
Monster in a world of heroes and villains [temporary break]

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings,monsters from videogames,monsters from movies,comics,mangas and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

ok this is... (edited)


5000 words...I put effort into it like the other chapters XD

If you are in any chapter between 41 and 49 before 'redoing'/(edited) I ask you to read chapter 41 again, or else you will get confused xd


(POV: Noah)

I was lying on a park bench, deciding to stay here for a while before heading home. I had sent Seras back to look after Jess and John, and I also had a somewhat... dangerous feeling.

"The card... I almost forgot... system," I said into the air. A floating screen appeared in front of me.

[Do you want to activate the new card?


I pressed "YES," and a text appeared, covering the screen.

[With one howl, the heavens loose a thousand flashes, and ten thousand peals of thunder. Approach it not, anger it not—for the wrath of the 'Thunderlord' shows no mercy...]

I looked at the text and said, "Ah... isn't this from...?"

[You have obtained "Zinogre"!!]

Yup, Monster Hunter. It seems like I have a Monster Hunter character. It's not bad at all, but for now, I don't think it would be a good idea to use it. I have no enemies at the moment, and without a doubt, a Zinogre is quite large...

I jumped up from the bench and stretched a little, looked around, and decided to go home.

"I have to train her better..." I said with a smile. I walked through the park for a while, but then I saw someone blocking my path—a person with a black jacket. He raised his head, and I saw crimson red eyes.

"Hello friend!! May I know why you are in this park at this time?" I yelled with a big smile. He's a vampire, but he smells quite different...

He just looked at me without saying anything. Suddenly, I felt a cut on my cheek. I touched it and saw a little blood on my fingers. I looked behind me and saw a hole in a tree, about the size of a bullet, but undoubtedly faster than a normal bullet.

I looked at the guy again and said, "That's new..."

A peculiar sensation ran through my body, as if I was going through a waterfall. "Well, well... this is undoubtedly very convenient... they came towards me, huh..."

I dodged to the side and saw in slow motion how a drop of blood flew at great speed. How fascinating...

I smiled and dodged more blood bullets. It was easy to dodge them. I moved my arms and legs like a dance in the moonlight. The bullets stopped, and I said, "That's it...? I'm a little disappointed..."

The guy smiled and disappeared like a blur. Suddenly, I felt something hit my face with great force. I went flying and crashed into trees and bushes. I felt like I was crawling on the ground. My drag stopped, and I jumped up. I touched my face and felt like my jaw was shattered. It healed quickly—in less than a second. I touched my jaw and murmured, "Not bad..."

I smiled and said, "Deactivate card, activate Zinogre card..."


(Third Person)

Sofia's slave was walking towards Noah but found nothing. He narrowed his eyes and muttered, "Where could he be...?"

Suddenly, he heard a loud noise, as if lightning had struck. He looked around quickly but only felt a strong wind around him.

"What the hell...?" the slave said with narrowed, alert eyes.

Suddenly, he felt a chill. He looked behind him quickly and watched in surprise as a large blue canine monster hit him with its tail. The slave flew several meters and crashed against trees, the speed so great that the ground beneath him burned a bit.

The slave jumped up from the ground and looked in front of him. What he saw left him impressed.

A large quadruped monster with a canine appearance stood where Noah had been. It had intense blue scales, yellowish shells and horns, and tufts of long white fur.

The man was surprised by such a monster and gritted his teeth. He would not back down. His teacher had given him power, so he would obey his orders.

"Don't fuck with me!!" The slave screamed and ran towards the monster, cutting his own hands with his nails. The blood came out quickly and flew like bullets towards the monster.

The monster dodged the bullets and ran towards the slave with a monstrous roar.

The monster dodged a blow from the slave and gave him a tail blow that destroyed the ground and several meters around it. The ground broke, and the trees flew due to the force of the attack. The slave flew away like a rocket.

The slave spat out a tooth and smiled. He jumped up and looked at the monster that was running towards him. The slave bit hard. The skin came off in one bite and the blood gushed out like a waterfall. The blood quickly deformed and transformed into a sniper. The slave grabbed the sniper and said, "I was a soldier, you bastard!"

