
Moonlight Carnival

It was in the sixth day of the sixth month when a blinding light appeared in the centre of our dear city. At the moment we didnt know what its significance was and even today theres not many who do...

Sebastian_Silva_6266 · Urban
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2 Chs

Moon light Carnival

It was in the sixth day of the sixth month when a blinding light appeared in the centre of our dear city.

At the moment we didnt know what its significance was and even today theres not many who do...



"Get out of here"!

"You dammed Harlot!!"

"I bet she was just trying to seduce him and it backfired on her…"

These were the kind of outrageous statements that bid farewell to Kana Asamiya on her last days of work on a random office from a random street.

One day she had noticed that a supervisor was taking advantage of one the girls that worked Kana had decided to whack him a little bit to teach him a lesson.

"You disgusting pervert!!" was her battle cry…

Now she has to live with the consequences of those actions.

"Bunch of ungrateful bastards!!" she screamed from outside the building with all the might that her lungs allowed. She had to unload all the stress that this situation had poured into her body so she screamed, bugged people and was an all-around jackass.

After about half an hour she was asked to leave and she complied, being quite tired already.

She made one last mocking expression towards the building, put on her oversized red jacket and went on her way.

From this day on she was unemployed, having only lasted a couple of months on this company.

"Why has destiny conspired against me so tragically!!" she screamed, intentionally making it as theatrical as she could while she roamed the main streets looking for something to do.

A couple of starry eyed school girls started laughing openly at Kanas buffoonery (other people in the crowd were certainly doing it too but with more subtlety) as if they were looking at some street performer.

This was what Kana was waiting for.

"HEY YOU BRATS, WHATS SO FUNNY!!" she roared at them and started to run towards them with her fists clenched.

The school girls screamed in terror and ran away as fast as they could from what they perceived as a crazy lunatic. Thanks to that they didn't notice that their pursuer had already stopped pursuing and was currently laughing her ass off.

"hahaha….school girls are so easy to tease…always a good way to better my mood", she said to herself before quickly exiting the scene with even more speed than the fleeing school girls did. After all, Kana thought, it would be bad if those brats went to a police officer or something like that.

This abrasive and violent girl, who some would call stupid and childish, was truly in a predicament.

A mix of two types of hate was brewing inside her: hatred towards those people in the company and hatred towards herself for lacking self-control and patience.

"If my parents could see me, they will surely laugh at me…he…"

After abandoning whatever plans they had for her for so many years that was the only reaction that Kanas mind could arrive at when it came to her parents.

But still, no matter how desperate and stressed she became, Kana bowed to never come back to that dreadful house no matter what.

That was all the more reason to think quickly about what she was going to do to get a new job or something like that. Thankfully she did have a respectable amount of money saved up so it would be awhile before she starved to death.

"What a grim thought to have right now geez!!" she slapped herself a bit for being so down on the dumps.

"Oh well, I will think about all that important stuff another day…now, now it's time to relax and have fun!!!"

Maybe this attempt to be overtly cheerful was merely an act, a form of self-delusion to divert her mind from a bad situation. If that was the case Kana herself most certainly wasn't aware of it at the moment.

She only wanted to run, have fun and not think about anything at all.