
Moonbeam Academy

A young woman at 17 is starting a new life, in a far away country. Excited to finally leave home and have a chance to make friends. Soon after arriving she finds out that everything she knew was wrong. She learns of a whole new world that she is in. She quickly finds her way in to a love triangle. Unfairly taking advantage of her new found powers to get in the heads of the unexpected boys. Learning about the true nature, and feelings of the young men. She learns her new world isn't as safe as she hoped. Will she make it out with her lift?

Freeze_2b · Fantasy
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40 Chs

We are all different

**** special note for reader. 'Hi' is a thought so is *hi* ... "Hi" is out loud. sorry for not picking one or the other let's just go with it*****

I open it as quietly as I can so I don't disturb the class. As soon as the teacher sees me she stands up and introduces me to the entire class then instructs them to get back to work. She walks me over to her desk assume I'm going to get in trouble for being late. She is smiling sweetly.

"welcome, welcome, I'm Mrs. Butt I'll be your Fine Art's teacher. You are a very gifted young woman I can tell."

"thank you"

"you got lost didn't you? It is a very large school after all."

"yes, I did luckily someone helped me."

"Stay after class with me, I'll point you in the right direction."

"Of course, thank you."

"now take a seat, and draw something, your too late for today's lesson." she smiled sweetly the whole time.

I sat in an open seat next to a super hot guy and started drawing. I drew Alex on one sheet and Aaron on another. they were similar in some ways, like black hair and sharp canine teeth. Aaron had an amazing smile, Alex I don't think he knows how to smile. Aaron, over all has a softer look. Aaron and Alex are both close to 6 feet tall. I think Aaron is taller. As I finish both drawings I plan to start one for Tara. When the guy next to me starts talking to me.

"Wow, those look amazing." even his voice is sexy. *woow chill Maire he is talking about your art not you*

"thank you" *come on say something else* "do you know how they are?"

" I keep to myself mostly, I'm Devin" he said extending his hand. *this beautiful angel is such a gentleman*. I take his hand weakly.

"nice to meet you Devin, your picture is really good too." *although your better to look at I would pay for your art by its self.*

"Thanks." he smiles.

Devin was tall very tall he had straight blonde hair so light it looked more white might really be white... With soft white skin and icy blue eyes. He looks so pure like his skin has never been touched. *He looked almost angelic.* Tall and strong with a peaceful composer. * I think I'm in love. I've never seen a more perfect looking person.** oh man I'm being weird staring at him. Say something dumb mouth*

"can I draw you?" I asked Finally.

" Sure, if you want." Devin smiled as I drew him.

He smiled, everytime I looked up at him. * I want to get to know more about him but I am getting nurves trying to talk to him. *

I spent the rest of the art class quickly drawing him. The whole time he was drawing on a small square of paper. At the end of the class he handed it to me.

"Welcome to Moonbeam, see you tomorrow?" he said as he walked out.

"yes, thank you it's beautiful."

The rest of the school day was uneventful. Maybe because I was still focused on him?? Tara was waiting for me in the dorm room, she was ready for some real girl talk which I really liked.

Tara was excited to talk about my first day.

By the time I found my way back to the dorm room Tara had changed out of her school uniform in to some PJs. She gave me a warm welcome.

"Hi! How was your day Marie? Did you get lost? I got lost my first day. Did you meet anyone?"

" It was a long day, I'll tell you all about it, once I get out of these clothes." I go to the bathroom and change, I'm really looking forward to some girl time. I come out of the bathroom wearing, an over size TMNT jersey shirt, panties, and my mother's necklace, I never take it off.

"so, I made four friends today" I tell Tara showing her the pictures of the three boys.

"wow, your an amazing artist, I only see three is the fourth boy a ghost?" she giggled handing back the paper.

"No silly, the fourth friend is you. I was going to draw you when I met Devon."

"so, you really talked to Alex and Aaron?"

"yeah Aaron was really nice, Alex didn't do much talking. I don't think Aaron likes Alex."

"of course not, I'm surprised you wasn't afraid to talk to them."

"why would I be afraid?" Is Alex really dangerous.

"well unless your a super powerful witch, vampires and werewolf can be really dangerous. They sometimes have a time suppressing their nature. I mean even humans know about them. Humans don't believe they exist but they still know they can be dangerous."

"What what? witches, vampires, and werewolves? your joking right?" it sounds like a joke but she looks so serious.

"haha real funny. Everyone here is different then humans. The gate is spelled to make sure no humans can enter. Plus your wearing a witches medallion. You don't need to act clueless here."

"What no, um this is a family heirloom. My mother gave it to me for my 12 birthday. I can't be a witch. I've never done any cool witch stuff."

"The necklace suppresses power. I have one to wear in public so I don't start any problems. The after school program teaches control. When I'm done here I won't need to wear mine any more."

"your not joking are you?"

"Oh My God! Your parents never told you! I have heard of people that didn't find out untill right before they got here, but your never told you at all?"

"how do I know your not messing with me? I mean everyone here is so normal."

"well one take off that necklace so you can find out what your power is. Two watch this" she stands in front of me and bends her legs up just floating in the air. Her hair floated up a little. I could feel the change of pressure in the air. My mind is blown right now. I can't believe my roommate is levitating! I just sat there quietly even after she stopped I didn't know what to say, or think. I was so angry at my parents for not telling me. I'm worried she is wrong. I far as I know I'm totally normal. I take off the necklace and put it in my bag. I have to try what if she is right. I set on my bed across from her.

"so what do I do?"

"close your eyes and concentrate." I close my eyes and wait.

"I don't see anything. What are you concentrating on?" Tara said softly.

"Am I doing this right? Tara, what should concentrate on?"

'how should I know?'

"you was just levitating, what was you thinking about?"

'oh I know your power'

"really what is it."

'I'm not talking right now.'

"what?" I say opening my eye.

'I'm not talking, see, you can hear me, right? I'm not talking, see, this is so cool.'

I heard Tara say while looking at her closed mouth.

"No way! that's so cool. I thought I was just really good at understanding my parents, I thought I was imagining their thoughts."

" that's so cool." Tara said out loud. "that could really suck if you couldn't turn it off. could you imagine a whole room full of random thought, talk about a headache."

" that's true I think I'll keep my necklace close by just in case."

This day has been really cool. I'm still angry that my parents never told me. the necklace is from my mom's family does my dad even know?

"so, what do we do on the weekend around here?" I ask.

"well the game hall is open, we have a movie theater and a pool. On Sunday there is a bus that takes us to town. We can shop and buy junk food."

"so the weekend starts tomorrow right?"

"technically it started after class today, we have a 3 day weekend every week."

"can you show me around tomorrow?"

"of course! did you get dinner yet?"

"no, where do we get dinner? The main building is closed after the last class. I was afraid I was going to have to live off one meal a day."

"put some pants on and I'll take you."

"your amazing Tara!"

"awww" 'yeah I know'

"no really I don't know what I would do without you."

I put black yoga pants on, and a bra, I don't know where we are going. I also put socks and zombie bunny slippers on.