
Monstro-Apocalypse allowed cultivation love with Sister

CAUTION: [Taboo Fetish Focused Work] The story of a boy named Thanatos Pierce, who finds himself totally screwed by an apocalypse of zombies, monsters, and other powerful creatures. Fortunately for him, he is looked after by his older sister, who has prepared him in advance for the challenges ahead. Behind her hidden knowledge and all the chaos lies a secret that Thanatos will try to unravel. ________________________________________________________________________________ In this story, the MC is far from stupid, and his entourage will also have brains. The main thing is not to have too big and smart brains, otherwise zombies and monsters will gather in a horde and eat them! Or maybe a mysterious fog will consume the inhabitants of the surviving settlement and eat their brains... oops, spoiler. Tags: R18, History, action, adventure, harem, incest, progress and evolution, becoming strong, romance, fantasy, science fiction, mystery, superpowers, family, loyal love interests, manipulative mc, cunning mc (But not immediately), no NTR, no netorare/netori, no system. His sisters, girlfriends, mother, aunts, and future daughter become his exclusive obsessions, succumbing to his irresistible allure. But until then, he must become strong and cunning enough. Unfortunately, I am not a native English speaker, so I may make mistakes in the text of the piece. Please don't throw a lot of sticks at me((( Anyway, support the book and add it to your library as help for this poor soul :)

ThanatosPierce · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 45 - Chronicles of a spidery apocalypse part 4. The first brutal losses.

Third-person POV.

As the surviving soldiers opened fire on the twenty-meter spider, its sturdy body seemed unaffected by their assault. Even the most resilient combat cultivators couldn't offer adequate resistance against the army that emerged from "Limbo".

Then, Evelina, Victor, and Sergeant Brown joined the fight. Evelina surrounded the mutant spider's torso with acidic mist, while Victor attempted to slow it down using Blood energy. Just as Brown launched a large fireball at it, Thanatos rushed towards the spider's face, aiming to pierce its armor.

— Die, you stupid creature! — he roared, striking the monster's face.

The creature screeched and called for help from the regular Weaver Spiders as Thanatos managed to blind two of its four eyes. In retaliation, the spider impaled Thanatos' leg with one of its limbs and hurled his body towards Agatha.

Tumbling several times on the ground, he collided with Agatha.

— Thanatos! — she cried in fear, quickly providing him with medical assistance using healing spheres.

Coughing, Thanatos looked up at the giant spider that had decided to annihilate him, Evelina, and Agatha with its entire army.

— Craaar, — the mutant spider extended its limbs forward, commanding its troops to kill them.

Evelina enveloped them with clusters of Acid energy, creating a semblance of a dome-shaped shield. She bought them time by asking Thanatos, — What do we do? He's still alive, and all the humans are practically maxed out!

— Fucked up, we missed our best chance, — he cursed, getting up from the ground. Thanking Agatha for her help, he turned to Evelina, — We'll have to drop the shield, but you must shoot its wounded eye with acid. I'll try to strike the spider again and finish it off.

They understood that death was approaching. If they couldn't kill the giant spider, staying under the dome would be pointless.

Evelina nodded, preparing an acid projectile for the shot, glancing around. Almost all of the people were killed: аfter the unsuccessful attack, the spiders overwhelmed the Colonel and all the other soldiers, including Victor, Samuel, and Emma.

Only the three of them remained alive.

Evelina took a deep breath and dropped the shield, firing the acid shot directly into the giant Weaver Spider's face.

— Now! — Agatha cried out. She was deeply concerned about the success of the second strike, as failure would lead to their deaths.

Without wasting time, Thanatos ran toward the spider, leaped onto the jeep's roof, and jumped up to its wounded eye.

Thanatos' right fist emitted chaotic energy, which he struggled to control. He roared and delivered a devastating blow to the monster's face.

The creature attempted to evade, but Thanatos was too fast. He infused immense energy into his speed and the force of the blow.

Upon impact, Thanatos released all the chaotic energy, causing the Weaver Spider's torso to explode from within.

The ground shook.

— Aaa-ah, Thanatos! Help us get out... oh God, AGATHA!

