
Monster in a world of heroes and villains [temporary break]

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings,monsters from videogames,monsters from movies,comics,mangas and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

is this a... JJK reference !?!


here the author!!

If there are any misspelled or meaningless words, tell me and I will fix it, as you know, English is not my main language, well, enjoy the chapter!


(POV: Noah)

I dodged the ash-haired guy's spear, evading a series of swift, deadly attacks that cut through the ground like it was nothing. He was incredibly skilled with the spear. One of his attacks came dangerously close to my face, barely missing, but I managed to slash his chest with my sword. In the midst of this, I noticed my arm was nearly severed. I kicked him in the face, sending him flying, but his blood cushioned his fall, allowing him to recover quickly.

Clicking my tongue in frustration, I ran towards him with my sword aimed, ducking just as his spear came within a hair's breadth of my head. I sliced his arm off, only to watch as the blood reattached it seamlessly. Shit.

A kick to my chest sent me flying, my organs and bones breaking and exploding with pain. I crashed into the ground, staggered to my feet, and licked the blood from my lips as I rapidly regenerated. My insides burned, and I spat out a piece of my stomach that had come up my throat.

Wiping the blood from my lips, I sighed. "Well, well..." I moved my hand, and blood quickly formed into an ultra-hard blood whip. Smiling, I said, "Let's fight!" I charged at him, dodging his spear and whipping him across the back. Dodging another attack, I ensnared his spear with my whip and pulled him towards me, landing a punch on his face that sent blood flying. He headbutted me, cracking my skull, but I only smiled, feeling ecstatic. "Yes... this feels INCREDIBLE!!" I grabbed him with my whip and slammed him into the ground, shattering it into pieces.

My whip broke, and I narrowly dodged a spear thrown at me. Suddenly, he hit me hard in the face, sending me flying into the ground. I grabbed onto the ground to stop my momentum, my face slowly regenerating.

It seemed I had died multiple times during this fight, using up more than 20 souls. Each attack from him was fatal. "Hey!! Are you going to be serious or what?!?" I taunted, smiling.

He smiled back and raised his hand to the sky. Blood from the ground rose quickly, forming hundreds, thousands of spears. With a manic grin, I opened my arms and shouted, "DO IT!!"

The spears flew at me, tearing my body apart. Flesh flew through the air, but I remained alive even as my head was pierced. After a few moments, the onslaught stopped, and I began to regenerate quickly. I was as good as new, though I felt some pain.

"DAMN SHIT!!" he screamed in frustration.

I smiled at his anger, put my hands together, and aimed at him. Blood floated in front of my hands, compressing into a small ball, smaller and smaller until it was as tiny as an ant.

"Supernova..." I said with a smile. The ultra-compressed ball of blood flew towards him, moving so fast it broke the ground beneath me. He barely dodged it in time, but his arm was completely obliterated.

"AHHHHHRRRGGG!!! DAMN BASTARD!!" he screamed, trying to heal his missing arm.

I kneed him in the air, sending him flying backwards. I chased him, grabbing him by the face and slamming him through the buildings. I threw him to the ground hard and asked, "Are you dead?"

Smiling wider than ever, I watched him struggle to his feet. Blood formed a new arm where his old one had been.

I dodged the ash-haired guy's spear, quickly evading several attacks that sliced through the ground effortlessly. He was quite skilled with the spear. One of his strikes came directly at my face, but I managed to block it with a blood shield, which shattered on impact. I grabbed his blood arm and squeezed until it began to crack. He had made it quite sturdy, it seemed.

I smashed the blood arm into pieces, and he screamed in pain. Grabbing his face, I sneered, "Fuck you—" Suddenly, I felt something strange. Looking down, I saw a spear protruding from my chest. I quickly backed away, but the damage was severe.

I pulled the spear out of my chest, and blood gushed out, healing rapidly. "Shit... what the fuck?"

The pain intensified, and I sighed, looking at the guy who was starting to get up. He smiled tiredly and said, "Explode."

Shit. My body burned incessantly, and I suddenly exploded completely. Although I "died," I watched from a small piece of flesh in the air as the guy raised his remaining arm and formed a long spear.

I began to regenerate quickly, narrowly dodging the spear. The bastard was getting better at controlling blood.

Suddenly, my arm exploded. I looked in surprise at the destruction of my limb. Shit, this bastard can now control the blood inside a living being. 

My legs exploded, and I fell to the ground, with only one arm in good condition.

He walked towards me and said, "Ha... haha... HAHAHAHAHAHA!! With this power, I am invincible!! I am a god!!"

I sighed and said, "Don't fuck with me..."

I raised my hand, and blood quickly enveloped the guy, but it exploded almost immediately.

He looked at me with an arrogant smile. Well, I didn't want to use this because I wanted a good fight.

I pointed my hand at him and said, "Fuck you." He flew back with force, crashing into the ground hundreds of times.

"WH— SHIT— STOP—" he tried to speak as I slammed him into the ground repeatedly. I began to regenerate quickly and stood up, grabbing him in the air as I approached. "It looks like you have great blood control. You know something... I can control the blood inside a person's body, but only if I combine my hemokinesis with my telekinesis. It's a pain, like having to move four arms at the same time."

I sighed and said, "You dared to call yourself a god in front of me, huh...?!? You're screwed." I clenched my fist and punched him in the chest with all my strength. The air tore, and a large shockwave destroyed everything in its path. The guy vomited blood as he flew hundreds of meters in seconds.

In the distance, I saw him fall to the ground. I sighed and ran towards him. I stood in front of him and said, "Are you ready for the big final act?"

