
Moonlit Chronicles of the Unambitious Magician

This is the story of a young man who was reincarnated in Nasuverse and remembered the memories of his past life four years before the Fourth Fuyuki Holy Grail War with a Yamato from Devil May Cry. This is the first time I write something. Thank you for having me. Thank you Izumi Yamazaki for the cover photo. Oz and Lorelei looks amazing! Twitter account of the artist: @izumi_yamazaki7

Zimrence · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 05

Sorry to tell you guys, but I would only be able to update 3 or 4 chapters a week. I'm really sorry about that.


"Let's have some fun," I said with a savage grin on my face. Both Kirei and Silvan looked stunned. I touched my face and I look scary as hell. Hey! That's not my fault. Even I didn't know that I could make that face.

"Seems like I won't be able to talk my way out. I'll just have to kill you two and make my own path," said the vampire while readying his sword.

Wow. Am I hearing a chunni line? It's a chunni line, right? Damn. Who would think that the first time I would hear a chunni line is from the Dead Apostle? And when I look at his sword, it looks oddly like Zangetsu. And have you seen my face when he sent out the sword beam horizontally? I'll tell you. Zelretch would be laughing his arse loud when he sees my face. And as usual, I blame Zelretch for copyright infringement. I can understand if the sword oddly looks like Zengetsu, but why the hell is he using Getsuga Tenshou? Are you kidding me?

"Dammit!" I sent out a wave of wind slash just like his sword beam to cancel out each other.

Ha! Watching Lorelei's fighting from behind is not because I was scared. I was learning her techniques. Her techniques are complex. But nothing I can learn after watching her fight for years.

I shouted Kirei, "Kirei! You go fight to your heart content! I'll give you support from behind."


As the gusts of wind settled down, Kirei rushed to Silvan and fight him in close combat. I've only seen Kirei fight once on our way and I couldn't find enough words on how he handles things. I mean, he's fast and precise in attacking the opponent with his black keys. As expected of an Executor.

And now, the way he fighting the Dead Apostle is also the same. It seems like he is used to facing enemies beyond common sense. The Dead Apostle is undoubtedly stronger than him. But he's standing on even ground against him. I send out another airwave at them. Without me telling, Kirei dodged to the side, hitting Silvan on his face. Oops. I didn't mean to hit the face. Wow… he looked enraged.

"I love humans. But you guys, I won't hesitate to kill you guys now."

"Did you even hesitate before the shot on your face?" I replied.

Kirei swung his black keys towards Silvan's head. But Silvan instinctively block with his sword and countered with an uppercut to Kirei's chin. Then he kicked Kirei into the stomach and blast him through the wall. I can see the Kirei shaped hole in the wall. How much power did that kick pack? Uh-Oh… he's coming straight at me. Me and my big mouth.

He got in front of me suddenly and punched me in the face. I instinctively dodged my head to the side. But the pressure of the wind made a cut on my face. He slashed his sword downside toward my head. I quickly grabbed the combat knife from my pocket, hold it backward, and blocked it while reinforcing both my hand and the knife.

But I couldn't block the kick to my side. My feet rose off the ground and sent flying.

I balanced my body in a low position as I was sailed through the air. I managed to right myself in midair and got myself on the ground. To which, Kirei happened to be beside me. It seems he managed to get back from the outside while I was fighting with Silvan.

"You okay, Kirei?" I asked.

"I'll manage. I got careless, sorry."

"That's not your fault. By the way, you know Bajiquan, right? Do you think it would work on the Dead Apostle?"

"I don't know. I haven't tested it yet."

"Don't you think this is the perfect opportunity?"

"… I would test it on an easier opponent and I prefer fighting him with black keys."

We were talking while fighting and dodging the attacks from Silvan. After finish talking, I went back to support him from the back. While I'm supporting, I opened my Mystic Eyes. The red lines are all over the place. And the Dead Apostle has red lines over him too. Good. He is killable. I don't know how to use Yamato yet. So, I'll refrain from using it. It will kill me if I use it even when I don't know how to.

He has one on the neck, a big one on his torso, one on his left arm, one on his left knee. I can kill him if I cut the one on the neck or the one from the torso. Might be hard. But still possible. My knife is still usable. Good. And joined in the sword (?) fight with a knife. This is the first time fighting together with Kirei but oddly enough, we are in sync. Silvan watched in morbid fascination as my knife came straight at him. He tried to deflect it but, "Got you." I grinned.

I was not aiming at his body. I was aiming at the line from his left arm and to his knee. And surprise, surprise. The plan works. He won't be able to use his left side. Even Arcueid needs some time to recover from being cut. But when I was going to cut his head off, he blocked me with his sword. Damn. What a troublesome opponent.

He stood there with his one leg and an arm. Must be hard. And he looked really mad right now. I mean really mad.

"You! What did you do?! Why can't I regenerate?!" he asked.

Instead of replying, "Are you okay? Standing with one leg and all." I asked him a question back.

"I will kill you!" his eyes are bloodshot.

"What's up with your 'I love humans' thing? I'm also human, you know?" Damn. What a bipolar dude.

"Shut up! Don't you dare mock me like this."

"So, how would you like me to mock you then? I'll take it as a challenge." I smiled.

Without saying anything, he appeared to my side and sent a brutal punch into my face. It made me spins upside-down and I used the momentum to grab his neck with my legs and use hurricanrana on him. I know it won't be useful in a real fight but I could use it because I reinforced myself to the utmost limit.

