
MOON KISSED (The Rebirth of the moon goddess)

The moon goddess is seen as the mother of all supernatural beings that had ever walked on earth. Over the year she has graced her children with peace and beauty. Many years passed and there was no visit from her , her children became desperate and hungered for power destroying the earth and everything in their part. In the mist of chaos spring is forced to face a world she knew ever existed , thrown into hiding after the death of the only family she knew she seek refuge in the territory of the most feared of all supernatural beings, the master at the food chain.

Rejoice_seth · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Untold Truth

Making sure spring was perfectly tucked in , and finally sleeping . Grandma pim pim walks to the room door, opens it and steps out , she walks down stairs to met spring's mother Emma who hands her a mug cup containing hot tea.

Taking the cup and thanking her, she tries to sit on her favorite arms chair just close to the door.

" Casting the Aura spell must have taken a lot from you " Emma said ,as she noticed the discomfort on her face as she tries to sit.

Chuckling "oh yeah , I guess my old bones couldn't take so much magic " she answered jokingly.

she takes a sip from her tea and swallows it allowing her body to savor the taste of the tea , it was her favorite. 

"Grandma , when you said we were going to activate her Aura ,you said we needed the blood of her parents" Emma said looking at her" I know you have always loved spring like she was your child, but it still doesn't add up how come, your blood and mine worked" Emma said looking at her confused.

Grandma pim pim sighed , knowing it was time she said the truth ,she placed the cup on the stool beside her.

"When my siblings and I were born our parents were so excited, giving birth in the witches world wasn't as easy as it was for other races, so when they had my siblings and I they were excited" she paused to swallow spit and continues" my sister was the first to show signs of witchcraft at age four which was very rare at that time , this made our parents think highly of her , she was taken out of the nursery , where we stayed and was made to train to develop her powers, leaving just my brother and I , when my brother was twelve he too began to show signs of witchcraft so he had to leave too " she said with a sad smile. I was all alone abandoned by my family and looked down on by my people cause they thought I was one of the ungifted ones 

" I watched as my brother and sister trained tirelessly every day, a training that would bind them with our ancestors,it became worst when our mother died , our father never gave them enough time to rest, I barely saw or even spoke to them " smiling sadly" I was mad at them , they had forgotten about me , especially my brother Ethan who I was so closed to, since after my sister left the nursery it was just the two of us "

"I was 16 when I discovered i could cast spells too, not wanting to have my life snatched from me , I hid it and secretly practiced on my own "

She coughs and then smile , she picks up her cup and drinks from it , this time it wasn't as hot as before."sorry , grandma" Emma said, standing up to get her water "will you want some water"she asked. 

Shaking her head she signaled for her to sit " don't worry child " 

"When my siblings were done with their training , a successor was expected to emarged , seeing it was just my brother and sister who were recognize to have witchcraft the choice was between them , shocking everyone Ethan was picked by the ancestors, my dad and sister were furious but they had no choice"

"Soon , my father began to work with the werewolves, he would bend magic rules for their sake and make dark sacrifices to make them strong, he even practiced blood magic a magic that was considered sacred,the magic of the old."

"The night before I met you, my brother had come to see me, that was the closest of him I have seen in years, he asked that I accompanied him to your pack, he needed to sign a treaty with your pack people, I saw how tired he look and I pitied him for the first time, if there was anything I had and he didn't it was freedom " looking directly at Emma face" When I first saw you, I knew there was something about you even though I couldn't tell what, I guess Ethan felt so too that was why he asked for a night with you in exchange for the treaty not minding the consequences"

"He was never the type to flirt around with women, Even back at home"

"That night something happened , something that was only told in stories "

"Selene herself, she visited me and told me to save you, I didn't know why she said so but I knew she had give me a path , in this time when a lot has lost theirs she had given me mine. And I wasn't going to lose it" 

"I walked to the room were my brother and you layed , there you were sleeping soundly I walk closer but was shocked by what I saw , Ethan eyes were opened but he was lost in the thought, murmuring , I moved closer to hear what he was saying and that was were I received the greatest shocked , he was chanting the language of the old, a language that even the ancestors could not understand, it was for selene herself "

"Understanding it was all the goddess doing , I had to do as I was told , the rest is a story you already know ".

By the time she finished narrating the past , Emma face was already covered in tears. Wiping her tears she said"I hated my father and brother for giving me up , that night to a stranger " Emma said looking down with so much pain in her eyes.

"I know that's why when I saw the amount of hate , you had for my brother, I had to hide my relationship with him from you , that was the only way I could stay by your side and protect you both".she explained.

Grandma stands from her sit and walks over to the two sitter cushion Emma was sitting on , she hugs her and allows her sobs in her arms.

" I hated her because of that night"Emma sobs , referring to how she treated spring.

"I know and it was my fault" grandma pim said to comfort her more.

Spring still with her eyes closed , found her self in a dark warehouse, she looks around not sure of where she was she kept walking following the beam of blue light she saw, getting to the the point where the light shined the brightest, she protect her eyes from brightness but couldn't help but look , there was a woman from who the light was shining from, her skins where covered in markings , this markings were the ones emitting the blue light, she had heavy big chains around her neck, wrist and feet, chaining her to the wall , she looks like she has been chained here for long cause her dress was torn and you could see dust on her white hair , that should have been shine.

Worried about the woman wellbeing she asked"are you okay"

She watched as the woman slowly raised her head , finally getting a veiw of her face.

she was shocked too see the person staring at her was her self. More like an older version of herself.

"Hello, spring" the older spring said .

Shocked by this she falls to the the ground"who are you" she asked 

"You are me , spring " the woman said smiling.

Soon she noticed a crack on the wall followed by Breaking sound.

"The time is upon us again spring remember that" the older her said before everything vanishes And then she opens her eyes she was in her room, she noticed someone was sitting beside her bed .

" Mom" she said shocked to see her mother beside her.

"Oh spring"Emma said standing up to sit on her bed "are you okay, are you hurt" she asked sounding worried .

"Mum I am fine , don't worry, what of Elizabeth , I mean the girl who was with me she is the one who got hurt" spring asked worried about her friend.

Nothing know what to say Emma shakes her head"I am sorry " 

Understanding the look on her mother face , spring panicked " no mum , tell me she is okay " she breaks down in tears , Emma reaches out and take her in a hug.

Grand ma pim pim opens the door and comes in , she had heard her crying from down stairs and was worried for her.

She walks over to the other side of the bed and sit, she places her hand on her shoulder.

As soon as she senses the presence grand ma pim pim, she breaks free from her mother's embrace and runs into hers .

"It's okay child , everything will be fine " grandma pim pim comforted her.