

Bungalow 13 where the rebellious and the loud had been housed due to a lack of space in his originally chosen dorm. Of the most prominent rebels in the school, The most infamous of the offenders in terms of rebellion and loudness, Conri F. Rollins, or "Conway" as everyone called him, unfortunately for Porter, they are forced to become bunkmates and he finds out the hard way what moonlight does to a high profile college wrestling jock.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 3: An Early Morning Blunder

Bungalow 13, Timber Creek School Of Fine Arts, Wakefield, U.S.A...

The call of nature had been one that even an exhausted Porter Fulton had not been able to resist as he slowly roused from his tumultuous slumber and slowly made his way toward his bedroom door. In the middle of the night, he had been under the impression that he'd taken off his shirt while attempting to get comfortable while sleeping only to toss it about the room in the middle of the night. Porter shuffled from the bedroom and out into the front room toward the bathroom where he'd been of the mind to relieve himself of the intense pressure on his bladder in the wake of climbing out of bed.

The cool air had not made his need any better as he moved about the front room ignoring the fact that the clothes belonging to the girls from the previous night had disappeared in the wake of their hasty morning exit from the living quarters and Conway's attire still littered the floor.

The door had been unlocked and Porter had been more or less on autopilot as he strolled into the steam-filled bathroom and up toward the toilet bowl where he had been only thinking of relieving himself to the point that he had not noticed the naked brute who had still been in the shower.

The shower had not been one with a thick curtain that blocked one's view of whoever had been inside even if someone had the unfortunate accidental experience of barging in on them like at his former home, as Porter soon found out when he turned to his left and noted the back of a rather soaked Conway Rollins standing beneath the warm water and lathering up from head to toe.

While he had seen the hulking brute of a man naked before, he had still been under the influence of the lingering effects of sleep and was quite shocked that he'd walked in on the larger rugged young man showering. Startled by his newfound discovery, Porter had forgotten that he'd been standing over the toilet bowl and ended up missing the mark entirely as he soaked the back of the toilet and some of the floor with his urine before catching himself.

"Oh fuck." he hissed nearly forgetting that he had not been alone in the bathroom with Conway still showering.

He clumsily attempted to aim properly before he'd been done and tried his best to look for a means of quickly cleaning up his mess before alerting the showering Conway as to what he'd been up to. He had been rather comical in his attempts to clean up the mess with a towel he found in the dirty clothes hamper as he had forgotten to pull up his boxers when standing at the toilet and subsequently slipped in his own urine and landed on his back in the middle of it on the bathroom floor.

The stinging sensation ran through his back and his head was sure to have a knot in the back of it as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he groaned getting the unwanted attention of the showering brute who had pulled back the steam-fogged glass door with all the water dripping off his well-chiseled frame as he glared at the rather embarrassed Porter Fulton in confusion and annoyance.

"What the hell dude!?" asked Conway getting out of the shower as the water dripped from his body.

"S-Sorry I forgot and I had to go really bad but then I noticed you were in here and by then it was too late and I fucked up and pissed in the wrong spot after noticing you were in here and then tripped in it," said Porter wincing as he felt the residual ache from his fall in urine.

"Fuck that's some shit to have to go through after only having barely woken up this morning," Conway said shaking his head. "Let's get you up off the floor then Pisspot and we'll get you sorted out soon enough."

Porter rolled his eyes at being referred to as "Pisspot."

He had taken notice that Conway was still naked when he reached his rather firm hand out to help get him up off the floor, unfortunately, Porter had not been as coordinated with his body as he had previously believed after awakening so swiftly and he ended up colliding with Conway as he had attempted to lift him up off the ground.

The both of them slipped in the combination of piss and water causing a completely naked and still shower-soaked Conway Rollins to land on top of a half-naked and now equally soaked Porter Fulton. The crushing of his smaller body beneath the impressive weight of the older rugged young man had not been as bad as the erection he had been unable to control when Conway's rather muscled thigh came into contact with his exposed smaller cock. Porter bit his lip and tried his best to bite back the moan that threatened to leave his lips as he looked up into the eyes of the hulking brute that had been his roommate.

"Well done pisspot, now I've got to get back into the shower," grumbled Conway as he glared down into the rather further embarrassed and highly aroused Porter's eyes.

He sighed and climbed off the younger lad and pulled him up once he'd gotten back to his feet in an impressive display of strength. Porter pulled up his boxers and did his best not to look at the massive throbbing thing between Conway's legs as he shook his head and made his way back to the shower. Porter watched him climb back inside as he turned his attention to cleaning up his mess and awaiting his turn for the shower.

Conway didn't seem to mind being naked around him, mostly due to there being no reason to after all he'd seen all of him on more than one occasion, and given that Porter knew the look of a jock when he saw one, he'd been in a good deal of lockerroom.

Porter left Conway to his shower mentally kicking himself for his awkwardness wondering just what the brute of a jock had thought of him and if he had signed up for another round of future namecalling with his being now referred to as pisspot from his new roommate. Having little choice in the matter, Porter turned his attention to getting ready for the day and his own turn in the shower once Conway got out of it and headed back toward his bathroom.

At some point, the older rugged young man had gotten dressed without a word and taken his leave possibly headed to his own classes to start off his own day. Porter stood beneath the running shower terrified about what other mishaps the new day would bring despite his attempts at starting a new life here in this new school.

Still despite Conway appearing to not have an opinion of his awkwardness one way or another, Porter had not much liked being addressed as "Pisspot" and made a mental note to tell him so.