
Monster in a world of heroes and villains [temporary break]

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings,monsters from videogames,monsters from movies,comics,mangas and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

a promise. (edited)

If you are in any chapter between 41 and 49 before 'redoing'/(edited) I ask you to read chapter 41 again, or else you will get confused xd


(POV: Noah)

"Hey... this is a little disappointing," I said without smiling as I saw Goliath lying on the ground, most of his body covered in black blood. I sighed and picked him up by the neck, looking at him. "So you didn't make me smile like I wanted, huh..."

I slapped him in the face, a tooth flew out. I felt a little disappointed right now...

Huh? My arm was missing. I flew and crashed into a building, my body hurt. It seems it's the woman...

I got up and left the hole in the building. In the distance, I saw the woman helping the guy called Goliath. Blood was coming out of her chest and she had some blood on her lips.

With open arms, I shouted, "Hey!! That's it!?! You guys are a little disappointing, you know?! I thought you'd be better because you're royal guards or whatever your names are!"

They ignored me. Well...

They got up, and the woman said, "Well... looks like I'll have to use this..."

This? Oh... I hope it is a powerful ability. The woman raised her hand, and my arm was suddenly cut off. I smiled at the sensation. It seems that the woman is indeed powerful...

I felt a sense of danger and crouched down. The building behind me was cut into pieces. Oh... that looks interesting... instead of teleporting, she uses it as a weapon...

I felt the sense of danger again and dodged again. Another building was cut in half. I ran towards them and kicked the girl in the face, but something unexpected happened. I felt like I hit something hard, but I only hit the air...

I dodged a kick and landed on the ground. I looked at the woman and said, "So you can attack and defend yourself... a pretty good skill for sure..."

"Yes... now DIE!!" The woman pointed her hand at me, and I felt like I was cut in half. I looked at my bottom half and, yes, I was cut in half. Although in the next second, I quickly regenerated.

I dodged several cuts that seemed to cut everything in front. It looks like Sukuna...

Haha... this is fun...

I appeared behind the woman and took another hit, but I felt like I hit something hard again but only hit the air in front of the woman's face.

I saw a fist aimed at my face. I didn't dodge it, in fact, I couldn't. I felt like I was trapped in a very resistant box and couldn't get out.

I felt my body fly and crash into a nearby house. I crashed into the ground and looked at the ceiling. What a good ceiling...

I jumped up and muttered, "Space... this will be complicated... I'll probably have to predict several things..."

"I think I'm finally starting to feel genuinely happy," I said with a small smile.

I dodged a cut that sliced the house in half. This woman is fast. I left the building and ran down the street. I watched as the concrete of the street broke into pieces and was cut into irregular sections.

I jumped and looked at the ground from the sky. I saw Goliath and the woman on a roof. Goliath seemed to be slowly healing, and the woman kept pointing her hand at me.

I think it's time to be creative... I bit my arm and ripped it off. It quickly started to regenerate, but my arm turned into blood. I pointed my two fingers at the sky, and the blood was compressed into a small red ball. I aimed into the distance and said, "Blood Point..."

I aimed and shot the small red ball. It flew away like a rocket, destroying surrounding buildings and their windows. The red ball reached them, but the woman grabbed Goliath and teleported away. How lucky she was...

Suddenly, I felt someone appear next to me. I looked and saw a leg in my face. I went flying and crashed into the street. I jumped up and said, "Not bad... not bad..."

I pointed my hand at a building, lifted it with my telekinesis, and threw it at them. The building almost hit them, but they teleported again.

"Tch... where are they now...?" I looked around but they were nowhere to be found...

I closed my eyes and felt the presence around me. I didn't feel anything. Suddenly, I sensed something in the sky. I smiled and opened my eyes. I saw a crimson flame falling towards me. I clenched my fists and punched the sky. I felt my fist collide with another fist.

The ground split and the buildings around were destroyed. The ground beneath me sank... this is really heavy.

I looked at my arm being slowly destroyed. I smiled, cut my arm, and dodged the attack, moving further away from the place.

I looked in the distance and saw the place from before being destroyed. This will be a little complicated; the woman can teleport. I still don't know how it works. Maybe it works with her blood... I think I saw her doing that before... So, blood and space... What a peculiar combination.

I watched as my arm was cut off again. This woman is really annoying, huh... Fast and precise...

My arm regenerated quickly, and I dodged another cut with my senses. I looked behind me and saw her with her hand pointing at me. That smile irritated me a little, although I smiled too. I have to think... A plan... Think, Noah... Think...

Blood... Wait... Blood, right? God... This was always simple, and I only thought more about fighting...

