
Moonlit Chronicles of the Unambitious Magician

This is the story of a young man who was reincarnated in Nasuverse and remembered the memories of his past life four years before the Fourth Fuyuki Holy Grail War with a Yamato from Devil May Cry. This is the first time I write something. Thank you for having me. Thank you Izumi Yamazaki for the cover photo. Oz and Lorelei looks amazing! Twitter account of the artist: @izumi_yamazaki7

Zimrence · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 06

We took a flight back to London. Sigma was quiet all the way. Really. This kid is far too quiet. I know he went through a lot. But, at least say something. It won't hurt to talk with your adoptive father. Is this the life of parenthood? I mean, having a son half of your age doesn't sound bad.

After landing at the airport, we went a separate way with Kirei.

"I'll go and report to the Queen," I said. I can't tell others that the Queen is my fiancé and disrespect her in front of others. I need to refer her with the proper title.

"Yeah, I'll also be reporting to the church. By the way, what will you do about the kid?" He glanced at Sigma who is still standing beside me without moving. Seriously, he is acting like a soldier.

"Well, I'll be taking him to see his new mother."

Kirei raised his right eyebrow at that but says nothing.

"I see. Good luck with that. You might get killed for bringing a kid without discussing with her first."

Oh god. I totally forgot about that. What should I tell to Lorelei? Meh, I'll go with the flow.

"I know. And don't forget what you promised me."

"Very well," he said while thinking about something.

Sigma is still silent and standing far away while we were talking. After saying farewell to Kirei, Sigma and I go straight to the clock tower. It's only been 4 days but I'm already missing my home.

"I know you are already tired of traveling but I'll be reporting to my superior. After that, let's go to your new home," I said while turning my head toward him.

"Okay," came the monotone reply.

"And we will be seeing your new mother. I'm sure you will like her. Just like you, she doesn't talk much aside from job related and she is not into romance," I said. I'm sure they'll get along well.

I just hope she doesn't slap a sealing designation on Sigma when she learned that he had become a Lance class servant in the future. Who am I kidding? Of course, she would. I'm the only exception for her. And she would stop me from getting involved. She must not know about this.

Sigma's eyes went wide, "You are married? You?!"

Okay. This kid is pissing me off.

"Why are you asking me like you don't believe me? Didn't you listen when we were talking? I'm not married yet. But I have a fiancé. So, naturally, she will be your mother in the future."

"Okay." And, he went silent again. He doesn't talk much, does he? He must be shy. Fine by me. Thus, we got to the clock tower. And I went straight to Lorelei's office. I knocked on the door gently three times.

"Come in," I heard the reply from the other side of the door.

I told Sigma to wait in front of the door for a while and I went into the office. The papers are stacked perfectly like always. And I turned to Lorelei.

"I'm here to report that the job is done," I said while standing in front of her desk.

She said nothing and walk toward me and start patting my body here and there.

"There's nothing wrong with the body. There're no bite marks. All are good," she said. After that, she went back to her desk and sit on her chair like she did nothing.

"Thank you, Oz. How was the representative of the church?" she asked.

"He's great. We quickly became friends," I replied while flashing a generic shonen smile, not knowing that my smile has turned into Gintoki's smile.

She sweats dropped at my smile. "That's good. Anything else?"

"Yeah, about that Dead Apostle. He can transfer his soul to other bodies just like Roa."

She immediately stands up. "What?!"

"What do you mean, 'What?!'?" I asked.

"You know exactly what I meant!" she shouted.

"Well, he is still at his second reincarnation. So, he is still weak compared to Roa. He became a potential Ancestor because of that skill. Nothing to worry about others. Our report on he could cut anything that comes his way is also false. His sword couldn't even cut my reinforced knife."

"And? How did you deal with that?"

"With my Mystic Eyes," I replied. There's no use lying to her. If someone knows about my eyes, it would cause trouble. With Lorelei knowing first, she could help me with those troubles.

"Your Mystic Eyes?" she raised her brows. "This is the first time I've heard about you having a Mystic Eyes. Is it because you don't trust me with this information? Is it because you think I might do something to you?"

I sigh, "No. It is not because I don't trust you. It is because of the way that led me to have this Mystic Eyes."

"So, how did you get that Mystic Eyes?" she asked.

"It was a near-death experience," I replied.

She widened her eyes. She looked at me like she couldn't believe me. "When?! I made sure you won't have any trouble when we were together! I even made sure to manipulate the tasks you got to be easy with your experiences!"

What? I didn't know about her manipulating my tasks.

"There was something I haven't told you," I said, gaining her attention. "I was together with my family 10 years ago, at the moment when they died."

"Why haven't I heard about this? And you didn't look like you went to the hospital at that time. You would be covered in bandage at the funeral if you went to the hospital," she looked quite alarmed.

"It is because I didn't go to the hospital. I woke up near the place where the accident happened, completely fine. I woke up seeing things I'm not supposed to see. I was freaked out. It was when I know how to manually turn on and off my Mystic Eyes."

"So, it seems someone saved you from your death. Even if it hurts my pride, I must thank that person for saving you. So, the near-death experience is your trigger to have that Mystic Eyes?"

"Yes. Although I was completely fine after that accident, the damage is dealt with. I had already immersed in 'death'. Thus, gaining these eyes. As for how I know about the way I get, there was a note beside me when I woke up."

"Then, why didn't you tell me about it sooner?"

"Because I can't remember anything before the accident and after that. And I forgot about it," I replied.

She deadpans at me. "Fine. It seems like a memory wipe spell that is mostly used by Enforcers. Then tell me. What is the name of those eyes?"