The canine monster narrowed its monstrous eyes but did not hesitate to run towards him. The slave aimed and fired. The bullets flew at incredible speeds, breaking the sound barrier dozens of times. The monster roared as the bullets pierced its body, leaving obvious wounds. It roared again, and its body began to glow with sparks of electricity.

The slave opened his eyes in shock when he felt the monster behind him. He tried to dodge, but a claw struck him, sending him flying like a broken doll. The ground shattered continuously. The monster roared towards the sky, and more cracks appeared in the ground.

"Shit..." the slave said, standing up with an almost broken arm, the red muscles visible. The slave gritted his teeth and said, "Please... Master... give me more power..."

(Somewhere far from the scene)

Sofia Scaleblood looked at a blue sphere between her legs, the sphere showing the perspective of the slave.

Sofia murmured, "It seems I did well giving a small blue sphere of isolated dimension to that slightly useful garbage. I finally stabilized it..."

Sofia smiled behind her mask, "Hmm... it's not so bad... well, I allow you to have some power... besides, that guy is certainly peculiar... he can transform into a monster of that size..."

(Back to the park)

Noah watched with half-closed eyes as the slave began to bleed from his pores uncontrollably. Suddenly, the guy started vomiting blood. The blood fell to the ground, but something surprising happened. The blood began to float and slowly took on a different shape.

"Oh... that's certainly new..." Noah thought with interest as he witnessed what was happening. The blood began to transform into different weapons, with tentacles of blood attaching to the weapons as if they were additional limbs.

The blood started to cover the slave's body slowly, making him look like a person completely covered in red. The slave's mouth opened, and a long tongue full of holes appeared.

"What is this...? Carnage with firearms?" Noah thought with an imaginary smile.

The slave roared, and the weapons were pointed at Noah. The weapons varied—AK-47s, M4s, miniguns, UZIs, even missile launchers.

"Damn... that's a lot of weapons... this guy has an interesting skill... although I think I can do something similar but better..." Noah thought, interested in the guy's skills.

But suddenly, Noah felt danger. He began to run through the park, the slave following with a speed similar to his own. Noah grunted and ran even faster. Suddenly, Noah heard gunshots. He dodged several bullets made of blood. Dozens of trees were destroyed in seconds. The bullets devastated everything around them—benches, trees, bushes, streetlights.

Noah roared, and electricity began to surround him. His eyes glowed blue briefly. Noah disappeared like lightning with incredible speed. He appeared behind the guy with blood weapons. He flicked his tail, but Noah didn't expect the guy to grab his tail and lift him with colossal force. Noah was surprised, but he did not deactivate the card. He wanted to raise the level of the card in use. He knew that if he used Alucard, he could easily kill him.

The guy covered in blood slammed Noah against the ground hard. The ground split and sank. Noah gritted his teeth in pain. He jumped to his feet and this time hit the guy clean with his tail.

Although he was only pushed a few meters, the guy put his hands together and quickly created a large minigun made of blood. Noah growled and dodged the hundreds of bullets fired at him in mid-air.

Noah dodged the bullets nimbly in the air. Despite his large body, his agility was surprising.

Noah fell to the ground and roared, his body slowly beginning to fill with electricity. "Well, I'm done with it... I'll finish this quickly..."

Noah ran with great speed towards the armed guy, dodging bullets and even a rocket made of blood. When it hit the ground, the rocket exploded and released small bullets of blood that destroyed everything around him within a few meters.

Noah quickly reached the armed guy and delivered another tail blow that sent him flying with great force. Noah realized that the blood armor covering him was slowly beginning to break. He sighed and ran towards him again. The blood weapons of the slave aimed at Noah and fired non-stop, dozens of weapons at once. Noah growled and ran even faster, dodging bullets quickly. He reached his side again and struck him with his claws, breaking the slave's chest. The blood armor slowly began to destroy itself.

Noah dodged a shot from a sniper. The shot was so strong that it destroyed the ground and sank it a few meters. Noah roared and bit the guy, throwing him into the sky and roaring non-stop. He opened his powerful jaws, and a large amount of electricity began to form in his mouth.

