefully bending it to her will. It proved to be the right decision as soon after, a blade of wind flew to the dragon, lightly damaging some of its feathers.

Sending windblade after windblade, she finally managed to draw a drop of blood. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough as it only served to anger the dragon even more. Her relentless assault is forced to a stop by a massive tornado heading straight towards her.

This exchange repeated several times until, by luck, Lumine managed to hit one of the purple crystals on the dragon's back. As she did, the dragon roared in agony and fury, sending a final wind slash before flying away.

After the dragon departed, the wind that maintained Lumine in altitude gradually calmed down, softly bringing her towards the ground. As she landed, Amber rushed towards her, making sure she's alright.

As Amber checked on Lumine, a blue haired figure approached, slowly clapping. Wearing dark trousers, a blue, cleavage revealing blouse and a half cape with a fur collar, he started speaking, cautiously gauging Lumine.

"You've actually got the power to go up against the dragon. Are you a new ally... or a new storm?"

"Kaeya, you've come at the right time. We must..."

"Hold on Amber. Are you perhaps forgetting to introduce us?"

"Oh right. This is Kaeya, our Cavalry Captain. Kaeya, these two are travelers from afar, Lumine and Paimon."

'From afar? Is that all we know of them?'

"I see. I'd say welcome to Mondstadt, though I'm afraid you'll find the current situation quite unwelcoming."

"It's alright, I had worse."

"Haha. Have you now? Your fight to defend the city against the dragon just now was witnessed by no small number of citizens. The acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius is also very interested in meeting you, and formally invites you both to our headquarters."






Meanwhile, on our favorite British knight's side.

"Huh, so that's the dragon. Stay close to me Fischl."

Before she could receive an answer, Khateryne's voice came from nearby.

"To all available adventurers, please support the evacuation and escort citizens towards more durable structures."

"You heard her. Got any idea of where we can bring them?"

"The Angel's Share shalt shield those mere mortals from the shadows emerging out of the Monarch of Sinful Winds."

"Got it! Lead the way."

Hurrying to the tavern, the two adventurers picked up as many civilians as they found, arriving with a sizeable group of people. As they approached the door, they saw the bartender opening the door and hasting them to come in.

Mordred and Fischl repeatedly went out of the tavern to search for remaining citizens until, at last, the wind started calming down.

After getting confirmation that the situation has been delt with, the people can finally go out and take in the sight of the damaged city. Mordred and Fischl, on the other hand, are on their way to Fischl's house when they are interrupted by a loud voice.

"Hold it varmint!"

The person speaking was an armored man with a receding hairline. His armor clearly showed his affiliation to the Knights of Favonius as well as his well edowed stomach, probably from his habit of hitting the bar after work.

"I won't allow ya'll Fatui scum to commit anymore crimes, or my name isn't Anthony Dyott!"

"The fuck he's talking about?"

"This Prinzessin shan't answer for she knowest not."

Before anyone could answer another person appeared from a nearby street. With icy blue hair, a white and black outfit completed by a blue tie, cape and boots, she was quite the striking figure. Even more so as her purple and yellow eyes were fixed on the knight, visibly angry at his inebriated state.

"Lieutnant Dyott! Ingnoring the warnings of your superiors by wandering around like a drunkard just after a dragon attack! Vegeance will be mine!"

"Captain Lawrence! My apologies, I just wanted to arrest these Fatui collaborators before they could commit more wrongdoings."

"And what makes you think they are with the Fatui?"

"Well, one of my men reported that he resided in Old Goth's hotel so she must be with the Fatui."

"What if I told you that you should also have received a report that a membre of the Fatui delegation issued a letter of complaint against that adventurer for breaking the shoulder of one of their men?"

"Did I? In that case, I deeply apologize to you both, honorable adventurers. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions."

"Lieutnant Dyott, if you don't want to get demoted you should work on your drinking habit and read your reports more carefully. If you don't, my revenge will pursue you!"

Finishing this exchange, the captain turned to Mordred and Fischl, while Dyott left the scene, embarrassed.

"Forgive him, he's a bit of a simpleton sometimes. I am Eula Lawrence of the Knights of Favonius, I have orders from the acting Grand Master of the order to invite the two of you to our headquarters. Both for business and now for a more formal apology. Refuse and I will have vengeance!"

"What do you think Fischl? Should we go?"

"Despite belonging to an accursed bloodline, this captain hast proven a trustworthy guardian of the realm. Moreover, Ordo Favonius protected the destiny of these lands since times immemorial, when the Heavens were darkened by the sins of the somber blood."

"Alright then, we'll follow you this time."


So... I'm sorry about not posting for all this time, I didn't realize it's been that long.

I wrote and rewrote this chapter a lot as it never satisfied me. However, since it's been that long, just take this double/triple chapter and forgive me please. It's not as good as I'd like to but as they say "Better is the enemy of Good" (at least they say that in France). I might come and rewrite it in the future.

I have both exams and a placement for school so I won't be regularly updating. However, after that I'll have some long holydays so at that time I should be able to write more.

Also, thanks to Fu_Hua_ for making me realize how long it was since I updated this.

And I just saw that we are in the double digit chapters now so yay I guess.

Once again sorry for the wait, it's completely my fault.

See you again, hopefully quite soon.