
Monstro-Apocalypse allowed cultivation love with Sister

CAUTION: [Taboo Fetish Focused Work] The story of a boy named Thanatos Pierce, who finds himself totally screwed by an apocalypse of zombies, monsters, and other powerful creatures. Fortunately for him, he is looked after by his older sister, who has prepared him in advance for the challenges ahead. Behind her hidden knowledge and all the chaos lies a secret that Thanatos will try to unravel. ________________________________________________________________________________ In this story, the MC is far from stupid, and his entourage will also have brains. The main thing is not to have too big and smart brains, otherwise zombies and monsters will gather in a horde and eat them! Or maybe a mysterious fog will consume the inhabitants of the surviving settlement and eat their brains... oops, spoiler. Tags: R18, History, action, adventure, harem, incest, progress and evolution, becoming strong, romance, fantasy, science fiction, mystery, superpowers, family, loyal love interests, manipulative mc, cunning mc (But not immediately), no NTR, no netorare/netori, no system. His sisters, girlfriends, mother, aunts, and future daughter become his exclusive obsessions, succumbing to his irresistible allure. But until then, he must become strong and cunning enough. Unfortunately, I am not a native English speaker, so I may make mistakes in the text of the piece. Please don't throw a lot of sticks at me((( Anyway, support the book and add it to your library as help for this poor soul :)

ThanatosPierce · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 44 - Chronicles of a spidery apocalypse part 3. Meeting Aunt Isida.

POV Thanatos.

I found myself drifting in uncharted spaces, surrounded by the vastness of the cosmos and the shimmering light of millions of stars, frozen in time. I felt lost and disoriented, trying to come to terms with the fact that I would never hear my beloved sister's voice again.

As I contemplated Nemesis' death, a heavy sense of sadness washed over me. My heart ached with grief and regret.

I felt like a useless piece of debris that had taken on too much unbearable responsibility.

Were the attack of the six-eyed Arachne Queen and the Spider Weavers inevitable? I couldn't help but wonder if things could have been done differently.

What if, instead of saving Evelina and Agatha, I had gone straight to Nemesis? No, that would have been foolish. They would have been harmed by that giant spider we had neutralized with Spica before heading to Nemesis in the woods.

I replayed all the possible scenarios in my mind, contemplating the potential consequences of my actions.

Damn it, if I had known about the tragedy beforehand, I would have warned Spica... maybe even called Morena on the communicator.

I lamented the death of Nemesis, wishing I could turn back time and change the course of events.

After a moment, I stopped my drifting, surveying the dark empty space around me.

I touched my body and muttered in confusion, — Where am I? Where is Nemesis?

— Unbelievable... this is unbelievable! Have we succeeded? — said a female voice, one I had heard before in my dreams.

A deep sense of kinship arose within me, emanating from my soul. This feeling temporarily calmed my mind and cleared it of sad and negative thoughts.

I turned to the voice and saw a woman - a Goddess. She was beautiful, and she was practically naked.

Relaxed, she lay on a purple couch, seemingly unaware of any other presence.

My reaction was one of complete indifference, although inside me, emotions and questions were raging like a hurricane.

This woman noticed my gaze and looked at her wet self, creating a black sphere with purple flames above her and gathering liquid from the fabric lying on her thigh.

Why did this fabric suspiciously resemble my old underwear? Was she masturbating right now? Where am I, and how did I end up in this awkward situation? Who is this woman?

And why is she still sitting naked in front of me? Could it be that I died with Nemesis and went for reincarnation? Then where is my sister? What will happen to us?

Thousands of different questions flooded my mind, and the answers to these questions could perhaps be given by this beautiful queen.

She sat on the airy couch and smiled sweetly in my direction as she continued to cover her traces of self-pleasure.

She had snow-white hair that was taking on a purple hue from the atmosphere of unknown territory. Her pupils were a poisonous purple color, and her beautiful face was adorned with a crown of inlaid stone and two horns.

I wet my lips inadvertently as I looked at the firm breasts that held firmly to her slender figure. The perfect picture was spoiled by my underwear, from which this Goddess was pumping out suspicious liquids.

— I don't mean to intrude on your personal business, but I somehow ended up here. Did I die?

