
Moonlit Chronicles of the Unambitious Magician

This is the story of a young man who was reincarnated in Nasuverse and remembered the memories of his past life four years before the Fourth Fuyuki Holy Grail War with a Yamato from Devil May Cry. This is the first time I write something. Thank you for having me. Thank you Izumi Yamazaki for the cover photo. Oz and Lorelei looks amazing! Twitter account of the artist: @izumi_yamazaki7

Zimrence · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 15

And, here I am. Resting for a while after finishing my exam. I thought the exam would start on 8th. But it ends on 8th and started on 4th. But I got 4 5* in FGO before that unlucky moment. So, I could take it as a win.

I got Muramasa on 1st. (JP)

Cleopatra on 3rd. (NA)

Sigurd on 4th. (NA)

Then Super Orion on 5th. (JP)


It is already night and I went out as I have something to do. I tucked Misaya in her bed. As she is currently too scared to sleep alone, I left Nobu to sleep together with her. And currently, I am standing in front of the Sajyou mansion.

I have something to talk about with Caster. And with a pair of Master and Servant down, the Grail War is going to get crazier. Though I know that Rider will wreak havoc at the Tokyo Bay 2 days later as I was watching when he declares war on the three Servants.

When I got in, I saw Assassin together with a zombie. I flinched at the sight of him. A young boy who wants to be a hero dies and has become a zombie, the one in front of me. That's right, the zombie I am seeing is none other than the former Master of Berserker, Tatsumi Kitano.

It seems Caster already turned him into a zombie. And Manaka who is walking beside me seems to notice the flinch. We walked through the hallway and arrived in the lobby. It seems the head of the Sajyou family is not present tonight.

I sat down on the couch and Manaka also sat down beside me.

"Do you need something, Oz?" she asked.

"I came here because I need to talk with Caster about something," I replied.

"Well, I can make him come here with the command seal. Do you want me to?"

"No, I can wait."

Later, Saber also came and sat down in front of me. As usual, we talked about this and that before a homunculus came and said that a guest is arriving at the door.

"Hmm… strange. I am sure no one is to arrive at this hour," Manaka said.

"Let him in," she said again after thinking for a while. But this time, she has a smirk on her face.

After a while, a short young boy with a pretty face, white hairs wearing some kind of the clothes of noble from middle age. He gave us a bow like how nobles do.

"I thank you for letting me inside the house. My name is Franck Prelati. It is an honor to meet you Miss Manaka Sajyou. And you too Arty. Never thought I would be seeing the male version of you soon," the young boy said.

But I didn't hear anything more as I lost myself at 'Prelati'. That name, that god damn name. That is the name of True Caster and his Master from True and False Holy Grail War. And his name even starts with 'Fran' just like them!

I was too naïve. The reason he doesn't take part in the Fuyuki Holy Grail War is because of Matou Zouken. But without him, of course, he would be here.

I quickly grabbed Yamato, open my Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and points the blade tip toward about 4 feet away from him.

"What are you doing here?" I growled. His previous position vanished and appeared in front of me, raising both of his hands.

"Wow, Mystic Eyes. This is the first time seeing that kind of eyes. What kind of eyes is that?" he asked cheekily.

"Answer what I asked or I will make the count higher than Touko Aozaki," I deadpan. If it was before this Holy Grail War, I would be afraid to go against him. But after being trained by Vergil himself? I could at least kill him several times before he goes hide-and-seek.

His illusions won't work on me because of my Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. Even if he used his illusions on me, I will still the original him with death lines. Let's see. When fighting against him, whatever has the death line is real and which doesn't is an illusion.

His eyes go sharp, glanced at Manaka, then glare at me. After that, he sighed. "I came here to meet Arty. Old spirits from Britain, although wanting to help him, couldn't because there isn't enough Mystery left in the World to get them to Tokyo from their lake in Britain. So, they asked me, their former student to come and give you a hand."

I keep staring at him and lowered my katana. This is not my place. It would be rude to point another's guest with a katana while I, myself am also a guest.

"Fine," I said. "You can do whatever you want as long as he asked for your help." I point at Arthur. I know Arthur will not accept the help.

"Sorry, I must refuse your help. This is my war and it won't be fair for other participants if I get outsiders' help," Arthur replied when the boy and I look at him.

"Is that so? Then, I will return to my place. Good night, everyone."

"Wait, as an overseer of the war I would like you to leave this city tonight." I know how he works. And he will be staying in the city until the war ends and while causing mayhem.

"An overseer, huh? Fine then. I will listen to you this one time. Don't expect another," he left while glaring hole at me.

Manaka, who was silent the whole time, looking at me with a smirk. There was a glitch in my mind. I saw a young girl at the age of around 17 with dark brown hair having a vulpine smile on her face. I said the first thing that came into my mind. "Oh boy, it is code Lisa."

