
Moonlit Chronicles of the Unambitious Magician

This is the story of a young man who was reincarnated in Nasuverse and remembered the memories of his past life four years before the Fourth Fuyuki Holy Grail War with a Yamato from Devil May Cry. This is the first time I write something. Thank you for having me. Thank you Izumi Yamazaki for the cover photo. Oz and Lorelei looks amazing! Twitter account of the artist: @izumi_yamazaki7

Zimrence · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 17

Wow, it almost has been a month since I've last updated a chapter. What can I say? When I tried to update early this month, I was busy with things happening in my country. Well, you know? Myan*ar. Might as well censor the country name. My writing style might change since it has been a while since I've written a chapter. I dunno.

Added some lines from the original novel cuz why not?

And after burning over $100, I could finally welcome Illya into my Chaldea.


In the early morning, even before the sun rises, we can see a pair of men and women standing on top of the building. The woman has fair skin with red hair while the man has tan skin with dark hair. They are Elsa Saijo and her Archer class Servant Arash.

(Here is the picture of Elsa Saijo)

The Servant looks at the serious look on his Master's face and thought, "What is Elsa thinking? She has been like this since meeting with Saber's Master at Mt. Okutama."

Of course, his Master tried her best not to show him about her trouble. But who is he? As an Archer class Servant, he must have excellent eyes.

When he lived as a flesh and blood human and not as a Heroic Spirit, the great king Manuchehr who was directly descended from dragon slayers said, "Your body is a blessing that was brought over time from the old Age of the Gods, it is your most precious asset that is difficult to exchange, and if that's the case it is for that reason that you also possess such an unusual power in those eyes."

Of course, he nodded and replied with simple two words, "I see." He was so embarrassed whenever he thought back about the subject. He was so happy and delighted that he nodded and said a rude word to his king. Of course, because his king forgave him, he was not charged with rudeness.

Thinking about the great king he served during his time, he couldn't help but look at the person he is currently serving. Because of his abilities, he was registered on the Throne of Heroes. And now, he was summoned by his current Master in 1991s.

"A Magus," he couldn't help but think. What he knew about magus is that they are a selfish bunch who are a pain in the arse. When he spent time with her, he never thought there would be a magus like her.

A mother who had given birth to a child once. A mother who is currently mourning for her dead son while participating in a battle royal deathmatch. "A fine woman," that is what he thought about her. Even her wish for the Grail is also not very selfish. Her wish is for all mothers and children to be saved.

Of course, with the eyes of his, he could get to know more about his Master. But… he chose not to. Because, if he does, it would be like forcibly stripped her clothes off and looking at her in the nude. He does not want that. So, he tried not to know her using his eyes. Not to the person whom he should show his gratitude.

"Archer…" Elsa muttered.

Archer heard the voice of his second Master. The first Master he served being the kind and just king during his time as a warrior. His second Master is far different from his king. Of course, he also didn't expect it from her. But, when he got summoned, he had decided to follow his Master's every step. He will have no hesitation.

"Something wrong, Master?" he asked.

"Nothing," she replied. Her green eyes are glued to the floor.

"Is that so? You can rely on me, Master. As your Servant, it is my duty to make sure you are okay. And I might even do you favors," he cheekily said.

"Really?" she asked.

"I don't tell very many lies," he grins.

"Very many, what does that even mean?" Although she does not look up, Archer could see that she smiles a bit.

"Only a bit, huh?" he thought.

She then looks up at the horizon. Archer gazes at her face. The woman's face had been marked by her girlishness, so much so that he couldn't possibly think of her as a mother. But he could see a shadow in there.

"So, something must have happened at Mt. Okutama," he thought.

He could still remember that day. After facing Rider together with Saber and Lancer, he found something inside her had broken when he came back. She cried so hard that he remembered he held her slender shoulders while she was crying. He didn't question her what had happened. Today is the third day since then, but he still won't question her. Even if it had become the main cause for influencing the trends of the Holy Grail War.

"Sorry but this is something you must decide and face yourself, Elsa. You must live. This thing will continue for your life, after this battle too," he thought himself. Even if this decision will affect the fate of a Servant like himself. He won't be always there for her to give her advice and guide her. So, he just waited. As a human, she should decide her own final destination for herself.

