
Monster Integration

In the world where Humans and Monster's form a bond and fight together, the world where both Evolve together to get stronger. Walk with Micheal as he starts his adventures with his Silver Sparrow, overcomes countless obstacle and adversaries to fulfill his greatest Dreams. The initial and new chapters getting edited everyday. Release Rate: 14 Ch/Week+ The cover is not mine. I couldn't track down the original creator but if the creator is out there, message me if you want me to take it down or give credit

AnWan · Fantasy
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3966 Chs



I cursed, seeing the concentrated poison bullets coming at us; I had already used all the methods I had, and those I had remaining wouldn't be enough to defend against these poison bullets.

I might be able to defend against ten or twenty at most, but there are hundreds of them; there is no way I could defend against them, even if I used all the methods I have.

The only method I had that could have defended against these attacks were my shields, but I could not use them, considering the strings I should use to weave the shields are now holding back the vines. Still, I have to do something immediately, as these bullets have reached the water elemental sphere which is covering the whole chariot.

"Star Shield!"

I was about the activate the best defensive method I could use when lady Atkins activated hers.

Her defensive method was the five-pointed star above us which expanded immediately and covered the whole chariot.