
Moonlight Child

"...for the last year of High School, an 18 year old Sarah and her mom moves to a small city called Silverel. The idea of leaving her friends and old school behind was killing Sarah. She thought her life was over and her last year of high school was ruined. Later, by meeting few new friends she then began to realize that this town is filled with mysteries and secrets. Maybe this town will be able to help to find her true self, her destiny, and her long forgotten memories..."

Yuliya_Stetsko · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: Into The Abyss

Rainy day. In 25 Kilometres, turn right. Music is blasting through my ears, which helps to block the questions my mom keeps trying to ask me. My name is Sarah, I'm 18 years old, and my mom decided to move to Silverer, thanks to her being overprotective. I can't believe that my last year of high school will be spent in some shit hole of nowhere.      

       For the rest of the ride, I stared at the car window. I can't argue, but nature is amusing here. I was trying to remember every single detail. The colour of the grass. Birds that were sitting on the branches. The sound of the tires driving on the gravel road. This is healing, really. My thoughts were interacted by the GPS "You have arrived at your destination." No way. The anxiety, fear that was building inside of me grew with every second.

"Sarah, baby, welcome to our new house," my mom said optimistically to me.

       Me and my mom are in an okay relationship. Even though she lives in her own world all the time. I got into a big car accident five years ago, and I barely remember anything. One day I just woke up on the hospital bed with no clue of what's going on. I was prescribed to drink weird medicine, and it helps to keep my nerves down. I remember screaming a lot—also the pain. Sometimes, I have this strange dream of the battle, blurred faces, white light, and sharp pain again. My mom tries to avoid any kind of conversation about my past. She explained that she doesn't want to trigger anything terrible or something like that. Maybe that's for the best.

" I'm gonna get the staff from the back of the car, okay?" I said and went straight to my boxes without looking back. This is so depressing. Why would we move so far from everyone? How am I suppose to start a new life in the middle of nowhere? Why my last year of high school will be in some weird city where the population doesn't go over 2,000 people? This is so unfair.Our other staff arrived shortly after we unpacked most of the things.

" Sarah, please don't forget to drink your medicine!" she screamed from the second floor.

"Yeah yeah, okay will do," I said annoyingly, but the thing is, today is officially a week of me not drinking them, and I feel so much better. I can finally think straight and don't feel like I'm always high. I quickly disposed of the medicine and left for a walk around the city.

       The air is so fresh here. The birds were singing, and the sound of the waterfall was muting all the other unnecessary sounds. My ears were catching everything that was moving, and for a second, I felt like the wind was talking to me. I forgot what the true nature feels like, maybe this move is for the best.

       Following the trail, I went through a little forest, which later led me to the school that I suppose to go to tomorrow. The woods were so beautiful, so mysterious. I wonder how many bodies were buried here? Shit, wrong thoughts. Then I looked back again at the one floored school.

"Omg, I'm not ready."

       I'm scared, petrified. School is scary. Kids can be cruel, and teachers can break your dreams like a piece of glass. The school makes you question your worth and compare yourself to others a lot.

       I wonder if I'm going to make new friends. This part sucks. Instead I turn off my emotions and focus on my education. Don't waste my energy on people. I'm used to hiding my feelings from people. Others believe that I'm always happy, have a beautiful life, nothing can bother me and that I'm not scared of anything. The truth is, I'm scared. I'm afraid of myself. I have no idea what kind of person I was five years ago, I'm scared my mom is hiding something massive from me, and I'm scared to be betrayed.

       The sun began to go down, and that was a call for me to return to my new house. As I entered the forest to get back to my house , I began to wonder If they had any skating rings here? I stopped skating at the age of 14,due to unstoppable amount of injuries that were cause by my memory loss. There was something else, I don't really remember. My mom said that someone was trying to sabotage the competition. All I remember is the dark changing room, broken glass and the blood. A lot of blood. It felt like a dream to me. Or maybe a false memory?

"Ugh, my head". It began to heard so badly. Maybe trying to remember my old memories won't help me at all.

All of the sudden I heard the leafs breaking under someone's feet. Instinctively I took hand of rocks and hid behind the tree. All of the sudden I saw a boy on the bicycle.

" Oof I need to chill" I dropped the rocks and continued my walk. All of the sudden that dude stopped.

" You're new here?" Wow, he's so smart.

" Ha, ha ha yes I just moved here" no shit man.

"Our city isn't bad as you may think. I also moved here 1 year ago."

"Where are you from?"

"Chicago" he said. I got so happy that someone is from my city. I felt weight coming off my shoulders.

"Really? I'm from Chicago too." I tried to hide my excitement. " Do you like this city better that Chicago?" It came off my tongue suddenly, like I was looking for a comfort to hate this city even more.

" Actually, this city is more calm. The nature here...is something. Didn't have that back in Chicago" he laughed that off. He's right. The nature here is unbelievable. I looked up and meet with his hazel eyes. He's so pretty. His ginger hair was wavy, and brushed back. He was wearing a hoodie, a white hoodie. That's bald of him.

"I should probably go, it's getting dark" I said. Even though he's pretty, doesn't cancel the fact that he might be some psycho.

" Oh yeah you're right, I'll see you tomorrow at school?"

Shit. School.

"Yes yes, school, tomorrow" I said while tripping over my words. That sounded stupid stupid stupid. He smiled back warmly and cycled away on his bicycle.

The moon is so beautiful today, and the light gives me this weird hot feeling of not being a lot. My mom actually beliefs that the moon is very dangerous. She is crazy because of it. How many sleepovers have I missed because of her? She always locked herself and me in the basement with windows covered to make sure there was no sign of the full moon. According to the full moon predictors, tomorrow at 10 p.m., there will be a red moon, and I will try to go out at night without letting my mom know unless she knocks me out with a chair.

"Mom, I'm home!"...nobody answered. She probably left to get groceries. I decided that was a perfect time to rearrange my room and prepare for the next level of hell - highschool.

I went to my bed and was ready to dive into my thoughts. As soon as I closed my eyes I began to see an old nightmare again. Same scenario. People were screaming and someone was shouting my name "Sarah, no!". Then some white light breaks in and boom, that's it. I can tell exactly what happens in that dream. It's probably a hundredth time I have seen it.

I woke up in the middle of the night sweating like crazy.

"What's up with that dream? Why?"

I have no answer to that. Maybe my brain is messing with me. Maybe I'm just playing with my own imagination. Who knows? With these thoughts I slowly and peacefully fell asleep.