
Monster in a world of heroes and villains [temporary break]

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings,monsters from videogames,monsters from movies,comics,mangas and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

his own night is our day

here the author!!

This chapter is more "casual" there is not much action, I still hope you enjoy it!! 🗣️👍


(third person)

A man was running through an alley in the cold night, fleeing from a figure in a long black jacket. His life depended on it. His legs felt like lead, but he kept going.

"Shit..." he panted, his fatigue evident, but he didn't stop.

He fell, hitting a wall. His head hit the cold floor, making him dizzy. He got up as fast as he could.

"Damn, what an annoying human."

"Hey, it's our food, shut up."

"You!! Shut up, asshole!"

The man heard voices in the darkness of the alley. He looked around in fear and despair. He had only been on his way to his girlfriend's house and had taken a shortcut through the alleys. There, he had seen a guy biting a woman's neck. His instincts told him to run, and he did. The eyes of the guy who bit the woman had terrified him.

Red eyes glowed in the vast darkness. The man watched in despair as three people—two men and a woman—emerged from the shadows.

"Well, we share him, right? I want the arms. I like the blood from that part," the woman said with a flirtatious smile. She had a defined body and revealing clothes. Her red hair complemented her eyes.

"Shut up, Daisy. We'll distribute it in the den," said a burly, tall man. He had shoulder-length brown hair, a well-defined face, and a long jacket. His eyes were the same as Daisy's.

"That's why I never want to hunt with you, you're so serious, Brian," Daisy said, annoyance in her voice. The last man looked at the two arguing and said, "Shut up. We need to get back to the den before sunrise."

"Yes, yes, whatever you say, Bruce," Daisy replied, even more annoyed. Bruce was a guy of medium height, slightly shorter than Brian. He had his hair tied up in a ponytail, abnormally pale skin, and, of course, the red eyes. All three of them were vampires.

"Well, well," Daisy said, shrugging her shoulders in annoyance. She approached the human and grabbed him by the neck.

"I can kill him by breaking his neck, right?" Daisy asked curiously.

"Knock him out. Warm blood is more delicious and more nutritious," Brian said in a serious voice. He was the leader of this "hunting" team.

"Well!" Daisy said with a smile. She struck him with a speed that a normal human couldn't see, and the man was quickly knocked out, unable to resist.

"Hey, did you see the news? It seems like there's a terrorist in our city," Bruce said with a curious smile.

"Terrorist?" Brian asked, rare curiosity showing on his serious face.

"Yep, he killed everyone in a hotel. All the soldiers died. I even think several platoons of soldiers were wiped out," Bruce said as he walked down the alley, bored.

"Fuck, that's amazing. He seems like a tough guy if he can kill several platoons of trained soldiers with ease," Daisy said as she put the knocked-out guy on her shoulder.

"Yeah... awesome..." Brian said as he closed his eyes and thought.

"Do you think he's one of ours?" Brian asked, narrowing his eyes.

"I think it's possible. There are videos of the event on YouTube. The soldiers couldn't stop normal people from recording them in action, something normal in this era," Bruce said, taking a phone out of his pants.

Bruce took out a phone and put on a video from YouTube, then tossed it to Brian.

Brian looked at the video and said, "It's possible... although this part of the city is our territory, it's possible more people will want to recruit him... he's quite strong, seems invincible."

"Cool, right?" Bruce said with a smile.

"Yeah... it's... impressive even for us," Brian said in a serious voice, eyes fixed on the video.

"Well, assholes, time to go to our 'home,'" Daisy said with a smile.

Brian and Bruce nodded. They ran across the rooftops of the buildings at a speed faster than sound.


The three vampires arrived at a fairly large but abandoned building in the city. They entered through a door, revealing an interior that looked quite different from the exterior. Inside, several people were playing pool, cards, and one even appeared to be a 16-year-old boy engrossed in video games.

"Guess who brought nutritious food!" Daisy announced loudly, drawing the attention of all the vampires inside, except the one playing video games.

They all walked over to her with smiles.