Wait?! What? Who is this girl? I had never seen her before. That's for sure. But she is very familiar. I feel like she is someone to who I could trust my life. This is getting ridiculous. First, there are Ruler and Lancer. And now, this young girl.

"What is code Lisa?" Manaka asked.

"Oh, nothing. What were you going to talk about?" I asked trying to change the topic.

"Oh, it is just that seeing him, I know what to do about my certain problem," she replied.

"Hmm? You having a problem? That's new."

"Well… Oz, I love you," she said trying to catch me off-guard.

"The answer is still 'No' young lady. And I almost forgot. Arthur, I would like to record a video about…" I whispered the content into his ears while Manaka pout at it.

"Why?" he asked.

"Well… I might meet him sooner or later. I thought it would be better if he knows about it."

Arthur nodded heavily. "I see… If I must."

Later, Caster came out of his workshop and I went inside his workshop together with him after talking in front of the door. I came out from there after a discussion.

"I will be going back home now. Thank you for the hot chocolate by the way. Tell Assassin that she makes a fine hot chocolate." I said while going out. I saw Assassin near the entrance together with Ayaka. I patted both of their head and went outside.

Nobu is still awake when I got back home. "Welcome back," she said.

"I am back. Why are you still awake?"

"Can't sleep. I kept dreaming that Beast is currently awake and waiting for his summon into this world," she shuddered. "Sorry, I don't have nice memories with 666."

"So, how strong are we compared to full power Beast?" I asked.

"Well, if I am to give example the way you know, we are Naruto at the start of his journey together with Jiraiya to find Tsunade and Beast is Edo Tensei(ed) Madara," she said.

"We are doomed." That is all I could say.

"We can still nuke it with Saber's Noble Phantasm if it doesn't get his full power."

"I see. And Nobu, how did you know about Naruto? This is currently 1991 and Naruto is going to be published in 1997," I stared hard at her.

"It would be better if you don't know about it now. I promise I will tell you after this war," she looks away. I decided not to push further.

I still haven't told Lorelei about my participation in the Grail War. Well, I think I should tell her now. I don't want to test my luck against Rider. It is 3 in the morning here. I think it should be 6 in the evening there.

I tried calling her with the phone, magus version, after changing back into the pajama. I will take a full rest tomorrow.

"Yes?" I heard the voice from the other side.

"Lorelei? It's me, Oswald."

"Oh, Oz. Surprisingly, you called with this. Do you need something?" she said.

"Well…" I drawled out.

The queen froze, "Oz, what did you do?"

"Well, I was minding my own business."

"Bollocks!" Oh my god. She swore! That's new.


"What *did* you *do*?"

"I was bored. So, I took a trip to Tokyo after leaving Sigma at the Fujimuras, a friend I made there. After arriving, I took a walk in the park at night." I answered.

"Let me ask again. You left Sigma at your friend. Just to visit Tokyo as a trip. Then, you took a walk?" she asked.

"A *very* enthusiastic walk," I replied.

"And? What happened to your very enthusiastic walk?"

"Well, my right hand started itching and I saw a blinding light in front of me. When the light died down, a figure standing there. Then she started asking me if I were her Master and I replied with a 'Yes'." I narrated.


"She said she is a Ruler servant and will be overseeing the war named Holy Grail War together with me. Then today, I met a young boy named Franck Prelati. I put my katana's tip at his throat, then scared him off with my Mystic Eyes. And that's it!"

I heard a sigh and the sound of her rubbing her temple. Then she asked, "You said Holy Grail War, right? And Ruler class Servant?"

"Yup," I replied.

"Oz, are you telling me that, on your *little* walk, you had become a Master of an Extra class Servant that only theoretically possible to be summoned. Then you scared off the vermin that didn't die even after being killed one time each by 4th (Zelretch), 14th (Van-Fem) of the Dead Apostle Ancestors, and thirty-one times by Touko Aozaki. Correct me if I am wrong."

"Yup! Those are correct."

"I would strangle your neck if you are in front of me. You are to come and report me all about it after the war ends. This is an order," she ordered.

"Yes, 'mam." Even if I am her fiancé, she is my superior. I need to listen to her if she uses the word 'order'.

"You are not calling me just because of these things. Tell me. What wrong?" she asked.

Damn, she's sharp. "Well, there might be a very big battle, let's see, it is already 3:15 in the morning. So, tomorrow. We will be having a big battle tomorrow. And if the battle becomes big and affects non-magus, I would need to interfere. I won't know if I would make out alive. I could trust Ruler to protect me, but she would need to keep the enemy busy."

Lorelei kept silent. After more silence, "This is the direct order from the Vice Director of the Clock Tower. Fes rank, Enforcer Oswald Kingsley, you are to report to the Queen without fail after finishing your current assignment as a Master of Ruler."

Oh my, she pulled out the big gun. "Yes, my Lord."

"That will be all. You are dismissed." And she hanged up the communicating device.

"What to do? I have a very demanding fiancé," I muttered with a smile.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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