No matter how much time she takes, he would wait for her. But, after 10 seconds, he heard her decision.

"Save Tokyo," she said while looking at him. Their gazes intersected. He gave her a heartful smile. At least she has decided for herself.

"It was that lad's words, isn't it," he said. He would not forget about that young man.

"Yes, that was the wish of Berserker's Master," she nodded her head. He noticed that she replied to him with the past tense.

He could still remember that time when they had encountered each other in Akihabara. He also made an impact on both his Master and him. What that young man's said was still resounding in his mind.

"I want to save Tokyo. I want to stop the Grail War," those were what he said. Those eyes of his are full of determination. But alas, that boy couldn't make it.

"Do you believe that? He said he wants to protect Tokyo. Even though he knew I am a Magus," she added.

That's true. The boy said, "Because I have friends and the girl I like in this city, I will save this city no matter what. With the help of my friend Berserker, I will stop this Holy Grail War."

He knew that the boy was too naïve and too idealist. But he couldn't find fault in that. Every hero starts with small steps after all. Now, he knows what his Master had decided without even asking.

He will give praise to the boy together with his Master. He will cheer for the wish that the boy held dear and that his Master succeed. He will draw out his bow willingly. For his Master's sake and all of the people living in this city's sake.

Tonight will be the decisive battle of the Holy Grail War. It is them or the Pharaoh. Rider is the strongest Servant in this War. The future of the War is depending on this battle. The Pharaoh said he would turn Tokyo which was the greatest city in the Far East into scorched earth together with all of the more than 10 million people. Why would he, a hero, turn his eyes blind on this? After all, heroes are the ones that save people.

"Archer, I wan―," his Master started.

"It's okay, Master. You don't need to continue. You've decided and I nodded on it. I'm fine with it," Archer class Servant named Arash cut off while his Master is speaking.

This talk between the honorable and cheerful Persian hero Arash and his strong and newly determined Master Elsa Saijou ended after the sun starting to rise.

Oswald POV

Today, Nobu just decided to laze all day inside the house and binge watch The Dollars Trilogy and The Godfather Trilogy. She seems to like The Godfather Trilogy.

"Nobu, what will you do at today's battle?" I asked.

"Me? What can I say? I'll just wing it," she replied. I deadpan at her.

"I am serious, Nobu. If what I know about Rider is true, he will without doubt try to blow up the ships stationed at the Tokyo Bay. And you will also be forced to interfere," I keep staring at her.

"I know. And I already can't wait to blow off some steam," she gave me a toothy grin.

I sighed. I can't help but shake my head. I stand up and prepare myself to go out. "Nobu, I will go to church to prepare for the mass mind wipe tonight," I told her from the door.

"Okay!" Came from the sofa inside the living room.

Since it is only eight in the morning, I've decided to walk to the church. As I was walking, I just passed through the apartment of Berserker's Master. I stopped in front of it and thought, "Hmm… it won't hurt to check it for a bit, huh?"

(Here is the picture of Tatsumi Kitano)

I arrived at the door and I sensed someone inside. "Hmm? Someone is inside. Who could it be? It is not a magus," I thought.

As I opened the door slowly and went inside the room quietly, I saw a brown haired young girl laying her head on top of the table. There are two teacups on the table and it seems she was sleeping on top of the paper. She clearly stayed up late. And she seems to cry all night too. There are trails of dried tears on her face.

"Big brother," she mumbled.

Ah… I see. She is the little sister of late the Tatsumi Kitano, Tamaki Kitano. Seeing her with this face aches my heart and make my resolution waver.

(Here is the picture of Tamaki Kitano)

I decided to leave the apartment without waking her up. Sigh, why does it have to be this way? Was it because I didn't finish Assassin back then? Was it because I tried to stay true to canon? Does canon even worth following? How laughable. I only understand this near the end of the war.