"Line up, idiots!" Daisy said with annoyance.

After a few minutes, Daisy killed the human, and they began to dismember the body. Daisy licked her bloody lips and said, "It feels so good..."

The person playing video games clicked his tongue in frustration. "What a boring game," he muttered, standing up and walking towards a sofa where he laid down.

"Daisy..." the 16-year-old boy called out.

Daisy quickly appeared, kneeling on one leg. "What do you want, sir?" she asked in an unexpectedly respectful tone.

"Report..." the boy said as he grabbed a portable console.

"Well, today was a normal day--" Daisy began, but she was interrupted by Bruce. "Sir! It seems there is a terrorist in the city!"

"A terrorist... in our territory?" the boy asked curiously.

"So it seems," Bruce said with a smile.

Daisy shot Bruce a look of pure anger, clearly wanting to kill him for the interruption. But Bruce just smiled mockingly at her.

The boy sighed and rubbed his forehead a little. "How annoying."

"Is there any information?" the boy asked.

"For now, just a video. It's possible he's a vampire. In a hotel, there was chaos caused by him. Several platoons of soldiers were destroyed," Bruce explained, still smiling.

"Platoons of soldiers, not bad..." the boy said with an interested smile.

Suddenly, the boy said, "Well, today there's a meeting of the territories. I chose you to be my assistants. Don't disappoint me. Let's go."

Bruce and Daisy nodded with a smile, while Brian remained serious.


(POV: Noah)

I sighed and looked at the city from the top of a skyscraper. It was a quiet night, and the city lights were captivating. I sat on the ledge, lost in thought. John and Jess seemed to be getting along better. We decided that I should go out and keep watch. I had to show them my shapeshifting ability so they wouldn't bother me.

"What a boring day," I muttered to myself. "Now that I think about it, there's Blade in Marvel. Would he want to kill me?" Talking to myself had become a habit. It felt strangely comforting.

I realized I hadn't used all of Alucard's powers yet. I knew he had telekinesis. Curious, I grabbed my Jackal gun and threw it into the air. As it fell, I pointed a finger at it. Instinctively, I stopped the gun mid-air, just centimeters from my eye. Not bad, though it probably had limits. I grabbed the gun and holstered it.

The real question was how to activate Level Zero. I remembered it required the permission of the "master and servant." Could I be my own master?

"I think I have an idea," I said with a sly smile. 

I stood up and stretched a bit, still in my usual form, not my "Noah" form. I looked into the distance, my enhanced vision easily covering vast distances. I noticed something interesting: four people running on the rooftops at supersonic speed.

"Ohh, something interesting," I murmured with a big smile. 

I watched them for a few seconds before deciding to join the fun. As I ran across the rooftops, I sensed that the boy who looked 16 couldn't detect me. It seemed I could hide my presence quite well. I needed to start using more of Alucard's powers.

I stopped on the roof of a building, observing a limousine parked near a skyscraper. Some cars had stopped, and several people were walking towards the building. It was a large, imposing structure.

I sighed and dropped into an alley, deciding it was time to go in style. My body and face shifted slightly to avoid detection, molding quickly. My clothes transformed into a black and red formal suit, complemented by a black and red tie. Dark red glasses appeared in my hand, and I put them on. I tied my hair into a ponytail, completing the formal look. My shoes changed into fine, luxurious leather shoes. This card had good surprises.

I walked towards the building, but a guard stopped me. 

"Sir, you are not invited," the guard said with a fierce look. 

I looked around and saw very few people. Smiling, I pointed two fingers at the guard. "No, no, I am a guest...a normal guest."

The guard's eyes glowed red slightly. "You...you are a guest..."

It seemed the hypnosis worked quite well. I entered the building, which exuded luxury. There were several people inside, men and women alike. It seemed to be a gathering of important people. I heard the party was on the top floor. The four people who entered must be important to get in with such casual clothes. How interesting...

I walked towards the elevator. When the door opened, some people came out, so I stood to the side to let them pass. Once they had exited, I stepped inside and pressed the button for the top floor. Just as the doors were about to close, I heard someone shout, "Stop!"