"Well... I think this won't last long... So... Die." I pointed my hand at her, using my telekinesis, and my arm broke. The blood came out like bullets that flew towards her. She just teleported. I saw the ground where she was and noticed a small drop of blood, incredibly tiny, almost invisible to the human eye. She is intelligent...

I bent down and felt like a bit of my head was cut off, though I healed quickly.

I closed my eyes and muttered, "Well... Time to think and fight..."

I took a step back and I felt I plummet through the air. I stopped falling in mid-air. Telekinesis is quite useful for this...

I felt danger nearby. I opened my eyes and kicked in one direction. I felt I touched a face. It was the woman. I saw her fly and crash to the ground. That was not very smart. She wanted to hit me with her leg.

I landed on the ground and said out loud, "Hey!! Is that all or do you have more!? Some secret ability or something...?!?"

The woman held her arm with one hand. It seems I dislocated it.

"Well... It seems like you're not even serious... What the fuck..." the woman said with an annoying smile. I smiled at that look. She seems to want to kill me with her eyes, but where is the other guy...?

She started clasping her hands together and muttering things I didn't understand...

Suddenly, a blue sphere appeared behind her. The sphere began to break, and I felt like countless cuts were slicing my body. I felt like my eyes were being cut, my chest, legs, arms, hands, everything...

I smiled at that, though it didn't cut my entire body per se. It cut the skin and muscles, maybe bones. I thought she was going to cut me into small pieces...

"Shit..." the woman said from a distance. I healed quickly, saw her, and ran towards her. I appeared next to her and clenched my fist. A direct blow to the chest made her bend over and almost vomit blood. I grabbed her by the head and kneed her in the face. She leaned back and I grabbed her face. "Enjoy the trip!!"

I jumped and hit her against a building. I started running and smashing her face against the wall of the building. I heard her screams of pain, but that only made me smile even more.

I left the building through the wall and threw her at another building in the distance. I fell to the ground in the street and stretched a little. That felt satisfying.

I heard a noise in the distance, a large crimson flame. I smiled. It seems that Goliath is there. I looked in surprise as a crimson giant appeared with red veins that seemed to boil in front of me suddenly. That speed is incredible... Like 100 times faster than sound...? Probably...

This is going to hurt... I felt his fist hit my face. I couldn't help but fly away without stopping. I went through dozens of buildings. I fell to the ground and touched my face. It felt unrecognizable. The blood came out without stopping. My teeth were inside my jaw, my bones were crushed, though I regenerated quickly.

I jumped up and stretched again. That didn't feel so bad...

"Are you having fun?" I looked at a boy next to me. I saw him and said, "Yes... Although I know it will all end soon... At least it will be fun to have this kind of fight..."

"Are you happy?" said the boy next to me. He had rags instead of clothes. I told him, "Well... Yes, I'm happy with what I have now..."

The boy nodded his head and said, "Well... That's what I wanted to hear... Yeah... Hey, you can promise me something...?"

"Tell me..."

"Never give up... Yeah? I hate that..." the boy said as he slowly disappeared into the shadows. I smiled and said, "I will never... I will never give up... I promise..."

"Thank you..." I heard his voice fading... I closed my eyes and smiled.

I looked at my hands and saw the five-point symbols on them. Maybe it's a good idea to use Level 3... I've never used it before. Well, if there are no risks, I can't make profits.

I put my hands together and murmured, "Free yourself... Bird... Open your wings and fly... Fly without stopping..."

I felt my body growing stronger. A feeling of satisfaction ran through me. I looked at my hands, and the symbols on the gloves shone slightly.

I opened my arms and murmured, "Well... It's time for round two..."

I felt the shadows embrace me in a warm hug, which I accepted without hesitation. I jumped into the sky and looked at the beautiful moon. I made a small bow and said, "A true beauty..."

I looked at Goliath in the distance. He was holding onto his head while kneeling on the ground. It seems like he can't stand that power—it hurts huh...?

I flew towards him and arrived quickly. I kicked him in the head, causing his face to crash into the ground. The ground broke into pieces easily. "Hey... You're still alive, right?"

A large crimson arm grabbed my leg. he tried to get up but could only do so a little—he has great strength...

I pressed my leg harder into his face. The ground began to sink rapidly. I smiled and said, "Time for round two, big guy..."

I moved my leg away and grabbed his head. I slammed him against the ground and threw him into the sky. I looked at him as he flew up, then scratched my arm, letting the blood start to float around it. The blood quickly began to burn with a dark crimson fire. It seems I can do interesting things with my hemokinesis, huh...

As the crimson giant plummeted towards me, I muttered, "Black flash!"

I hit his chest, and the dark crimson fire flashed for a fraction of a second. Goliath's body flew for hundreds of meters into the sky. This isolated dimension is huge...