Thanatos' heart skipped a painful beat as he heard Evelina's hysterical cries while still inside the monster. He immediately punched his way out of its innards and rushed toward his girls, but the multitude of small Weaver Spiders made it hard for him to locate them.

— Where are you, Evelina, Agatha! Where are you-u-u-u! — he screamed at the top of his lungs, tearing through the monsters like walnuts, but unable to find them.

It wasn't until a couple minutes later that he noticed Evelina's hand clutched in the jaws of one of the weaver spiders.

Helplessly standing at a distance, Thanatos watched the horrifying scene unfolding before his eyes. Agatha and Evelina, the women he cherished, were mercilessly devoured by the monstrous spiders. He was engulfed by a feeling of desperation, anger, and disappointment as he realized he couldn't intervene and save them. The sense of helplessness weighed heavily on his heart, and he agonized over the fact that he couldn't protect those he loved.

— Oh God... No! No, no! Bastards! — Thanatos snarled, baring his teeth and clenching his fists. He realized that the numerous spider-like monsters had devoured his women alive.

Agatha and Evelina were entirely defenseless against the Weaver Spiders that possessed the power of Chaos.

Even though he knew that this future would be changed and time would turn back, Thanatos couldn't simply watch this painful and repulsive spectacle.

A colossal amount of powerful energy burst from his body, obliterating everything within a two-mile radius (3 km).

The battlefield instantly turned into a fraternal grave. The voices, screams, and roars of the monsters fell silent. Every living creature ceased to exist, leaving only Thanatos.

Exhausted and with tearful eyes, he fell to his knees, gazing at the aftermath of his actions.

— I... I lost them, damn... it hurts so much, — Thanatos clutched his chest, closing his eyes. He couldn't bear to look at their remains.

The air was filled with the smell of blood and settled dust.

Thanatos wiped his tears and tried to calm himself, realizing that he would change their fate.

He hoped that Spica had helped Nemesis defeat Proserpina.

Thanatos briskly walked into the forest, where the sounds of battle had also ceased. The only sound was the gusty wind that blew through the naked, charred trees.

— Wh-what happened here? — Thanatos muttered in shock, surveying the wooded glade.

Emerging onto the battlefield, Thanatos saw Nemesis engaged in a deadly duel with Proserpina. Despite Nemesis' formidable strength and determination, she was defeated by the malicious Queen.

The small clearing was littered with huge craters from energy attacks, lifeless crystal and natural spikes. Next to Proserpina now lay a living Nemesis, pleading not to touch her brother.

Approaching slowly, Thanatos' negative emotions intensified when he stumbled upon Spica's lifeless body in the forest. He wasn't as attached to her as to the others, but the realization that he couldn't save anyone caused unbearable pain in his soul.

Nemesis raised tearful eyes to the Spider Queen, pleading, — P-please, don't touch him... I beg you!

Proserpina stepped on her face, mockingly replying, — Your cousin is dead, and you will follow in her footsteps! Ah, so sorry to kill your child...that's sarcasm. I didn't even notice at first that you were pregnant with that bloody trash of Heresy! Disgusting...

Thanatos was already by their side, listening in shock to what was unfolding before his eyes. Stuttering, he turned to Nemesis, — A-are you p-pregnant?

— Oh, little brother! — Nemesis lay on the ground and turned her gaze towards Thanatos. She tried to get up, but Proserpina held the blade of her magical sword menacingly close to her face. Thus, Nemesis addressed him, — Run, please, run away from her!


Thanatos POV.

I couldn't fully comprehend the shocking news. My older sister kept her pregnancy a secret. Now, a thousand times, I will lose not only my sister but also her unborn child! This is a TOTALLY FUCKED UP!

— Ha-ha-ha, our most important guest has arrived, — Proserpina whispered quietly. She impaled Nemesis in the chest, once again shattering Vial of the Soul of my sister, telling me to suffer, — You worthless bastard! I killed two pieces of trash with one penetration, ha-ha-ha-ha!

There was an outburst of pre-death energy, similar to what I saw during the previous attempt.

— Nemesis! — I rushed to her, witnessing her death once again.

The fair-haired beauty was covered in blood, but despite her demise, Nemesis managed to extend her arms forward, as if to embrace her beloved brother. A bright smile graced her face, directed at me.