The woman continued to smile until all the liquid evaporated in a purple fire.

Hiding my men's underwear between her legs, she covered her crotch, then introduced herself, — I am Isida Pendragon. Generally, you've prevented me from pondering philosophical things and relieving my crotch tension at the same time, but I won't scold you for it, nephew.

Isida watched my reaction, waiting to see surprise at the revelation of family ties.

I remained calm, as I had already suspected that she might be my relative. The genuine soul connection with her helped me determine Isida's benevolent intentions.

Pointing at her crotch, I curiously asked, — Why do you keep my underwear between your legs?

— What makes you think they're yours? — she questioned, squeezing her bared thighs more tightly.

— I always assumed that Nemesis smuggled my underwear for someone. She smirked mockingly at my silly theory... Oh... Nemesis. Your niece was just killed, why didn't you help her?

— Should I have? She's a grown-up girl. Dying from Proserpina's hand is a shame for the whole family, — Isida replied disdainfully, stroking her thighs.

I didn't understand why she was inactive, but I didn't go into detailed questioning or throw a tantrum like an offended child. She's thousands of years old, and she understands things better than me.

Isida fidgeted on the couch, staring at me intently, waiting for various questions from me.

She frowned slightly when I stopped paying attention to her.

I tried to assess the spacious cosmic environment, gathering preliminary information. This was a special place that I shouldn't have ended up in so easily.

This happened at the moment when Proserpina wanted to kill me, right? I'll definitely tear that bitch apart!

I slowly approached the couch with Isida and sat next to her, looking at my underwear, which covered both feminine openings.

— Are you really my aunt, not a succubus? You have a crown with two horns, and I think they are real, you just hide them.

Isida chuckled to herself as she replied, — Hee hee hee hee, you are very observant, we are of the Dragonborn race, not succubi. And I'm really your auntie, don't even doubt that fact.

— Oh, I mean, such a godlike beauty happens to be my wife... — I mumbled thoughtfully, looking at her pink nipples and slender figure.

I didn't feel lust due to emotional emptiness, but I was curious to examine her appearance since Isida didn't bother to cover herself.

— What, excuse me? — Isida asked, not catching my hint. She stared at me thoughtfully for about ten seconds before gasping and saying, — Ah, right. The Soul's marriage contract, you know about it. Considering that you ended up here, I'm not surprised by your deductive abilities.

—Where is 'here'?

Isida began to create black holes restrained by purple spheres. The entire space began to shine with various shades of dark colors, and she explained, — This is the 'Chrono' dimension. This space literally personifies time. Even Femiarta cannot access it, and she is the most powerful being in the Universe.

I sat near her for a while before negative emotions from recent events flooded me again. A panic attack hit me: my body suddenly broke into a sweat, and my heart rate and breathing lost their rhythm, acting randomly.

Tears welled up in my eyes again, and I turned away from Aunt Isida, whispering with a stutter, —A-and how do I live after... after Nemesis' death... they killed her! Lord, what punishment have I received...

— No, she's not dead yet, — Isida said confidently, rubbing my sweet cherry through my underwear. She bit her lips and replied, — You stopped time and made an entrance into the Chrono dimension.

— Can Nemesis be saved? Really? — I asked excitedly as life returned to my eyes.

— Yes. Time can be turned back. Since you made it here, you have a predisposition to Time's energy.

— What are you talking about? How is that possible? I only control Chaos.

I hardly understood anything, which made me feel lost.

Isida shook her head, — No. We sisters entered into the Soul's marriage contract not because we wanted to intertwine our destinies with yours forever, but because we saw a loophole in the cosmos that allowed us to give birth to a potential deity.

— And what is the loophole?

Isida suddenly straddled me and pressed me against the couch with her ample hills, answering my questions, — The loophole is that the soul connection not only binds the souls of two loving people but can also allow them to acquire similar abilities as their other half. The problem was that such a trick wouldn't work on beings who are already born. But on those who haven't been born yet... it seems we succeeded. Not without difficulties, but we managed to trick the system.

— So, I can control time, just like you?

Isida shook her head, — No, not yet. But I can help you while you're still too weak. Although, calling you weak would be too ignorant. You are very powerful, both in spirit and body, but you just don't realize it.

