
Monster Hunter: Nargacuga Life

Matthew was a scout for the Pokke village branch Hunter's Guild. However during a scouting excersize with his students they encounter a threat that ends Matthew's life. Waking up as a monster he is forced to adapt and accept who he is and move forward finding new goals along his journey.

Randomystic · Video Games
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20 Chs

The City of Kusano

The city of Kusano was quite a large city. Within the Furahiya Mountain range Kusano was one of the main hubs of the Hunter's Guild. Compared to the Village it was at least thrice its size.

Massive walls surrounded the city protecting it from Monster attacks. The rivers that flowed from molten snow created large rivers that allowed for the large scale agricultural procedures. The fish from the river also provided food for the 80,000 people who lived there.

Kelly "Okay team, I'm sure all of you have been to Kusano at least once but I'll tell you all just in case you forgot. When we get to the gates present your Hunters Guild Card, after we gain entry we'll stay at the Meowstress Diner. We'll work in teams of two and three. One of you will stay with me and the rest of you stick together.

If you do not report back to the diner every three days, I will immediately assume we have been compromised and will immediately withdraw. Should I not show up you will fall back to the village and report to the chief.

While the odds of them finding out our intentions are slim, do not take any rash actions that will endanger you or your team mates. Is that clear! "


Kelly "Good. Let's go!"

While the City of Kusano was surely a power house it was only monitored by a Guild Elder, Damian. The city lord has power over law and order but Damian does all the heavy lifting.

-Damian's Office-

Guard "Guild Elder Damian, the Nargacuga took the specimen back to its cell. What should we do sir?"

Damian "Hahaha! Interesting indeed. Leave it be, I'm curious about this beast. Not only does it retain its clarity after being infected. It's very intelligent and displays emotions such as anger and compassion. If anything it seems more man than a monster.

Have a guard monitor the Nargacuga's cell at all times. We can't have one of our precious samples escaping can we?"

Guard "Yes sir!"

After the guard left, Damian pulled out varying documents from his desk drawers. Flipping through several folders, he pulled out a bracket. The bracket contained hundreds of monsters and the matches they had won or lost.

Damian "Hmmm. They're all strong but I only need the strongest. Master wanted only the highest quality specimen to assist him. I suppose I should hurry along the selection process."

-Lucius POV-

'This girl isn't normal.'

Inspecting his new cellmate, Lucius observed the strange aura surrounding and contained in her body. The only reason he noticed was that he shared the same energy and aura as her.

'The dragon element is stored within her body explains the abnormal strength. In the arena, I have fought a few individuals I thought possessed similar traits to myself, but this confirms it.'

'After my fight with the Black Zinogre, my body changed and adapted, or mutated to handle the dragon element. The opponents I've fought that have gained the dragon element through irregular means were all bloodthirsty animals who had lost their sanity. All of our eyes are red but hers aren't.'

While Lucius was inspecting the girl, she just stared at him. While her eyes weren't empty they were not the brightest. She didn't talk very much but she was a bit touchy. She was currently poking/playing with Lucius' tail.

Lucius played along moving his tail like a cat toy, so when she would reach to grab it. She would miss by just a few inches. This went on till she slipped and lightly hit her face on the ground. This earned a little chuckle from Lucius while she glared at him while rubbing her forehead.

Without realizing it, Lucius was slowly regaining his past self, shedding the cold revenge filled exterior. The time spent fighting in the arena in a kill or be killed environment every day, reinforced the hatred Lucius felt towards Damian. Without any other goal except for avenging his mother, Lucius forgot how it felt to be happy. This little interaction between the girl and Lucius unconsciously reignited Lucius' will to kill Damian and leave his imprisonment.

Soon, the girl made up with Lucius after he let her play with his tail. A guard came to the cell. Knowing what he was here for Lucius got up and left the cell. The girl watched as he left following him till he was out of sight.

Moving along the familiar corridors Lucius prepared for another fight within the arena. However the amount of guards surrounding the halls was close to double or triple what it usually was. Noticing this Lucius thought 'Something is off.'

The closer he got, his feet got heavier, and his hair was standing on end. Whatever he was fighting against this time, is truly powerful. Thoughts of what he was possibly going against were running through his mind. 'The last time I felt like this, was when I faced that Zinogre. If it's anything to base this feeling off of, this will be one hell of a fight.'

As he entered the arena, the doors shut behind him while the gate opened in front of him. The seconds that past felt like minutes, as the temperature climbed higher and higher. Soon the heat became extremely uncomfortable as the gate in front of him opened.

Bright red sparks flew out the entrance and danced like fireflies. Each combusted into mini fireworks in the air and as they touched the ground. The walkway was soon covered in soot as the creature finally came into view.

Lucius 'Looks like I'll be making due on one of my promises earlier than I thought mom.'

A flaming red Manticore stepped into the arena. It's imposing physique exuded an aura of dominance, pressuring Lucius to back down. The wounds and scars it had, proved it had the mettle to survive. The Teostra roared releasing a storm of embers, shooting the temperature through the roof.


I've been really busy lately and lost in how I wan't to move the story. I promised to finish this and I plan to do so. Any opinions on how the story can move forward are a great help as I can use them as inspiration. I can't guarantee a steady update schedule but I hope that the future chapters aren't terrible. If I forgot something and there's plot holes, please comment so I can fix them.

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