I smiled and jumped into the sky, kicking Goliath's face, which made him plummet to the street below. When he fell, the ground shook nonstop, and some buildings around him collapsed...

I landed in a large crater and ran towards the crimson giant, kneeing him in the chest as he tried to stand. He leaned over and vomited blood from his mouth. I smiled even more and said, "COME ON!! DON'T DISAPPOINT ME!!"

The giant roared and hit me. I blocked it with my arms and flew hundreds of meters in a single second. I stopped mid-air and smiled. This feels very satisfying...

The crimson giant appeared in front of me and began to hit me. I did the same. The air around us began to burn due to the enormous speed of our attacks, creating a large tornado of fire. I smiled like never before. This was really fun.

"THANK YOU FOR NOT DISAPPOINTING ME!!" I shouted with a smile. I hit him in the chest, and Goliath also hit me. I gritted my teeth from the pain. I grabbed Goliath's arm and shouted, "LET'S GO!!"

I kneed him, making him bend over. I bit his neck and tore off a piece of his flesh. He roared and grabbed my face, slamming me to the ground. I grabbed his arm and tore it into pieces. He screamed in pain, and I kicked him in the chest. The guy staggered back, clutching his sunken chest.

I jumped up, scratched my face hard, and blood flowed out. I moved my hands, and the blood floated, standing behind me. I pointed at Goliath, extending two fingers toward him. "Bang..."

The blood bullets flew at enormous speed. Goliath defended himself with his arms, but the blood began to slowly destroy and tear them apart.

"Good resistance!!" I said with a big smile. I ran towards him with my fist clenched. My fist was close to his face, but suddenly my arm was cut into pieces. I dodged in the air, avoiding a slash coming towards me. I looked in one direction and saw the woman pointing her hand at me. This woman...

I blocked my arms against a fist aimed at me, luckily only getting pushed a few meters back.

I opened my arms and shouted, "THEN IT'S TIME FOR ROUND THREE!!"

I ran towards the woman and hit her, but something invisible blocked my blow. I clicked my tongue and dodged another slash that cut the ground into pieces.

Goliath appeared next to me and hit me on the shoulder, sending me flying. My shoulder felt destroyed, but I smiled and landed on the ground, dodging another cut that obliterated everything behind me. I ran towards them.

I quickly dodged the cuts and reached Goliath. I ducked in time, his fist grazing my face. I struck him in the neck and face. The guy winced in pain, and I hit him in the stomach. I felt something inside his stomach explode, and he started vomiting black blood. But he still wanted to hit me. I dodged another blow and put my hand on his chest. "One-inch punch... maximized." I pushed my fist hard into his chest, and a powerful shockwave sent him flying rapidly backward.

I dodged those annoying cuts from the woman with my senses at their maximum. I ran towards her and aimed for her face, but quickly changed my attack and struck her stomach with my leg. She didn't expect it and went flying. So it doesn't cover her whole body—it only covers the part she thinks I'm going to attack. I can take advantage of that...

I fixed my hair a little with my hand and murmured, "I hope you're still having fun..."

I heard a roar behind me. I looked, and it was a large crimson flame charging towards me. I clenched my fist and hit the flame. The ground sank, creating a large crater. The flame vanished, revealing Goliath. His veins were throbbing, and I could see his blood boiling. I grabbed his arm and dislocated it with great speed, but he didn't care. He kneed me and grabbed my face. This guy...

I hit the ground and crashed into a building. I felt the walls hitting my head non-stop. This guy seems to adapt quite well...

I grabbed his arm, and my legs embedded in the floor, moved his hand from my face, and said, "You're good... Let's see if you can handle this..."

Blood quickly formed in my hand, burning until it turned completely black. "Black flash..."

The blood boiled enormously for a fraction of a second. The blow to Goliath's chest made his chest sink even more, and he flew away. I saw his arm shatter; I literally had his arm cut off in my hand.

I looked at the arm and began to use it as a weapon. His arm slowly destroyed itself and was filled with blood. The arm disappeared, leaving only blood, which transformed into a sword. Something useful.

I ran towards Goliath in the air and cut him with my sword. He managed to cover himself in time, but I still cut his chest. Blood gushed out.

I kicked his head, and he crashed to the ground. I ran towards him and started cutting into his body, leaving countless cuts. Suddenly, he exploded into a crimson flame.

I jumped away and watched as Goliath stood, the crimson flames regenerating his body. He roared like a beast. I smiled and said, "Yes... This is... A real fight..."

My senses alerted me. I dodged a cut and looked at the woman in the distance on a roof, pointing her hand at me. Okay, this is getting annoying...

I ran towards the woman and appeared behind her with incredible speed, aiming to cut off her head. But instead of being decapitated, she disappeared. That damn teleportation...

