
Monster Hunter: Nargacuga Life

Matthew was a scout for the Pokke village branch Hunter's Guild. However during a scouting excersize with his students they encounter a threat that ends Matthew's life. Waking up as a monster he is forced to adapt and accept who he is and move forward finding new goals along his journey.

Randomystic · Video Games
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20 Chs

Village Situation

-Kelly POV-

Kelly "Chief, reporting an update about the unknown monster. Sightings of a sleek black figure flying above the mountains along with clouds of the frenzy virus are being reported. The evidence points to an elder dragon but we have no records of such a being."

Within a private room Kelly and her scouts are reporting their investigation results. After the initial breakout of the frenzy virus the surrounding villages have been at wits end trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

The virus spreads slowly but causes illness and varying side effects to the people afflicted. Not to mention the monsters that can also be infected.They have been going on rampages that take a lot of effort to subdue.

Chief "Good job Kelly. We need the most information we can get. We can't risk losing our three Guild Elders in a vain and rash attempt to subdue this beast.

We won't include Damian because there's already evidence of something suspicious going on. The sighting of mutated monsters are always missing before we can get to them. He was also the only Guild Elder to deny assistance with maintaining his defence sector.

Kelly I want you to devote a small team to investigating Guild Elder Damian. His base of operations is in the Southern City of Kusano. Monitor his movements, report any suspicious behaviors and possible accomplices.


Kelly 'Hahhh another day I couldn't mention that Nargacuga. Everyone would think I'm crazy if I told them a Nargacuga saved my life. It's eyes had a spark to them that made it seem like it recognized who I was. I know it's impossible but I can't shake this feeling that something is special about it.

I went back secretly but I couldn't find any trace of the Nargacuga. I located what I presumed to be its nest. But even that was hard to identify as a nest because the entire area was leveled. The only give away was a much larger Nargacuga's skeleton.

The only glimmer of hope was that I couldn't find the younger Nargacuga's body meaning it must have got away. As much as I wanted to request a search for this Nargacuga we don't have the manpower to search for a lone Nargacuga when we were dealing with the Frenzy Virus.'

Kelly walked through the village passing through the makeshift hospitals. Tents were set up all along the street where villagers lined up to receive medical care. Black spots spread along the skin causing spasms, burning, itching, and rash.

At this point every village and city within the mountain range has considered the Frenzy Virus an epidemic. The first priority of every major leader was to find the source and cure of the Frenzy Virus.

Luckily the mortality and infection rate was pretty low, but traditional medicines have little to no effect. Now that the Frenzy Virus has had a chance to be studied its effects are truly terrifying.

The virus starts as a spot that slowly spreads to its surrounding area. Once a limb such as an arm or a leg becomes completely infected, one can no longer feel or control said limb. Once it spreads to the stomach the infected feel nausea and cramps. Once it reaches the chest breathing problems such as shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing occur.

Once the virus spreads through the entire body the person goes crazy. Their eyes turn bloodshot and they scream till their vocal cords tear. The only way to stop the spreading, is to cut off the infected limb before it has the chance to spread. Be it a hand, an arm, or a leg.

Soon Kelly arrived at the village gates recruiting her finest scouts. Preparing for their expedition they double checked their weapons, food, and supplies preparing for a long infiltration mission. With a team of five including herself, they set off towards the city of Kusano.

Updates might be random for a while, I'll try to write as quick as possible.

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