From Noah's mouth, a large bolt of lightning flew towards the guy in the blood armor. The bolt went through his chest, and he literally exploded.

The park shook a little for a few seconds. The trees around Noah burned from the absurd heat of the attack, and the ground around Noah sank from the power.

Noah watched as the guy's body fell. He fell to the ground, and Noah approached. The body was charred. Noah growled and struck it hard with his claws, breaking the ground into pieces and shaking it. The guy's body in front of Noah broke into pieces. 

Noah sighed in relief and noticed how reality itself seemed to break around him. Cracks appeared in the sky and around him. Noah closed his eyes and heard the sound of a mirror breaking.

When he opened his eyes, everything had returned to normal. Nothing was destroyed. Everything was in order and undamaged.

"Deactivate card..." Noah thought, and he returned to his normal form.

Noah looked at what was left of the guy in front of him and approached. He put his hand on the remains of the charred body and began to absorb it. Noah gritted his teeth as he absorbed it. It was like putting your hand in a hole full of knives, and when you move your hand, they always cut you.

Noah grunted and finally absorbed it. He sighed in relief and said, "It will take a while to adjust... but it's worth it... this power isn't that bad..."


(POV: Noah)

I walked towards my "home." I looked around and felt slightly uncomfortable, probably because I had to be without cards for the Blacklight to adapt to the blood and DNA of the vampire. This is better than killing hundreds of vampires without a doubt.

While I was walking, I felt increasingly worse. Shit... my head hurts...

I walked towards an alley and leaned against the wall. I grabbed my head and clenched my teeth because of the pain. Shit... adapting to this kind of power is annoying... my head burns, and it also hurts...

"Don't move... give me your money..." a voice spoke from behind me. I turned around slowly and saw a person, maybe more than 20 years old. He was wearing a jacket, and I could see his face. He pointed a gun at me, a classic...

"Hey friend... I'm feeling a little bad right now... can't we do this another day...?" I said with an awkward smile. My headache was slowly increasing... damn...

I ignored the assailant's words. I couldn't help but put my other hand on my head. Shit... SHIT!! IT HURTS SO MUCH!!

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" I yelled and punched the guy. I watched as my fist went through his chest. The guy looked at me in horror, but he quickly died. I moved my arm away and watched as he fell to the ground.

I sighed and grabbed his head. Slowly, I began to absorb it... my head still hurt a little, but it felt better...

I sighed in relief from the headache that seemed to be slowly diminishing. I left the alley and walked "home"...


I arrived at my "home" and knocked on the door in a specific rhythm. After a moment, Jess's head poked out, and she saw me. "Well, come in."

I went in and sat on the couch, sighing in relief. I felt better now.

"Where have you been? You look tired," Jess said as she sat in a chair. Seras was sitting on the couch next to me, hugging a pillow and seemingly asleep.

I pointed to Seras and asked, "When did she fall asleep?"

"About half an hour ago. She was sleepy and just dozed off," Jess said casually while watching television.

Suddenly, I had a bad feeling. I activated Alucard's card, quickly grabbed John and Jess, and opened the hatch to the underground hideout—all in a matter of seconds. John had been sleeping in his room.

"What the hell!?! What are you doing!?!" Jess shouted from inside the hatch. I sighed and said, "Stay inside... there are problems, and you could get hurt. Honestly, you'd be a hindrance if you tried to help."

Jess was silent for a moment before shouting, "Don't you dare do something stupid, okay!?!"

I smiled and replied, "That's difficult; you know how I am."

Seras woke up quickly, looking around. "Enemies?"

I nodded. "Stay alert. This will be complicated, especially for you, but if you win this fight, you'll undoubtedly become stronger."

She stood up and asked, "Well... Master, do you have my gun?"

I smiled and pulled a large sniper rifle from my shadow, handing it to Seras. She smiled and said, "Well, where are the enemies now—"

Before she could finish, I felt the sensation of going through a waterfall, and the door of the house literally flew towards me. I moved my hand slightly, and the door crashed against a wall.

Dust arose, but I waved my hand again, and it disappeared quickly.

I looked at our guests. Yup, the cavalry had arrived.