The ash-haired guy stood up with blood running down his face and chest. He said, "Fuck you..."

I began to levitate in the air, flew towards the sky, and shouted into the air, "TIME FOR THE FINAL ACT!!"

I put my hands together and made a hand sign. I always wanted to do this...

"Domain expansion... Ouroboros."

The blood began to rise incessantly into the sky, all the blood in the city. Every tiny visible drop rose, forming the shape of a huge snake that endlessly ate its own tail.

The blood continued to grow larger and larger until it was bigger than a skyscraper.

The great snake stopped eating and looked at the ash-haired guy. "This is a guaranteed hit... die, little shit..."

The snake flew relentlessly towards the vampire. When it collided, the entire kingdom trembled. A massive shockwave resonated through the air, destroying everything around it. Blood splattered everywhere, and dust filled the air.

I waved my hand vigorously, and the dust quickly disappeared. I descended to the ground and admired my masterpiece. A large hole was in the place. It wasn't very big, but a large building could easily fit inside.

I sighed and bowed a little in the air. "Thank you for enjoying the show..."

[You have completed all the missions!! The host will be teleported to the reward room!!]

Everything went dark. I closed my eyes and appeared in a small old room with several chests in front of me.

I looked at the chests on top of a table with a smile full of fatigue. "It seems like I finally completed the challenge... Shit... Fatigue is hitting hard. I've never controlled so much blood at once..."

I almost fell to the ground. Luckily, I can at least still move, haha...

I walked towards the five chests. Five rewards. Wait, weren't there supposed to be six rewards...?

I sighed and approached the first chest on the left. It was wooden. I opened it slowly, revealing a white card. I grabbed it and turned it over. It had "XP" written on it. Well.

"Hmmm... use?" I said out loud. The card quickly disappeared into a black mist.

[You have leveled up! Upgrades: increased strength, increased speed, increased senses! Alucard (Hellsing): 14/30!]

I smiled at the levels gained and walked towards the next chest. I think it was XP x2. I opened the chest and there was the same letter, but this one had "XP X2" written on it. I used it again.

[You have leveled up! Upgrades: increased strength, increased speed, increased senses! You have achieved: Level 3 of Control Art Restriction System! Alucard (Hellsing): 15/30!]

It seems like every time I level up, it requires even more XP. Well, it's not that bad.

I got Level 3 of the Control Art Restriction System... not bad.

I walked to the next chest. I opened it and saw a blue card. I grabbed it, and the name was "???". Really...?

I sighed and left it on the table. I approached the fourth chest, and it had a green card. Not bad. I grabbed it and turned it over, and again, it had "???" written on it. What an annoying shit.

I sighed and went to the last chest. I opened it and saw a multicolored card. Wow, it was as if countless colors appeared at once. I grabbed it in my hand and turned it over. Its name was "Permanent Upgrade".

[You've gotten your first "Permanent Upgrade". This card upgrades a card or your original body. Use it wisely!]

My original body!?

"Haa... use it on the original body," I said, because my original body was literally average in everything—just a normal human.

Suddenly, the card began to levitate in the air, shining even more. I watched as a card I hadn't been able to use for a while appeared. The Permanent Upgrade card joined with the "Nemesis" card. A bright light blinded me. I covered myself with my arms, and when the light stopped, I saw with surprise how the blue card I left on the table flew directly towards the card that was levitating in front of me. The blue card joined together, and a different card appeared.

I grabbed it as the light faded. It was a blue card, but the name made me smile.

[You have managed to merge the "Nemesis" card, "Permanent Upgrade" card, and "Blue Card". You have obtained a unique evolvable blue card!]

Suddenly, the card entered my chest. I fell to the ground in pain. My body hurt non-stop. "AAAAAAAAARRGGGGG!!" I screamed continuously. The pain was horrible. I watched as I returned to my original shape.

I closed my eyes briefly, then opened them again and saw my normal hands, without any cards in use.

I slowly got up and looked at a screen in front of me.

[Your original body has been upgraded!! You have managed to merge perfectly with the blue evolvable card "Blacklight"!]

Shit... I'm not Alex Mercer; I'm a prototype...

"So my original body is a prototype now, right?" I said with a smile.

[Exactly, host. The "Permanent Upgrade" card has used the rebuilding card "Nemesis" and the evolvable blue card, it improved everything and got "Blacklight" as an improvement! 

You have achieved: adaptation, biological weapon physique, organic mass absorption, ???, ???, ???, ???!]

Shit... That's a lot. I looked at my hands and they looked normal. I hit the ground and saw how the wooden floor sank and small cracks appeared. Shit...

"Great, now my original body is useful... Plus, it's Blacklight... quite useful," I said with a smile.

Suddenly, a roulette wheel appeared, inactive.

I noticed that some parts said "card color increase", "large amount of XP", "summon", and much more.

[Host, please say "start" to make the wheel spin. You will be given an option and must accept it. This is a unique opportunity!]

"Start," I said, and the roulette began to spin non-stop. For a few seconds, I started to get nervous, but then I began to smile. The roulette slowly came to a stop, and I saw where it landed. My expression turned complicated—"Summon." Will it be useful? But what would it summon? A random character, most likely not, right?

Suddenly, the roulette wheel began to shine brightly.

[You have obtained "Summon"! The currently strongest character will be used to summon a character from that specific world!! 

Selected universe: "Hellsing"!!]

A blinding light engulfed me. I covered my eyes with my arms. When the light finally dimmed, I saw someone lying on the ground. It was a woman, seemingly asleep or something similar. She was...

My vision blurred, and I staggered back, on the verge of fainting. Now, of all times...? Really...?

 I hate this...