— Please... Tell me everything! Tell me how to save Nemesis, how to find my potential, how to understand my strength, — I grabbed Aunt Isida's hand with trembling hands and pleaded, — Guide me on the right path.

— Of course, I'll help you, but not for free. And you'll have to go through what I went through.

I nodded and said, — I'm ready to go for it, even if I have to lie down with you.

— Even? — Isida frowned and pinched me on the left side, saying, — You're the first guy I've allowed to see my divine charms! So choose your words carefully, shameless lad, or I'll castrate you on the spot. And you won't be able to restore both dragon pouches of seed for several thousand years as a punishment. It'll teach you a good lesson.

Goosebumps ran through my body and my groin clenched hard when I heard the possible punishment.

Fuck! My family has very harsh parenting methods!

— I admit my mistake, Aunt Isida. It won't happen again from now on, — I said rather loudly, and I lowered my gaze.

Isida just didn't allow me to dominate the conversation with her. So far, I'm far from her level.

Isida stood up from me, and for a few seconds I could see her neat labia, which were covered by my underwear. She put the man's underwear on and began to curl her fingers, — First, nephew, you're going to flush your seed down the panties you're wearing now and then give them to me for preservation. Second, you promise to get strong as soon as possible, since I can't stand your presence! I feel an awful lot like pouncing on you and completely "eating" you, but your own mom acts as a deterrent. Niks and the pedophilia law written into Alliance DGES's constitution stop me from acting rashly towards you.

— That's all the demands? So few? — I asked, suspecting a sly trick on my aunt's part.

But Isida' answer was as honest and open as possible, — Yes, that's all. I don't need much from you. In fact, I can't charge you anything, you have nothing. But you're not hopeless. We were all small and weak once, but you have a real chance of catching up to us in strength.

I nodded happily, waiting for her to start sharing useful information.

Isida put her foot on my leg and poked her finger into my groin area, saying, — First, give me your panties and seed, and then we'll get to talking.

I pulled my pants down in front of Isida and removed my panties, starting to masturbate my cock with them. I felt ashamed as my own aunt watched me strangle my snake.

But in order to finish quickly, I stared at Isida' bare breasts and her sexy figure, fantasizing about sex. She was a short distance away from me.

Isida was massaging her mounds and leaning sexily in different directions to stimulate me to ejaculate as quickly as possible.


— Aaahhhh... — I moaned, imagining myself driving my cock into my aunt's tight pussy.

It would be a mind-blowing copulation!

The white cream was splashed onto the panties I had given to Isida Pendragon.

She now sniffed them, and her eyes immediately glazed over, her knees buckled, and her voice became hoarse and unclear, — Oh, incredible, priceless treasure! Woo-hoo...

Noticing my strange reaction, she quickly shook her head and hid her "treasure" inside a spatial ring, starting to discuss her personal history, — It happened like this...


Isida briefly recounted the story of her youth, unabashedly admitting that she was over a hundred thousand years old.

It was interesting and exciting to hear the story of how she saved herself and two sisters from the tyranny of my grandfather.

I came to understand what Isida would make me go through. More accurately, she wouldn't force me, as it's entirely my choice – to save Nemesis.

I need to use countless attempts until I save Nemesis and those close to me.

Isida told me that I will face psychological issues if I attempt too many times.

— And how many attempts will I have? — I asked.

— Not enough. I will fuel you with Time's energy since you unlocked your predisposition to Magic of Primary Elements too early. You acted too recklessly, breaking in here without my invitation.

Isida also explained to me the levels that follow after the Stellar Nebula.

The first stage of evolution consists of nine Stars, then nine Star Systems, nine Stellar Nebulae, nine Stellar Singularities, nine Dwarf Galaxies, nine Star Galaxies, nine Clusters Galaxy, nine Superclusters of Galaxies, and Nine Universes.

As I understood from my aunt's and "soulful wife" words, the strength level of the strongest beings surpasses mine by tens of thousands of times: Nemesis is at the Ninth Dwarf Galaxy rank, Spica at the Fifth Star Galaxy rank, Proserpina at the First Star Galaxy rank, Alcyone at the Cluster of Galaxies rank, my grandfather and the patriarch of the Divine Dragons sect at the Supercluster of Galaxies rank, and the unique Goddess Femiarta, in charge of the Weaver Spiders and the Limbo dimension, at the Ninth Universe rank. Isida omitted the unnecessary details about all other members of my family.