"Dea… Per…" I muttered.

"Speak louder. I can't hear anything."

"Mystic Eyes of Death Perception," I replied.

She looked shocked. "That unique eyes? That rainbow ranked eyes?"


She sighed and looks up at the ceiling while putting a hand on her forehead. "Thank you for letting me know. It's better late than never. And I need to give you a color rank because of this. You know that this is both good and bad, right?" she asked.


"But I won't be adding which type of Mystic Eyes in the report. And you already had a nickname 「The Queen's Dog」. So, it won't be hard to give you a reward for your services. Although you won't be able to rank up from your current rank 'Fes', you would gain a color rank," she said.

"Thank you."

"No problem. Now, onto the case of that potential ancestor, how did you deal with it?" She asks me again.

"With my Mystic Eyes and my Origin," I replied. "With my Origin, 「Cut and Connects」, I cut his soul before he runs away."

"This is the first time you tell me your origin. And you were really lucky to have that origin when hunting that Dead Apostle. I really envy your luck," said Lorelei while closing her eyes and nodding.

Do you really think that my luck is that good, woman? My luck is almost as bad as EMIYA's.

"Ah, by the way, Lorelei. I got myself a son if you don't mind," I said.

She looked flabbergasted. To be honest, this is the first time I see her like this. I threw a bomb at her, didn't I? I'm such a sinful man. I should go and see Kirei immediately.

"With who?"

Huh? What did she just say? Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t! Her eyes are becoming empty. Why did I have to forget about it!? Why did I have to forget that Lorelei is a fu*king Yandere!

"Who did you get pregnant?! As a noble, I don't mind polygamy but you are to marry me first. Before you marry me, you can't make any woman pregnant!"

Wait, what? That was what she worried about? I looked at the door and called out, "You can come in now."

Sigma silently came in and stood in front of me. I put both of my hands on his shoulders and turn to Lorelei.

"Lorelei, meet my son, Sigma. Adoptive son, to be precise. I met him on my way back and decided to adopt him on the spot."

Lorelei deadpan at me. What!? I didn't do anything wrong. Okay… adopting a kid without discussing with her. I was wrong, okay?

"You know that you can adopt him as your brother, right?"

"But I've always wanted a son," I tried to reason her.

"A son with half your age? I know we can't still marry because of circumstances but seriously, Oz?"

I pout at her. I know I could adopt him as my brother. But I would need to call Maiya as a mother if I did that. I don't want to call that stone face my mother. No. Nuh-Uh. Yada. Now that I think of it, my mind became much fickler after reincarnating. Meh. I'll leave it just that. It doesn't sound bad.

"Yup, I'm serious. This kid here will be my, no, our son," I replied.

"Fine. You win. But! He will bear the name of Barthomeloi."

"What?! He'll be bearing Kingsley's name. I couldn't let him enter your political struggle!"

I know I'm a d*ck for saying that to her but who would like their child to enter the political struggle of old coots? Not me. And Sigma is still silently listening to our discussion.

"I know what you are thinking and I understand it. But he *will* bear the name of Barthomeloi. There will be no longer discussion about this," she said with a stern tone. "I want our first and second child, adopted or not, to bear Barthomeloi name. We agreed on this."

Yes, I agreed with that. I have no choice, aren't I? "Fine, I agree."

"Next, he won't be studying in the clock tower until he finishes high school. I will let you take care of him until then. After that, when he comes to the clock tower, I will take care of everything he needs. After graduating from here, he will help the heir of Barthomeloi in every way," she further implied.

Now, that takes too far. "Lorelei Barthomeloi! No! I've always listened to your advice and order because they are reasonable. But, not this time. Not when it includes our child. I agree up with him studying in the clock tower. But after that, he can do as he pleases. He can walk the path he chooses. Neither you nor I could decide that for him."

We are doing a staring contest. This is the first quarrel we had since we knew each other. We might joke around each other but it was not a quarrel. Damn. The back of the right hand is itching.

Lorelei finally gives in, "Fine, you can do as you pleased."

"Okay, will you be coming home tonight?" I asked.

"Yes, but I'll be late. I still have things to do. So, he will be our first child, heh? Sigma Barthomeloi. Kid, do you want to change your first name?"

"No. I've grown attached to it," our little boy replied.

"Suit yourself," she said.

Damn. Why is it itching so much? As you guys have known, my current rank is Fes. Next 2 more ranks and I'll be at Brand.

"If you don't have any more to add, we'll be going," I spoke.

"Yes, you can go now. And Oz?" she called me.


"You'll be sleeping on the couch tonight. I may love you but I still have my pride," she said while smirking at me.

"O-Okay," I replied with sorrow. I came back home after 4 days yet I couldn't cuddle Lorelei.

When I came out of the room, I took out a piece of paper from my wallet. It is a letter. It said,


I've saved you. I'll come for you when both the time and you are ripe enough.



I still don't know who A.A is. But that person won't get me easily. When trying to put away the letter, I saw the back of my right hand.

I have some kind of red mark on the back of the right hand. No. It can't be. Isn't it too soon? Kirei only got his next year. While I'm pondering, I saw an Asian enforcer reading an international newspaper, "Keiyo Line opens between Tokyo and Chiba" as the heading.

This year is 1990. When I saw Tokyo, it all falls into place. Fuck! Why did I forget about it! I looked a little pale and muttered, "The First Tokyo Holy Grail War."

Wow, I've never thought that this version will be 1k words longer than the previous one.

In this chapter, you will see the major change in choice our MC took.

You didn't expect to see the First Tokyo Holy Grail War here, didn't you?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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