
Monarch of Shadows in Marvel

I was standing back to back with Avengers, doing cool pose with them when from the purple magical storm above, the sound of glass cracking echoed throughout the battlefield. From the cracked space, existed a new army onto the battlefield, composing of various monsters, all of them look like as they are made up of shadows with purple glow on their body. In front army of stood the Marshals of the Shadow Army. Leading them was ahuge humanoid, shadow warrior with two pairs of black wings on his back, jagged black armor, blank white eyes, and glowing purple skin with a single horned helmet atop his head. He also carries a massive blade that looks like a centipede, which he wields both like a whip and a sword. Following him was huge humanoid shadow ant with a light purple glow, neon eyes, sharp claws, and smoky wings. Beside him was a Knight in jet black armor with red shadowy hair coming out of his helmet. further Behind was Huge dragon whose Wingspan cover two block of an city, with black scales, glowing purple horns, a black tail, and a glowing purple underbelly. following behind them were the Shadow army made up angel who like have fallen their grace, Dragons who can devour whole world and various monsters. The Avengers clearly had fear their eyes. They are barely able to contain Chitauri Army and now there's now a new player in the battlefield and seeming more dangerous. The Chitauri Army they too are watching the scene and hasn't made a move yet. "Roar!!!!" Hulk roared as he was about to run and jumped on the army on his own when my voice reverberated throughout the destroyed city on New York. "NOBODY MOVE!!!" "what are you thinking Dev!!" Thor asked me as i simply ignored him. Seeing the Shadow army makes me smirk as i start walking towards them as the leading shadows comes down to the ground while two dragons perched on Building like it is their nest. Standing face to face with Shadow Army Marshals, The Shadow warrior knelt down together with insect, knight and dragon and bowed. Following them all the Shadows who are out of the gate bowed in respect. "Grand Marshal Bellion, The Shadow Army respectfully greets our Liege" ----------------------------------------------------------- The succesor of Sung jin woo, the brother from another mother of Sung Suho leaves the universe to find new home in this vast Omniverse. One kind Omnipotent being welcomes the Shadow Monarch to his creation. The Multiverse of Marvel. *Slow Harem so don't worry. the story will follow MCU, F4, xmen and comics. it won't be direct copy as i will add new stories inside it. The MC wont have his Shadow army as they will take entry during the Chitauri invasion. MC will be on the level of Celestials or Knull*

monkedance · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

6 - Secret affair Yao

Yao has returned to Kamar Taj. Lost in thought. There is so much that she doesn't know about cosmos and higher beings. The lack of information may spell doom for the earth or universe.

And also judging by the looks she was given, this information was something she is supposed to know. So she made her way to her library. To find clue or any information.

She completely ignored the existence of a man calling her name.






Finally able to gain her attention, Yao turned towards her old acquaintance.

"Yes Odin. Sorry I was lost in thought that i was not aware of my surroundings"

Odin. The All-Father, son of Bor, King of Ass guard. He was here because he sensed disturbance in force. Or more accurately a great power that shook the universe and is currently on Earth.

"What is in your mind. And How did the meeting go with him. Is he a threat to nine realms? Is he an enemy?" Odin asked in serious tone.

"The meeting went quite peaceful. But he seems to know more about cosmos and higher beings than us. Tell me Odin, do you know about a cosmic being known as The One Above All?" Yao asked in return. Perhaps the Wise King knows about it.

"Hmm... No, I don't think I know anything about a this being. I doubt there will is record in Asgardian library but I'll check it out. Who is the cosmic being that it got your attention?"

"The One Above All is supposedly the creator of Multiverse. He is the highest power ever in existence. The greatest creative force in the cosmos."

"There was another cosmic being with the man i was gone to meet. The cosmic being was Uatu, the watcher. He has sworn oath to never interfere and all he does is record the history of universe."

Odin raced his mind. He may have heard this name or race somewhere before.

"I might have heard about him before. It was long ago that my father once talked about the Watcher race. I'll look into it as well."

But the thing or person Odin was concerned about is not answered yet.

"We can talk about this all later Yao. Tell me about the man you met."

Yao got her attention back on main topic think about man that she met few minutes ago.

"That person introduced himself as The King of Dead and Monarch of Shadow. His name is Dev. He seems to know about me and other things that very few people know about. He said is from Omniverse and he is looking for a home on earth."

Yao answered while the man in question was in her head. The Monarch was a mystery in her mind. He caught her curiosity. He even knows about her being the spirit leopard that no one knows about (except Uatu). Not even Odin knows about it. It was something that she considers it as embarrassing and wants to bury it in past.

"Home on earth? Yao, you know his mere presence is putting Midgard in danger, hell it shook the whole cosmos. And what if he has some hidden agenda and whats this place Omniverse is. As far as i know, there exist only Multiverse."

Dev's presence is indeed enough to destroy Earth. Jinwoo's own presence was dangerous to manaless earth after he has returned after killing all the Monarch. But Dev's strength has more stronger than that due to attack of itarim. Dev's presence along with Suho was threatening the whole universe at that point.

"He doesn't seem aggressive and it will be better if we don't poke a hornet nest Odin. He did said he means no harm to Earth. Although i dont believe him completely yet, fighting him wont be easy and would be extremely deadly for Earth. I believe it would be better to wait for time stone to gain its function back. Till then, observation from far away should be done. But i don't think he will like it that much. "

"As for Omniverse. Think of it as what is universe to multiverse. The same way is multiverse to a Megaverse. Then similarly, the Megaverse is to a Omniverse. Basically a higher level of grouping of realities."

Odin was in deeo thought. An Omniverse and Megaverse. And also a warning from Yao? She is someone who dealt with Dormammu and even then she didn't warn about it to Odin like she did now. Even her serious voice held the weight about this King of Dead.

And somewhere, deep down. It made him remember about her daughter. Hela, the goddess of death. The title are similar and ominous as well. If the person is anything like Hela. Then it would be the end of Nine Realms.

" I know what you are thinking Odin. Don't let your presumption turn it into doom for all of us. Wait for Time Stone to work again, then we will talk about how to deal with him. He might be Ally for all we know."

"Yao. You know people with these titles are generally trouble. Hela was. So was other being with the title containing death." Odin said in grave tone. If Hela was to come out right now, it would take Odin's all might to seal her again. But if Dev and Hela teamed up, then the resut would be devastating.

"Just don't do anything until we are sure about him. Now I'll be talking my leave to study in library." Yao said and left with a shook of her head. She knows Odin is prideful, stubborn but nonetheless wisest. He is calm, collective and peaceful but when it comes to his past, he losts his rationality.

Odin said nothing and left through Bifrost. To check his library and sent his spies on the King of Dead.

Meanwhile Dev felt a magical space bridge opening and closing soon after.

<Dev's POV>

Hmm.. its the same that i sensed before. And both of them happend with me meeting with Yao in the middle. It's probably Odin who came to meet his secret affair, Yao.