
Moonbeam Academy

A young woman at 17 is starting a new life, in a far away country. Excited to finally leave home and have a chance to make friends. Soon after arriving she finds out that everything she knew was wrong. She learns of a whole new world that she is in. She quickly finds her way in to a love triangle. Unfairly taking advantage of her new found powers to get in the heads of the unexpected boys. Learning about the true nature, and feelings of the young men. She learns her new world isn't as safe as she hoped. Will she make it out with her lift?

Freeze_2b · Fantasy
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40 Chs

The Hall

We went on a walk around the girl dorms in to a large building. It wasn't as big as the school building but bigger then most gyms back home.

"This is The Hall as we call it. Technically it's called the recreation building, but it's like a giant hall connecting the male and female dorms."

"ok." this place is amazing there are so many people here. doing random things. We walk to the center where a large buffet was.

"this is where we get breakfast and dinner, on school days, and all 3 meals on the weekends. They also have snacks all weekend long, but only like fruit and stuff like that. It all free for the students."

"I'm starving. let's eat." I get a lot of random stuff, chicken, Mac and cheese, watermelon, steak, muffins, and chocolate chip cookies. With a cup of water." really all there drink choices are healthy.

Tara laughed as soon as I sat down.

"you wasn't kidding" 'you don't have to get it all at once, you can get seconds.'

"I told you I was starving, and I didn't think about going back up." I smiled taking a big bite of chicken.

I finished most my food and saved my cookies for last, I throw away my trash and put up my dishes to get washed. I walk around with Tara while I eat my cookies.

The game room was full, of course, teenagers and video games. There was 20 screens and every game I could think of. She showed me the pool house, where some students were swimming. One looked like he had a tail.

"is that a mermaid ?" I asked Tara super quiet.

'not exactly, they are shapeshifters. Many students can become part animal.' Tara thought understanding that I didn't want everyone to know how little I knew.

we walked around and she thought loudly about the different groups of people. 'witches like us, werewolves, vampires, shifters, and so on.'

I didn't see anyone that I knew, from earlier. I still didn't know what Aaron, Alex, or Devin was. Tara said werewolves and vampires when talking about Aaron and Alex. Which one is which? After a nice long tour we ended at the courtyard. Tara was tired and ready to go back to the room I told her I would be up soon that I wanted to see the courtyard at night.

Out in the courtyard there was a pound, some statues, lots of flowers and trees. Some of the flowers bloomed at night. There was fish in the pond that seemed to glow. I laid on the grass by the water and dipped my hand in the cold water. The fish quickly swam away.

"don't be afraid I won't hurt you.". I said to the fish.

I don't know if the fish could understand me but they came back and swam around my hand, one even rubbed up against me. I was so happy. Was talking to fish another power of mine? As I was enjoying the moment I felt someone close by.

'why would I be afraid of you? how did you know I was out here?' I pretty sure those were thought not a voice. I thought I felt someone close by I need to trust that feeling. I tell the fish goodbye in my mind. I stand and turn to were I heard the voice. I act like I wasn't talking to the fish and knew he was there.

"You don't need to be afraid, come on out." I walk in the direction of the voice.

'can she see me?'

'what kind of witch is she?'

"Come on Aaron I know it's you."

"How did you know?"

"I told you I'm not defenseless." I smiled

"I was worried you didn't take me seriously." he got closer to me he was shirtless, but l could feel the heat coming from him, his eyes shined in the night.

"Oh, I didn't." I laughed.

'what?!?' "He is a parasites that feeds of others." he is trying to convince me.

"So am I today a ate a chicken and cow. They had to die for me to eat them. I don't have to either. I could live off just plants, but I don't want to, I enjoy the taste of meat. We are not really so different."

'is she for real that's not the same at all.'

he backs me in to a tree. 'i have to make her understand the danger' he gets his handsome face close to mine. "That's not the same."

"if you get any closer people might think we are kissing."

'i wish'... 'this is hopeless' he growled... I smiled, I'm getting in his head...

'what will to take to keep her safe.' Aww how sweet he's so worried.

'shes not afraid of me at all. I could rip her in two it's like she doesn't care at all.' he is staring at me. It's feeling a little awkward I've never been this close to a topless man before, all those muscles. That handsome face.

"I know you are worried about me. I don't know why?" I said quietly.

"I saw you hug Alex." he said, 'I had to worn you'.

"Your very sweet, and even though you could probably rip me in two," I say while rubbing along the muscles in his arm. " no one came to worn me about you."

'she knows and she's still not scared of me at all'

" I'm new here, and new to making friends, I don't know anyone, but I'm trying to learn about as many people as I can. I came here to make friends not run from everything different. Alex is in Two of my classes and has the same lunch hour as me. Avoiding him would just be rude. I don't won't him as an enemy."

' that actually makes a lot of sense.' "Promise me you'll be careful." he said.

"of course, if you can promise me next time we'll walk about something more fun." I smile and kiss his cheek. Waiting to see if he moves his arm.

'i think she likes me.' he thought. I just smile. then out of my control I yawn.

"sorry it's getting late for me." I don't know why but I've always apologized for yawning.

'witches sleep like humans.'

"Sorry to keep you up." he said putting his arms down.

"Don't worry about it." I hug him and say " remember I'll be careful, you be more fun next time."

"yeah" 'what does she mean by more fun?'

I wave as I walk to the door.

"Have a goodnight Aaron. Thank you, for caring about me even if you don't know why you care."

"good night Marie"

I heard back to my dorm room. grabbing a muffin and grape juice on the way. I am tired but I want to draw Aaron shirtless first.