Considering that each stage requires multiplying the number of Stars by ten, I will need 1 billion Stars to progress to the Universe level.

These are such terrifying numbers that I don't even want to think about them. It's too far from me.

I couldn't help but complain to my aunt about the unfairness of the battle, — And how do I compete with Proserpina when she has about a hundred thousand Stars, while I have only three? Am I supposed to keep dying until I progress to her level?

Isida embraced me by the shoulders to comfort me, and then she tenderly said, — You won't have to suffer for so long, although I wouldn't mind your suffering, as it would make your spirit much stronger. Your limit is the Ninth Star level since I can't advance in rank during a closed time loop. Progress is only allowed within one rank, otherwise such a drastic leap would kill you.

— But that's still a huge gap, — I said, not understanding how I could defeat Proserpina. A second later, I realized what Isida's reasoning led to, — I don't need to kill her, right?

She nodded, continuing on my behalf, — That's right, you must help Nemesis defeat Femiarta's envoy. My niece disgraces our family, unlike you. And you are already much stronger than any young cultivator.

I hugged Isida and, recalling Nemesis' kind smile, murmured, — I will help my elder sister overcome her own barriers.

Isida tapped my forehead and grabbed my cheeks, dispelling my childish ignorance, — You won't be able to help her overcome her barriers or defeat her demons. You have a different goal. You must go through suffering and pain of constant loss, like I once did, to mentally strengthen yourself. The established ranking system doesn't apply to you because you're the first creature to possess the second type of energy at such a low level and at such a young age.

I held my hand up in front of Isida's face, trying to fend off her irritating caresses, and smirked as I spoke, — So, all of you're trying to turn me into your husband? Isn't that too presumptuous and inhuman? It's not like you have an Alliance of galaxies and sects there; it's more like a nursery for amoral creatures.

My aunt grinned and grabbed my chin with her nails. Then she stuck out her tongue and sensually licked my cheek, whispering into my ear, — Well, we are not humans. The concepts of humanity and inhumanity are far from us. Our family consists of beings of a more refined form. Only Nemesis stands out against our higher principles.

I grimaced and wiped my cheek from her saliva, responding, — That's what I said – it's presumptuous. If the members of my family consist of maniacs and cold-blooded killers, building relationships won't be as smooth as you think.

— Think not of our future, young man, but of saving your beloved little sister. I'm sending you back, — Isida said with an offended tone, snapping her fingers.

— But I didn't have enough time... — I couldn't finish my sentence as a black singularity swallowed me.

Damn! I didn't even have time to devise a plan for saving her! I thought I would have more time... infuriating, yet beautiful aunt. Is she really upset? Being offended at such an old age is bad for her health.

Too bad I'm too weak to spank her rebellious butt. I would have said all these jokes out loud if I could endure Isida's blow and not die a painful death a thousand times.

My musings ceased when I suddenly found myself in the same place where Proserpina pounced on me.

I lay beside Nemesis' corpse, and the Queen-Arachna looked like a frozen statue in the air.

The next moment, time started turning back, rewinding all the events to the moment when I was driving with Spica in the car.

— Stop, what? You fought her? — Spica asked, grabbing my sword into her spatial ring.

I looked around on the road and, realizing the time interval, replied just like last time, — Yeah, I fought her. And defeated my little wife, even though she restricted herself to the Third Star System.

— Whoof, little brother, — Spica bit her finger through her glove and chuckled approvingly, — Ha-ha-ha, your existence is surreal. You break the entire system of ranks and levels that has been in place until now. Now I understand why the Spider-Weavers came to this planet – all because of you and the dangerous prospect of disrupting the integrity of the entire universe!

This time, I understood how close Spica was to the truth. I literally stopped the entire Universe and pierced the entrance into the Chrono dimension to save my beloved woman.

Unfortunately, Isida chose a too late time interval, as we were already approaching the laboratory.