I now understand why the Grail act as Ruler's Master instead of other magus. I can't interfere even if I want to. I can't even save the Masters from dying. And the blood of those who died in this Grail War will be on my hand. Masters or not, they are still living human beings. I have been treating this life as some sort of fiction since I got back the previous life's memories. This life's memories were overshadowed by my previous life's memories and I had been treating it like nothing happened. I of this life might be an enforcer and hunt down heretical magi, he won't shy away from helping those in need.

I should have thought about this. It is almost a year since I got my memories back and only after seeing a heartbroken little girl's face did, I suddenly got enlightenment? At least better late than never.

"If there is a hand reaching for help, and I don't reach out my hand when I can, the regret would make me wish I were dead... I reach out my hand because I don't want that." I thought about the quote I've heard before. I shook my head. Only now, I understand what you said Eiji (1). I didn't help Tatsumi even though I can help him. It… leave a bad taste in my mouth.

With now newly resolved mind, I kept walking toward the church. It seems there aren't many people inside the church. As I went inside the church, I was greeted by the overseer from the church side.

"Ah, I welcome you Master of Ruler. What bring you here?" asked Sancraid Phahn.

"I came here to check on the preparation. How are things going?" I replied and ask a question.

"Everything is going smoothly. And helpers from HQ just arrived yesterday. We will be able to prevent people from knowing about the existence of magecraft. Are you sure we will be needing over 30 people? Even for me, that number seems overkill," he replied.

"I know what you mean. But trust me. Rider likes to go flashy and many people will see him doing that. And if possible, just alter their mind. Do not kill them," I said to which his face fell a little. It seems he will kill some people on the pretext of protecting the information of the moonlit world.

"I will try. And, what about the people related to Berserker's Master?" he asked.

"I… will handle it. You don't need to alter their mind. After all, being forgotten is more painful, right?" I replied.

"And also, I would like to inform you about something."

I raised my eyebrow, "Is that so? Please do."

"People are missing. The information I got from the eyewitnesses is that a drill comes from the underground, stabbed the victim, and dragged them down like there is no ground below. Of course, I need to alter the eyewitnesses' memories," he stated.

This is troubling. The drill from underground. I got nothing about it. And Beast shouldn't be awakened. It is still too soon. And without mana from Servants, it shouldn't have wakened yet. I will solve that later date.

I turned toward the overseer, "You will try to save them as much as you can. I will handle it after I finished today's battle. If you see the drill coming from the ground, order others not to fight it. Just run."

"I understand," he replied.

After that, I left the church and head back home to save strength for tonight's battle.

At midnight, 3rd POV

People could see some kind of huge structure on top of Tokyo Bay. For normal people, it looks like a mirage. Because the people from church are manipulating the media by saying the temple is "a mirage which generated on top of Tokyo Bay."

The thing on top of Tokyo Bay includes many huge temples. It is facing toward Miura Peninsula and seems to invite the man near it. The man is naturally Saber. As he went inside, he had realized that he was looking at a great hallway that had huge pillars standing in a row, it was huge wherever he went.

Because Saber came at the right time, the Pharaoh does not intend to burn down Tokyo yet. The mount hero's words which said "My words are absolute," weren't a great lie. As Saber kept on walking, he had felt a little shake from the outside. Saber noticed everything just before the impact due to his sharp vision and understood. In other words, the US Navy Pacific Fleet's Ticonderoga class cruiser carried out several degrees of firing using a Mohawk cruise missile against this unknown huge structure that appeared on top of Tokyo Bay.

The Pharaoh said nothing. Looking down on Saber from his throne with unimpressed eyes while putting his chin on top of his knuckle. He looked outside and waved his hand. For Rider, he had invited only 3 Servants out of the remaining Heroic Spirits. In other words, there were people with modern weapons, and if they showed hostile intentions even for a second, there was only death.

At the wave of his hand, a ball of light is formed on top of the temple. Then it fired at the ships and airplanes.

Saber who saw this, "Rider! You bastard, you've really―"

At that time, thousands and thousands of muskets form a circle in front of the army force and shield it with many layers of unending muskets.

And a woman's voice was heard from the distance, "Rider! By my command seal, I order you―"

(1) Eiji Hino, the main character of Kamen Rider 000

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