This time, she wore an elegant armored dress that proved futile against Proserpina's power. I took Nemesis's feeble hands in mine, looking into the lovely blue eyes of my dear sister.

— T-Thanatos, forgive me for killing our d-daughter, — Nemesis whispered on her last breath before her eyes and body lost their life force. The earth began to absorb all the blood flowing from her pierced back.

I sat on my knees, feeling pain and suffering. Nemesis was not just my sister but a beloved woman whom I had deeply admired for many years. For all seventeen years, I considered her a close person, akin to a mother who raised me, fed me warm milk from her breast, and taught me valuable wisdom. Thanks to her, I was still alive, as she taught me to defend myself and protect those dear to me.

I won't be able to endure Nemesis's death over and over again!

It's unbearable… And she was pregnant! So many loved ones will be lost with each damn attempt.

The second death of Nemesis was a devastating blow for me. It was much harder than I initially thought. I felt utterly broken and unable to comprehend the injustice of it all.

I looked up at Proserpina with hatred, promising myself that she wouldn't survive the temporary loop I created with Aunt Isida's help. My head was throbbing intensely, and my gaze remained clouded, but I managed to see her unpleasant face up close.

She stood arrogantly over me with six pupils, filled with crimson hues. Her outfit was entirely made of chitinous armor, and spider legs protruded from her back, exuding sticky webs.

I was afraid of her, but I wouldn't give up or lower my guard before the pale-faced spider queen.

Rubbing her sliced neck, Proserpina addressed my trembling figure, — You know, it was sneaky of you to send Spica to attack me from behind. I had to use a secret artifact to kill her without help.

I grasped my temples from the headache and thoughtlessly asked, — Wh-what? You killed her with a four-level difference? You didn't even call Alcyone?

— Where do you know she's here? — Proserpina asked with a frown.

At that moment, Alcyone stepped out of the shadows, telling her sister, — He, like Isida Pendragon, uses Time Magic.

— What the fuck? And you didn't tell me? These will be terrible news for our Mistress; we must destroy him before it's too late! — Proserpina cried out, while I broke out in a cold sweat.

I never expected Alcyone to guess my new ability so easily. Although it was logical, considering the dimension she came from and whom she served.

Damn, I shouldn't have asked such a stupid question! I need to turn back time faster.

I tried to abort the failed attempt, but Proserpina grabbed me by the throat, tore out my heart, and then attempted to retrieve Vial of the Soul from my head to neutralize my abilities.

I didn't have time to react, and only Isida's intervention saved my life.

Time froze again in a single moment, and she teleported my living self to the dimension of "Chrono," so I could better prepare for the next attempt.

— AH! Wh-where am I? — I gasped, writhing in pain in my chest. I had to gulp air frantically.

Isida held my body in her arms and whispered in my ear, — You're on my lap, little nephew.

Exhaustedly exhaling, I faked a smile and apologized, — Sorry, I let you down. Alcyone found out about me.

— Just don't reveal yourself so obviously next time, then she won't find out, — Isida advised, caressing my hair.

I didn't know why she suddenly decided to pamper me, but I felt relieved. Of course, I got off Isida's knees and adjusted my clothes, saying,— Give me about thirty minutes to come up with a clear plan, and then I'll go into battle, alright?

She nodded and handed me her underwear, calmly instructing, — Alright. Just don't forget to drain the semen from my lace panties-thongs. Making you masturbate on your own underwear would be extremely cruel on my part.

— Uh, am I going to pay for each attempt with my sperm? — I slowly said, having a strong feeling that I was being taken for a flower fool.

Aunt Isida smiled sweetly at me, then opened the book titled "Galactic Empress Dominates Her Rebellious Son" and began reading, no longer paying attention to me.

Bloody hell, I'll have to indulge her strange fetishes. But I have a beautiful and sexy aunt, so I shouldn't complain. I hope Aunt Isida won't try to get pregnant with my sperm, like Nemesis did. That happened without my knowledge!

Nemesis also said she had everything under control, but now I found out she was carrying our joint daughter in her womb.

I won't allow my dear sister and our daughter to die. I won't leave Spica, Evelina, and Agatha to die either, like in the previous time...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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