"Hello, mates! Do you want some tea?" I said with a smile and open arms. They looked at me, and a woman said, "It's him... so this is the address..."

I sighed and said, "Well... it seems they followed me... my bad. But since you broke into my home by force, you'll have to pay the price for breaking things, you know?"

A person with a hoarse voice sighed in annoyance and said, "Shut up. Now die."

I saw a crimson whip materialize from his hand and aimed at Seras, but I grabbed it in time. The whip seemed to have small saws, quickly tearing my hand. I sighed, grabbed the whip tightly, and threw it aside. The guy was dragged and shot out of the building, leaving a big hole in the wall through which the street was visible.

"Take care of the guy with the whip. Don't hold back. Don't hesitate, or you could die. Go and get strong," I told Seras. She nodded and ran through the hole, quickly heading out to the street.

I looked at a tall, robust guy and what seemed to be a woman by the shape of her body and clothes. "So... you come to disturb my house, destroy the door, ruin my moment of peace and conversation... although I was planning to sleep today, well... I think you need a good beating."

These guys looked strong. It seemed like I would have to use everything I had. I had never used Alucard's knowledge at 100%, but it seemed like now was the time.

The woman said, "Well... you are our target... so... die."

I covered myself just in time as a powerful kick sent me flying through the wall and into the street. I jumped up and watched as the woman and the robust guy landed on the ground with a jump.

I stretched a little and said, "Well, well... let me try new things..."

I got into position and said, "I hope they make me smile... yes?"

I dodged a blow from the robust guy. He was definitely quite strong. I grabbed his fist, lowered it, and kicked him in the neck. The guy grabbed his neck in pain. He had a lot of strength but little speed, though that could change if they removed their so-called "limiters." I quickly gave him a low kick that made him fall to the ground, narrowly avoiding a kick from the woman.

I grabbed her leg and punched her in the chest, focusing my attack on the center. She grunted in pain and flew into the distance.

That was pretty easy... probably because I have more combat experience...

The sturdy guy growled and lunged at me again. I dodged and grabbed his arm, bringing him down with a low kick to both legs. As he fell, I dislocated his arm. He winced in pain but clung to my clothes, playing dirty this time.

He dragged me close and headbutted me. I smiled and said, "This is kind of fun, you know? But for now, it's not enough."

I grabbed his face and slammed it into the ground. He tried to scream but couldn't. I kicked his head hard, sending him flying through several buildings. It seemed like I'd set a new record.

I ducked just in time to avoid a kick aimed at me. This woman was irritating, but I couldn't underestimate her. They might have powerful abilities.

She landed and looked at me. "You are strong. You defeated Goliath easily... though that was because he had the limiters on."

Suddenly, I felt the ground shaking and saw buildings collapsing in my direction. I smiled, waiting for the show.

A big guy with fiery red veins ran towards me, fury in his eyes. He looked like an angry rhino.

"Hey, I have that too, you know?" I said with a small smile. I put my hands together and murmured, "Level activation... Level 4..."

I felt my body revitalize, my senses improved enormously, and I felt much stronger. I opened my eyes and saw a fist inches from my face. I moved my head and dodged it, seeing everything in slow motion. Time for some action.

I dodged the blow and kicked him in the face, watching his face deform as he flew into a nearby building, which quickly collapsed.

"Tch... this bastard..." I heard the woman click her tongue in the distance. I looked at her and said, "Is that all?"

She sighed and said, "No, not at all. It's time to get serious. I don't want to disappoint him..."

Disappoint him? It's probably Dracula...

She took off her mask and I gave a small whistle. Without a doubt, she was beautiful—black hair down to her back, small and cute lips, brown eyes, and a pretty face.

"You're undoubtedly beautiful, miss," I said with a smile. She just clicked her tongue and took off her trench coat. I felt her power increase several levels. It seemed she was getting serious...

There was a strange cut on her fingers, and her blood was slowly coming out. I didn't think I hurt that part of her body. Suddenly, she disappeared out of nowhere. I didn't notice her...

A direct kick to the back of my head woke me up completely. What the hell? How did she get there? It's literally like she teleported. Calm down and think...