When I laid on the ground, I saw a slash coming toward my neck. It seems that the apostle already got up and is out for my blood. How? He only has a leg and a hand! How could he able to stand up quicker than me? At that time, Kirei came to my rescue. He parries the sword with black keys and kicked Silvan to the side. Thank you, Kirei. I knew you are a good guy.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yes, I got careless," I replied.

"Be careful next time."

"I will."

And Silvan stood up from the rubble, using his sword as a cane. I wonder what his trump card is. He still doesn't use it.

"Now, time to kill you. This shall be your grave," I said.

"No! I can't die here! I still have many things to do! I won't let myself be stopped here!" he raged.

"Sorry, bud. We'll be ending you here."

"Do you think I will go down just like that?!"

Uh-Oh… He's going to use a suicide attack. But why is he using a suicide attack? He, himself, said that he doesn't want to die yet. But why? Oh… no… He can transfer his soul to another body. Dammit! Why haven't I thought about that? Why would he be a potential Ancestor without any trump card? He could transfer his souls to other bodies like Roa. Seems like this is his second body. That's the reason why he became the potential Ancestor. It finally makes sense. Luckily, I can kill souls.

"Oh no, you don't." Cutting off his head, I immediately opened my Mystic Eyes and look around. I see some red lines moving and quickly went there and cut it.

"What?! How?!" he exclaimed.

"Don't worry. I'm gonna buy a cake when you're dead." With this last strike, his soul finally dies.

"What are you doing? Slashing your knife in the air," Kirei asked.

Damn… I looked dumb. And I quickly close my Mystic Eyes.

"Nothing. We have done our job here. Let's go back. I miss my home already. My sweet fiancé is waiting for me at home." I spoke.

"Okay," comes a monotone reply.

"Don't you also have a home to return to, Kirei? Like someone waiting for you at home?"

"… Yes, I do. I have a wife and a daughter waiting for me at home."

"Then take care of them, you hear me? They can be your support and strength in your time of need."

"My wife is terminally ill. She might only have a year or two to live at most."

"More the reason to look after her. When she died, you also need to look after your daughter. Kids will need all the support from his or her parents when someone close to them died," I reasoned. I love kids (not in a pedo way). But yes. I love kids.

Kirei is looking at me. No, staring at me.

"Don't stare at me like that. I won't be looking after your daughter. I'm still haven't had a wedding dammit. I don't want to be a father yet." I ranted.

"Okay. I'll try. I'll try to be a good father and a husband. You satisfied?"

"Yup," I popped a P sound.

Thank me, Claudia. I made your husband try to be a good father and husband.

Walking toward the train station, we saw a child carrying a guitar case at the back. Which, we hear some sounds of ammo and magazines. He looks about 10 years old. Too young to hold a gun. I can't watch it. I can't watch the kid holding guns at this age. So, I tried being a busybody.

"Hey kid," I said after running after him. Kirei followed behind me.

"Yes?" the kid replied.

"I want to ask you something. Aren't you too young to carry around the gun and ammo?"

He looked stunned. He narrowed his eyes and show bloodlusts while reinforcing himself. Hmm… he can use reinforcement. Not a normal kid. Noted.

"Its job related," he replied.

"Your job being?"

"Mercenary. I work as a mercenary," he said while reaching into his pocket for something.

"Too young to be a mercenary. Don't you have parents?"


"I'm sorry to hear that. I can't always call you 'kid' can't I? Can you please tell me your name?"

He squinted his eyes, "Sigma. My name is Sigma."

Code name, huh? Sigma? Sigma? Where have I heard that name before? Let's think about it later. I turned and looked at my partner.

"Well, Kirei. I'll be taking back what I've said before. I'll be adopting a kid."

What I said made Sigma shocked. "What?! Who said I'll accept you?!"

"Let me be honest, kid. You don't have a place you can call home, do you?" I asked to which he shook his head.

"You became mercenary because the one who raised you before only thought you how to kill, right? And it seems that the organization somehow got ka-boomed and you need to take care of yourself. The organization would never send out children this young as a mercenary. At least not without a supervisor standing by your side. So, kid. Come with me. I'll give you food and shelter. At least until you are old enough to stand on your own."

Like I've said before. A kid his age should be playing happily and making friends at school. Not on the battlefield. I can't save everyone on the earth but I could offer a helping hand when I see one.

He is looking at me and searching for any signs of lying. "Why would you help me? And why me?" he finally asks.

"Not specifically you. But because I can't watch a kid of your age on the battlefield. Even if who I meet is not you but someone else, I would still offer the same offer. And the plus is you know magecraft and I don't need to hide about it."

He widened his eyes, "How do you know that I can use magecraft?"

"When you reinforce yourself. You might be able to fool amateurs but not trained professionals."

"Fine. I'll accept your offer," he finally gives in.

"To others, you seem like you are kidnapping a child," snide Kirei from the side.

"Shut it Kirei. Just take it as I'm making allies on my way to search the Holy Grail."

"Holy Grail from Monty Python film?"

It was then, it hit me. It hit me hard. I wondered where I have heard the name 'Sigma'. Mommy. I just adopted a man who would become the True Lancer from True and False Holy Grail War. I'm sure Maiya would be royally pissed for I just adopted her son.

Fun fact: I made up Silvan's trump card on spot. I didn't have any ideas what trump card should I give him.

Claudia Hortensia took her own life 3 years before the Fourth Holy Grail War, which is the year 1991. We are currently in 1990. 1 year before her death. Can our Mapo Tofu man make his wife happy? I don't know.

As for Sigma, we don't know his birthday. And he was already born before the Fourth Holy Grail War. So, why not add him to the story now?

How do you like my improved fighting scene? I'm trying to improve my writing.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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