

Bungalow 13 where the rebellious and the loud had been housed due to a lack of space in his originally chosen dorm. Of the most prominent rebels in the school, The most infamous of the offenders in terms of rebellion and loudness, Conri F. Rollins, or "Conway" as everyone called him, unfortunately for Porter, they are forced to become bunkmates and he finds out the hard way what moonlight does to a high profile college wrestling jock.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 2: The Complexities Of Settling In

Porter's Room, Bungalow 13, Timber Creek School Of Fine Arts, Wakefield, U.S.A...

Nightfall had been upon them by the time Porter Fulton finally unpacked his last box and did away with any lingering articles of waste in terms of what was left over from his settling in. Being the neat freak that he'd always seemed to come in handy more often than not as he managed to clear away everything and unpack it neatly after establishing himself in his new room. The spacious apartment-like bungalow had been ideal for his new comfort zone even with the naked brute being across the front room and up to no good, but he could hardly blame him. If his body had not been so pathetically below average in terms of muscle mass and mediocre in the looks department he might have felt like a king of sorts among beautiful women as well.

Porter sighed as he plopped down onto his new bed, a single twin bed with a good deal of book casing and a few end tables that surrounded it, and stared up at the ceiling for a few moments. He couldn't get the image of his hulking brute of a roommate out of his mind as he sat in relative silence. His mind's eye once more traveled back to the brazen muscles and the thickness of the naked older boy's cock as he tried his best to ignore the visuals of it still being burned into his very brain.

He had never seen anyone like Conway Rollins before, especially not anyone naked and that strong in real life, a few magazines with naked women and a couple of smut vids had been his only experience with looking at another person's body that had been drastically different from his own and if he were honest, Conway looked as if he'd put the male blue movie stars to shame with his size and physique alone.

Porter sighed as he tried to ignore the rather uncomfortable bulge in the front of his trousers after envisioning the muscled older lad moving about their shared living space naked with his large thick cock jutting out before him. Before moving to this place, Porter had been curious about what it was like to be with the opposite sex, something he'd been trying to hide in terms of his throwing himself into his academic studies.

He had been nothing short of a loser back home and given to a good deal of conflicts due to his size and nature. He was only thirteen years old when he found out that he'd been born different in terms of not being as much of a boy as he was led to believe when he'd been a child. Puberty had been an absolute nightmare where his parents had taken him to the hospital due to lack of development and he was apparently misdiagnosed with Klinefelter Syndrome which required treatment of testosterone shots for a good deal of years before it was revealed to him that he'd actually been born intersex and developed female sex characteristics in addition to his already and now testosterone filled male ones.

For years his father, Clark Fulton, had dubbed him a "freak" due to him not developing into the kind of man's man he had envisioned him being when he'd been born. He had preferred cooking and being something of a bookworm as opposed to roughhousing and bruising quite easily due to his pale skin and as puberty advanced he became more aware of his less-than-masculine attributes. His older brother, Bobby Fulton, on the other hand, had been everything his father ever wanted in a son and thus he was largely ignored when his diagnosis had come out for Klinefelter Syndrome making him little more than a "whiny little girl" in his father's rather harsh dark brown eyes.

Being bullied at home had been made worse due to the fact that his mother, Andrea Fulton, always wanted a girl and got three boys, which included his baby brother, Stanley Fulton, well according to his father two and a half boys instead. She would try and implement him being more feminine when he had not been anything of the sort just lacking in the places his brothers had been more capable of being masculine. His mother only got worse in her attempts to make him into "the daughter she never had" when puberty came and he'd found himself succumbing to his second sexual characteristics more often than not.

The confusion of his development had led to Porter being attracted to both boys and girls growing up and he'd been unable to help it. He often referred to himself as bisexual just to try it out as it was easier than pretending he wasn't watching his blue movies for both the moaning blonds and the well-endowed studs whenever he'd been alone or with his older brother who often had them on the television whenever his parents had been out since he'd gone through puberty. His first blond bombshell had been due to his brother liking a particular actress and jerking it to her in the living room as a well-endowed stud pounded her depths on the big screen.

He'd been young when he first caught a glimpse of her moaning as she took the stud in over and over again. Porter had been unable to decide what he liked ever since and once puberty hit he'd found he enjoyed them both in his weary young mind, being the girl and the stud on occasion.

On this rather odd night so far away from the life he knew and the place he grew up in since birth, Porter Fulton found himself unable to sleep much as he noted the loud music coming from the bedroom of his hulking muscle brute roommate and recalled all too well the articles of clothes scattered about the front room.

He had guessed they were all having a good time despite his arrival as Conway had indicated as much before closing his bedroom door and ignoring his presence for the remainder of the night. Annoyed that he'd even been thinking about the older brute, Porter tried his best to get his mind on something else. He attempted to do a bit of reading but the noises from Conway's bedroom had been louder than the music after a while and curiosity had gotten the better of him.


The Front Room, Bungalow 13, Timber Creek School Of Fine Arts, Wakefield, U.S.A...

Porter sighed as he closed his book and tossed it toward the other side of his bed watching it land safely despite his tossing and climbed out of bed. He slowly ventured toward his front door and stepped out into the front room only to hear the music and the noises stop as the door to Conway's bedroom opened and he stepped out at the same time as Porter slick from what Porter imagined to have been sweat just as the wafting scent of sex filled the front room and his thick cock, slick once more from his activities had come jutting out before him.

"Shit you girls have definitely worked up quite a thirst for me," said Conway with a smirk as he closed the bedroom door behind him and ventured toward the kitchen.

Porter tried his best to keep from staring at the glistening naked older lad and proceeded into the kitchen under the pretense of getting a glass of water for himself before making the decision to venture back into his own bedroom.

"Settlin' in alright tidbit?" asked Conway his blue eyes fixated upon the smaller average-sized lad known as Porter with an arched brow.

"Y-Yeah," replied Porter nervously still finding the older lad to be quite intimidating when looking at him up close. "I-I'm doing alright."

"Good to hear," replied Conway as he grabbed another silvery can of ice-cold beer from the fridge in addition to the two in his hand and tossed it to Porter who rather clumsily caught it surprising himself yet again with his coordination due to him almost knocking off his glasses in the process. "Catch you later?"

Porter nodded as Conway once more headed back to his bedroom with the two beers in tow.

He let out a sigh as he watched the naked older lad go feeling the twitching of his own cock as it throbbed from the sight of the one before him.

"Shit," he hissed not at all liking that his body had a way of betraying him. He wondered if Conway noticed his arousal and then seemed horrified by the thought of it as he took the beer back toward his bedroom and firmly closed the door.

{"Great job Port, now he probably believes you are into dudes and thinks you're some kind of a fag."} he thought to himself.

With a sigh, Porter Fulton plopped back down onto his bed and sat the can on the end table beside him. It had been a very long day for him thus far and already he was feeling worn out from all the excitement, stress, and terror from his first day in college.