It has to be something related to space, right? Space magic?

I felt another blow directed at my neck. I grabbed my neck with annoyance. She appeared and disappeared faster and faster, each blow landing on different parts of my body. How annoying...

I looked in a specific direction and struck. She appeared in that place. Predictable... the pattern didn't change. There were two possibilities: she couldn't control it well, or she didn't know how to make a good plan...

I think the first possibility is more accurate. I'd never seen space magic before, let alone from a vampire...

She flew away, vomiting black blood. Not bad...

I heard tremors nearby. I looked at the ground; it was shaking more and more. I looked in one direction and saw a person who seemed to be burning with blood. It was as if a crimson flame formed around him. I didn't know blood could be used like that. It looked like a ki aura from those cultivation stories.

I smiled and clenched my fist. I wanted to try this. The fist of the guy called Goliath and mine collided, shaking the ground and tearing the air. The ground beneath us sank. Goliath's arm exploded in blood, his veins and arteries bursting. He screamed in pain, grabbing his arm.

"Hey, is that all you have?" I said with a slightly disappointed look.

I grabbed Goliath's face and kneed him in the chest. The guy vomited black blood; it seemed like I'd destroyed his organs. Suddenly, he hit me in the chest. I clenched my teeth slightly and said, "Not bad... not bad... good hit."

That hurt. He hit me hard in the chest; he's strong...

I smiled and decided not to cover myself from the blows. I started hitting him with more powerful blows, and he began hitting me without stopping. This seemed like an endurance test. I squeezed my fist harder and hit his chest. He leaned down, vomiting more black blood. I sighed and said, "Hey... what if you get more serious? I doubt you can only do that..."


(POV: Seras Victoria)

I aimed and shot at the guy in front of me, though he was dodging the bullets faster and faster. Damn! He's very fast. That damn whip easily cut the bullets. I crouched quickly, seeing how the whip cut a building in half behind me. I gritted my teeth and ran down the street. I felt a bad feeling and jumped into the air. I looked behind me and, yes, the whip cut everything under me. How lucky I am...

I landed on the ground and gritted my teeth, running as fast as I could. I looked behind me and saw him following me quickly; he seems as fast as me...

Suddenly, I felt something hit my back. I clenched my teeth hard and endured the pain. I jumped onto the roof of a building, turned around, aimed, and shot just when the guy with the whip jumped. The bullet almost hit him. Damn! It grazed his cheek. I landed on the roof, and so did he.

"Well, you have good ability, but you lack experience... You have potential... Why don't you come with me instead of that weird guy from before?" said the guy in front of me. I gritted my teeth. That bastard...

I reloaded my rifle and said angrily, "Fuck you..."

"So no, huh... shame. Well, you're missing out," the guy said, and he disappeared and appeared in front of me. I felt his kick in my stomach, and I went flying, crashing into a building and through the wall.

Shit... my head and body hurt... I can't beat him...

I looked at the ceiling, lying on the floor. It seemed to be a hallway of a... department building...?

I sighed and got up with a headache, grabbing my head; the pain was still there...

"Well, well... do you want to continue, miss?" said a voice coming from the visible dust.

No... I will not die here. I promised to become stronger... I will not lose... I WILL NOT LOSE!!


I clenched my fists and said, "You bastard... I'll kill you!!"

I felt my head burn, my vision seemed to turn red. I was going to kill him... I WILL KILL HIM!!

"AAAAAAAAARGH!!" I roared and ran towards him, punching him directly in the face. The guy went flying and crashed through the wall. I jumped out, and my leg came down on his chest. When we landed, the ground sank into a crater.

"Haha... damn, miss, you're dangerous, huh..." the guy said with a hoarse voice.

I didn't hesitate and punched him in the face. His mask broke, and I saw his face. He looked like a 40-year-old guy, with his hair in a ponytail. I gritted my teeth and screamed, "DIE!!!"

I hit him again in the face. The ground shook, and the air tore. I will not hesitate... I WILL NOT HESITATE!!

I won't hesitate...

Master... Mom... I won't hesitate... I won't be weak again...