I clicked my tongue and looked into the distance. Goliath was roaring with fury. The wind felt like a tornado, and the buildings around were flying and collapsing quickly.

The blood sword changed shape and became a bow. A blood arrow appeared in my other hand. I prepared the arrow and aimed, "Bang..."

The arrow flew out and, in less than a second, arrived in front of Goliath. The buildings around me were completely destroyed when the arrow flew. Goliath reacted quickly and bit the arrow with his mouth. Haha... He looks like a complete beast.

I jumped and landed a few meters in front of Goliath. My hair fluttered intensely. The woman appeared next to Goliath. It seems the big guy knows who is friend or foe...

I smiled and said with open arms, "WELL!! YOU TWO ARE HERE!! TIME FOR THE BIG FINAL ACT!!"

I smiled and appeared with great speed in the sky. I pointed two fingers at the sky, and the blood around the city flew like a river towards my fingers. A small crimson red ball began to appear quickly above my fingers.

The small red ball began to slowly glow in a large crimson glow. I pointed my two fingers in the direction of the woman and the big guy. I muttered, "Red dot... at 200%."

The little red ball flew with incredible speed. "GOLIATH!!" the woman screamed. Goliath quickly stood in front of her, roaring as crimson blood began to pour from his veins, covering him in boiling blood. The red ball reached Goliath and exploded in a large crimson explosion.

Everything was filled with red as hundreds of meters were razed in seconds, a large crimson ball as big as a building shining brightly, illuminating the area. I looked at my masterpiece with a big smile. The crimson ball disappeared quickly, leaving a massive crater in the ground. I saw Goliath, almost destroyed, his once-large crimson flame now a small flicker about to extinguish.

I appeared in front of him and said, "You're not that bad... you were strong."

"You bastard..." said the woman behind Goliath. She looked injured, blood seeping from a wound on her shoulder. I glanced at her and said, "Do you want to fight...? This big guy looks like a plant about to die..."

She stood up slowly, her blood from his arms beginning to float and burn in a blue flame. Fascinating.

The blood in my arms floated and burned in a crimson flame. I felt my arms burn slowly, but they regenerated quickly—a sequence of destruction and regeneration.

I got into position and said, "Let's go... fight."

She ran towards me with great speed. I dodged her blow and hit her in the chest. She leaned back, wincing in pain. I kicked her leg, and she almost fell, but suddenly I felt a cut on my chest. It was weaker than before; she's weakened now...

I dodged a kick and a fist with blue flames—probably her blood with space magic. It looked fascinating. I clenched my fist and hit her in the chest. She fell to the ground, blood pouring from her mouth.

"They didn't do anything wrong... but they shouldn't have come after me... I will kill all the royal guards... without a doubt..." I said with a small smile.

"Fuck you..." the woman spat.

I smiled and said, "Well... goodbye, miss... good fight. You were certainly strong... although you would probably be stronger if you had improved that interesting magic." My foot pressed on her face, and I stepped harder until her head exploded like a balloon. I looked at Goliath, who was kneeling on two legs, staring at me with empty eyes. I approached and said, "Not bad, huh... you're decent... you even protected your partner from dying. You have my respect..."

I clenched my fist and hit his face hard. His whole body exploded in a blood bomb. I sighed and muttered, "Not bad... they didn't disappoint me like they did at the beginning."

"Where could Seras be...?" I murmured and flew into the sky. I looked around and in the distance saw an area with collapsed buildings. I flew there and walked down the street, finding several collapsed buildings but not a large amount of destruction like the one I caused...

I walked a little further and saw a young woman kneeling with a large piece of shapeless flesh. She was looking at the moon, seemingly unconscious. I approached with a smile and said, "Not bad, Seras... you did well..."

I grabbed her in my arms and lifted her up. She seemed fainted. I flew into the sky and looked at the house. Luckily, I didn't destroy much in that area. I looked at big white cracks in the sky; The isolated dimension was about to break, probably because the woman was using it. I sighed and flew towards the house, but first I would go and devour the corpses of the royal guards... a lot of valuable information.


I put Seras on the sofa with some dust. I felt fatigued. I frowned and touched my mouth as blood slowly dripped. My chest hurt a little. I coughed and looked at the blood on my hand. "It seems like I overreacted a bit, right?" I smiled and sat on the floor. I was sleepy...

"Well... a good sleep wouldn't hurt me at all..." I murmured with a smile and closed my eyes...

"Master...? MASTER!!" I heard a voice but ignored it...

The darkness enveloped me in a warm dream. This felt very good...



To make this chapter I was inspired by Gojo vs Sukuna, before I saw an incredibly good MMV.