I looked up to see a girl in a red dress that highlighted her curves rushing towards the elevator. I sighed and decided to hold the door for her. She made it just in time, gasping for air.

"Thank you, I almost missed it!" she said, still catching her breath.

"Yes, it seems that way, miss," I replied with a polite smile.

She smiled sheepishly. "Haha..."

I chuckled lightly. She seemed to be a normal human; I didn't sense or smell anything unusual about her. I sighed and decided to wait patiently for the elevator to reach the top floor.

"So...my name is Emily!" she said with a slightly embarrassed smile.

"You can call me Alucard," I said, smiling back. "A name my father gave me. He loved literature and old stories."

"So, Alucard...are you going to the party too?" She asked with a smile. She seemed unaware that there might be supernatural beings at this gathering. It was likely that only a few knew the true nature of the guests. There was even a possibility that the host of the party was a supernatural being. I was eager to see what would unfold tonight.

"Yep, I'm a guest. I should go, right?" I said with a small smile.

"Yup!" she replied cheerfully.

I smiled and waited as the elevator ascended. When we arrived at the top floor, the doors opened to reveal several tables and people sitting and talking. The room exuded luxury and formality, clearly a place for "important" people, both humans and... others.

I watched as Emily said goodbye to me and headed to a table, probably with acquaintances or family. I headed towards an empty table and luckily found one available. After sitting down, a waiter quickly approached me with a bottle of wine and a glass. I agreed and started drinking the wine, finding it quite enjoyable.

Observing the surroundings, I noticed that there were several people in the room. I even saw the people who were earlier running across the rooftops, apparently having changed into more formal attire.

As I twirled my glass, watching the movement of the wine, I continued to scan the room. I saw some rather unique individuals, one with visible tattoos on his neck, indicating that not everyone present was human. He made me smile. At this moment, a person entered the room, dressed in a luxurious white formal suit. While my initial intention was to simply have fun, seeing this individual made me smile even more. They exuded an unmistakable aura of otherness, accompanied by a faint smell of blood that lingered in the air, undetectable to humans.

With well-groomed black hair and an air of importance, the newcomer looked to be around 30 years old. Taking a microphone, they addressed those present with a broad smile. "Welcome to my party! I hope everyone enjoys this new era. Enjoy the drinks, the food, and the promise of the future! Live life!" His words were received with applause and the guests began to enjoy the festivities eating, drinking and toasting. It seemed that tonight promised an interesting turn of events.

As I savored the luxurious and expensive meat, I observed some individuals engaged in conversation nearby. Suddenly, the man with tattoos on his neck approached my table, taking a seat and offering a small smile. "Seems like you don't belong here... Mind telling me who you are?" he inquired.

After swallowing a particularly delicious bite of meat, I regarded him with a hint of amusement. "Who am I talking to? I might as well be talking to a fly..." I muttered, irritation creeping into my tone at being disturbed during such a satisfying meal.

The man nodded, seemingly unperturbed by my response. "Are you with the Deus team?" he pressed, prompting my curiosity about this unfamiliar group.

"Deus? Who's that?" I questioned, genuinely intrigued by the mention of this unknown faction.

"I see... You're playing coy," he chuckled, his laughter trailing off as he rose from his seat. "It's clear you're not from around here, you're an outsider, aren't you?" he concluded before walking away.


As the evening wound down and guests began to depart, a select few remained behind in the venue. I noticed several lingering gazes directed my way and couldn't help but ask, "What's up?"

Among those who remained, the man in the white formal suit caught my attention. With a small smile playing on his lips, he remarked, "Well, well... What do we have here?"

I sensed the weight of several scrutinizing gazes as the man in the white suit took a seat at my table.

"Well, well... Could the gentleman before me share his name?" he inquired, his tone polite but curious.

I chuckled lightly. "Haha... My name's Alucard," I replied, offering a small smile as I crossed my legs and took a sip of wine.

"Just here to... enjoy myself," I added casually.