"AAAAAAARRGGGGG!!" I screamed in fury as I continued to hit him, each blow destroying the ground and opening cracks like spider webs.

I felt like I was flying from a blow to the chest. I gritted my teeth and landed on the roof of a building, which shook but, luckily, didn't collapse.

"THAT HURT!! YOU BASTARD!!" I heard a scream, and I smiled. It seemed like he got angry. Suddenly, something grabbed my face, and I felt like I was being dragged through the ground. This bastard... He was dragging me through the building. I grabbed his hand and said, "DON'T FUCK WITH ME!! YOU BASTARD!"

I grabbed hard and squeezed with everything I had. I saw how his arm broke and tore. The guy roared with anger and threw me out of the building.

I fell to the ground in the street. Everything hurt...

I got up slowly. I looked at my hands, which were hurt. I sighed and murmured, "Don't hesitate..."

I looked in front of me and saw the guy without his trench coat and gloves. Damn...

I felt like I was flying backwards, crashing through metal and concrete. This guy wasn't seriously fighting before!?!

I landed in what looked like a clothing store...?

I got up and said, "How it hurts... It hurts a lot..."

I gritted my teeth and said, "No... I just have to beat him... Just that... Nothing more... You have to beat him... It's your mission... I have to get stronger, you have to get stronger."

I looked at a piece of cloth, grabbed it, wiped the blood off my face, and threw the cloth on the floor.

I stretched my arms a little and sighed, "Okay... It's time... Beat him... You have to do it..."

"Ah... So you crashed here, didn't you?" The guy's voice came from the entrance of the store. There he was, looking at me with a smile. I clicked my tongue in anger.

"Come on... Hit me," the guy said with a smile full of arrogance. I gritted my teeth in anger...

I ran towards him and punched his face, but he didn't move.

I felt a blow to my face. Shit... I went flying and crashed into the wall. I fell to the floor, my head hurting...

"What a shame... You have great potential..." I heard his voice, and I felt him grab me by the neck, lifting me up.

"So much wasted potential..." The voice made me angry. Wasted potential, huh? Maybe... he's right... a waste...?

"It's 2020... Don't worry... I'll teach you to adapt... I hope so."

"Today we are going to make you stronger. At night, that's when most vampires come out. Understand?"

"This tastes good!"

The memories ran through my head. They were pleasant... I don't want to disappoint him... My life was not pleasant when I was a child... My mother died in front of my eyes... Not even when I was in the orphanage did I have friends... I fought a lot...

I just want to spend a nice moment with someone... Is that so difficult...?

[Then fight...]

But... I'm weak...

[You are not weak... You just lack things. Fight, make him proud... Fight and don't doubt. He told you so, didn't he...? He will help you adapt to this world... Make him proud...]

But... can I do it...?

[Obviously!! It's your decision. Your teacher made his own decisions and became strong!! So... Seras Victoria... What will be your decision...?]

I... I want to be strong...

[What is your decision...?]

I want to be strong!!

[Then... fight]

I gritted my teeth and my vision turned red. "DON'T FUCK WITH ME!! I WILL NOT DIE HERE!! IT'S MY DECISION!! YOU BASTARD!"

"What the f--" I hit him so hard that he went flying. I gritted my teeth and said, "It's my decision... I'll be strong... I don't want to disappoint anyone..."

The guy stood up and said, "That hurt... Bitch..."

I gritted my teeth and ran towards him, delivering another punch that destroyed the building behind him. He flew with force. I ran and punched him in the face again. The guy fell to the ground, creating a crater. I started punching him without stopping.

[So this is your decision...]

I ignored the voice in my head and kept hitting without stopping. Don't hesitate, just fight. Fight without stopping. Don't let anyone down. I just... I want to enjoy being with someone...!

I clenched my fist with all my strength and screamed, "DIE!!!"

I hit his chest and everything shook. The ground shook non-stop, and I heard several buildings collapse. But I kept hitting. My vision kept turning red. I just hit; I didn't stop...

Hit, hit, hit, hit... That was all I could think of.

After a while, I looked at what I did. There was only a shapeless piece of meat. I looked at the sky and muttered, "I did it right... right?"