— Spica, I have an important request for you. Attack Proserpina from afar with all your might to severely wound the Queen-Arachna since her sister Alcyone is hiding in her shadow.

— What the fuck? — Spica cursed, bewildered. She grabbed my shirt and furrowed her brows as she asked, — How do you know the names of the army generals? Neither I nor Nemesis would ever mention them in conversation because Niks strictly forbade such discussions.

— Aunt Isida... — that was all I said before we noticed the red mist.

— Have you died here... — Spica whispered softly, observing my reaction.

Perhaps she assumed that Aunt Isida turned time back to save me from two different Queens.

Due to the rushed ejection from Chrono, I didn't have time to prepare, so I decided to act as quickly as possible without much explanations.

Our car pulled into a parking lot near one of the two skyscrapers of the "Pierce Life" headquarters.

I got out of the car, and together with Spica, we approached Agatha and Evelina, who were fighting with the small spiders.

Agatha shot them with a sniper rifle and threw healing spheres at wounded people, while Evelina scattered an acidic mist that poisoned and weakened the Weaver Spiders, reducing their reaction and overall health.

— Girls, we're here! — I said, nodding in the direction of the forest.

Spica nodded to me and, giving a brief glance at the giant mutant spider, left our company.

— Darling! — Agatha and Evelina exclaimed simultaneously. They looked at each other with jealousy in their eyes and bared their fangs.

— No time to argue, we need to kill the colossal Weaver Spider as quickly as possible, — I said, pointing to the twenty-meter arachnid-like creature that looked terrifying, dangerous, and repulsive.

Now I paid attention to the tiniest details, as I was sure that this time I would face a painful defeat. So, I needed to observe and progress, adapt and adjust, grow, and become stronger.

The weather was lousy due to the presence of aliens that arrived from Limbo: a thick layer of dark clouds and red mist covered the afternoon sun's rays.

To our left, we could see a dense forest where Nemesis and Proserpina were engaged in a deadly battle. I couldn't leave Agatha and Evelina alone since the mutated spider standing at the vanguard of the Limbo dimension's army could rip them apart.

Apart from human cultivators, several soldiers fought alongside us, including Lieutenant Colonel John, Sergeant Brown, and Victor, who was acquainted with Evelina.

The enormous spider had six pairs of mutated legs with which it impaled and captured Agatha's soldiers and Nemesis's cultivators, throwing them into the inferno of battle.

It had the same crimson chitinous armor as regular Weaver Spiders, but it had four eyes and numerous eye sensors all over its abdomen, eliminating its blind spots.

Last time, Spica helped me defeat it by immobilizing the monster with her spikes from the ground. It was on the level of the Second Star System, so breaking through its armor wouldn't be easy.

In the background, the first glass skyscraper loomed, resembling a spherical house in the style of Mars. Its framework consisted of many parts of various lengths, forming triangles of different shapes, creating an elongated oval. It reminded me of the head of my genital organ...

Fucking motherfucking Nemesis! I wouldn't be surprised if she designed this building, having such lascivious thoughts. I'll definitely save my sister and then scold her, though I love her.

Both buildings were situated on a mountain ledge, offering a beautiful view of the city of St. Louis.


— What's the plan? — Agatha asked, continuing to fill the spider's bodies with lead.

Evelina silently spread the acidic mist and threw acid spheres at the spiders, enjoying their screams and waiting for my instructions.

While speaking, I gestured to show the girls where they should stand and how to act. — Evelina, fill all the gaps of the giant spider with Acid Mist. Agatha, prepare healing spheres for timely assistance and inform Sergeant Brown to unleash as much fire as possible on the spider's face. Let everyone else start shooting at it on my command. I'll find a breach in its chitinous armor and deliver a deadly strike with Chaos energy.

They followed my instructions. Agatha prepared her people for the attack, and I, with a deep breath, gazed at the massive spider, realizing it was my first trial.

I have to destroy him without Spica's help since he's not that strong compared to Proserpina.

— Kra-raarh! — the mutant spider roared, directing its attention towards me.

Moving towards us, the spider extended its massive, sharp legs to kill me and my dear girls.

— On the count... begin! — I radioed Agatha, retreating from the firing line.

I hoped we could defeat the monster on the first try.

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