
MOON KISSED (The Rebirth of the moon goddess)

The moon goddess is seen as the mother of all supernatural beings that had ever walked on earth. Over the year she has graced her children with peace and beauty. Many years passed and there was no visit from her , her children became desperate and hungered for power destroying the earth and everything in their part. In the mist of chaos spring is forced to face a world she knew ever existed , thrown into hiding after the death of the only family she knew she seek refuge in the territory of the most feared of all supernatural beings, the master at the food chain.

Rejoice_seth · Fantasy
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9 Chs

you took the wrong time to fall asleep

The tattooed man launched at her giving her a blow that sends her flying back. She hits a car packed and falls , she gets up and spit out blood.

" For a supposed dog that blow felt like a pussy" she said and laughed. Making her look like a villain from a movie.

Spring was shocked by her friends behavior and expression, this wasn't the Elizabeth she knew, she looked different and she was emitting an overshadowing energy and it scared her. The tattooed man took another launch , this time landing a kick on her stomach. She falls to the ground and cough spilling more blood. She stands up again "now we are getting there"she smiles exposing her teeth that were covered in blood. 

This sight was scary , it sent chills down spring spines that she hugged herself to stop her body from shiving under fright.

The fight continued for minutes, it would have been consider a fair fight if Elizabeth had layed a punch but it was clear she was only play with him because she didn't even try .

Tired and irritated with the fight , the man in suit walked over to the fighting duo "enough"

He pushed the tattooed man away from Elizabeth who is trying to stand the the floor that is covered with her own blood.

"Stay out of this liben" the tattooed man said.

"Yeah , right , the instructions were to catch her.... Alive " liben the man in suit said putting emphasis on the alive word"moreover don't you she has been playing with you" he said again

"What do you mean " the tattooed man asked still confused.

Tapping his forehead in fustration and explain"look at you all sweaty and exhausted , yet she didn't lay a finger on you" he concluded "she was only stalling you" 

 Completely standing straight, apart from her clothes been covered in blood you could see Elizabeth was not affect by the beating. 

Everyone apart from liben looked shocked" what took you so long " she smiled devilishly "I mean it a good thing, gad didn't send two fools to do his bidding".

And like that she was standing behind spring"good thing ,you still aren't smart enough " she said before she takes spring in her and vanishes 

"Fuck , we lost her" the tattooed man cursed.

"Yes, if you were stupid enough to fall for her tricks " liben said shaking his head and turning to the exit." Come on we need to find her , the sun will rise soon and we need to be gone before then" he said and walks to the exit.

In a field few blocks away from the cark pack, Elizabeth and spring appears out of thin air, surprised as to how they got there spring stammer "how ... How did we get her" 

"There are a lot of things you don't know spring and I didn't want you to find out this way" she said just before she coughs out so much blood , she falls to the floor.

Spring panicked she rushed to her friend who was now laying in blood. "Lizz, why is there so much blood" 

"You should leave me spring it's clear, it was I those dogs want" Elizabeth said again coughing out more blood.

"No am not leaving you, not in this state" spring argued.

Smiling like the lovely Elizabeth she knew"I always loved your innocence " 

She cupped spring's cheeks before her body went weak and she shut her eyes , her hands dropped to the sides , her hearts stops.

"Lizz,Lizz, Lizz" spring shakes her friend who is now laying lifeless in her arms"come Liz now is the wrong time to fall asleep Lizz" 

Realizing that her friend wasn't just asleep it was something else , she screams.

The last thing she remembers was screaming so loud before a blue light over shadowed her and she embraced the light.

Sitting on his throne , watching the flames of internal, covered in blood, the blood of his enemies , he had just killed with his bare hands , he sees a flame switch continuously , it was the flame that represented his half sister Elizabeth in the human world. 

Ever since he took the throne from his father and banished her, she has been up to no good, always seeking way to get his attention.

What is she doing this time around , he wondered.

"Won't you go after her" a voice said behind him.

"Hmm" the man on the throne sighed.

" Son she ....." The woman was saying before she was interpreted 

"Lord villmot" he corrected her 

Sighing in sadness she corrected herself "lord villmot,she is your sister and a member of the household , a threat on her is a threat on you too" 

" She has been doing well , all this years am sure she will be fine " he said as he singaled for the woman to leave him. 

Ascending to the throne wasn't an easy process for him. His father was a vampire who was greedy for blood and power and this gave him so much enemy, when he was born he inherited all those enemy, he was forced to learn to kill at a young age, trained by no other but his ruthless father , who never showed any emotions until the night he died, the same night he gave him his finally quest , his father commanded him to end his life ,he was so full of pride that he did want his history to end with him dying in his sleep , or sickness.

When he refused to do as his father wanted his father declared him a traitor and challenged him to a battle , a battle that will determine the new king of this empire.

He could still remember the look of satisfaction on his father's face , happy he has successfully raised his reprica .

In other to free his family from these chains that will forever hold him bound he stripped his mother of her position as queen and banished his sister . Closing his heart to everyone and every emotions. He became the son his father wanted, one who is feared by all through the lands .

He walks through the field to were his sister body laid , he examine the blood on the grass, they were his sister.

From the marks on her body , he could tell there was a fight. He moved closer to her and opens her eye lid, her eyeballs had turned white , but he could still hear her heart beat faintly, her body most her hibernated , because of her loss of blood. 

Carrying her in bridal style he teleported home. 

"Call me the doctors" he said to his hands maid , who stood at the door with is royal robes in hands expecting him to come through the door.

"Now ," he yells to snap the maid who is shocked too see the banished princess being carried by the king.

"Yes my Lord" she bows and leaves .

He walked into the room that used to belong to her before he banished her, two maids walks in and began to clean the try blood all over her body. He steps outside so they could do their work. By this time the doctor had already arrived, 

"Lord villmot" the doctor says and bows, slightly bowing , he gives the doctor a knowing look , a look they both understood .

He then left to his office.

As soon as the doctor was done checking her he went straight into lord villmot office "how is she" lord villmot asked 

"She's alive, but her body is weak" the doctor answered, "she lost a lot of blood in the fight" 

"Hmm " lord villmot sighs" I see she still bares her curse " he said 

"A curse like that can't easily be broken "

He stands and walk to the window behind his chair"I was hoping would " 

"This is the work of Alpha Gad pack isn't it" the doctor asked.

"Yes, just like his father and his father before him,he seeks ways to bring me down " lord villmot said with a mischievous smile.

"No ,no , tell me villmot what Evil thought the devil has brought to your head this time" the do. The doctor said making lord villmot smile even bigger.

"Putting his hand on his chest to fake being hurt he said"Devil, no shen I am the devil " . He grabs a black coat that was laying on the arm of the couch in his office and heads to the door.

"Where are you going to "shen asked even tho he already knew the answer. Villmot stop , turns and looks at shen who stood still " I am going to do what devil's do" he said before he opens the door and leaves shen standing there.

Growing up with villmot and fighting almost every battle with villmot , made him the closest person to him, shen was an orphan when the queen adopted him and gave him to the army , that was were he met villmot who was also training then and they became friends since then. He knew how his mind worked and he knew what blood meant to him and how he stops at nothing untill he was soaked in his enemies blood.

Shaking his head he picks his briefcase and follows him.