
Monarch Of Shadows In Douluo(Rewritten)

Arlos a weeb from modern times gets reincarnated in the world of Douluo Dalu with martial of the shadow monarch and a system to help him ---------------------------------------------------------- This version shadow monarch is a version I think is more suited for soul land so I modified it but the core abilities are the same but he won't be using a dagger but something more interesting

OrderofArmageddon · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Ch-9 First day at the academy

Seeing the boy faint, Yuze didn't care much just went to a seat near the window and sat there.

It was a semi-circular room with benches arranged like steps. There was a raised platform in front of the benches where the supposed teacher's table was but now it is just a pile of wood started around the floor.

Everything about this room screamed luxury, the whole room was white marble and gold. The benches were made of high quality wood that gave off a sweet aroma, there was even gold embroidery around it making it look even more beautiful.

As Yuze sat there for a few more minutes, two children entered the room. One was a boy around 5 feet in height with long silver hair tied in his back, he wore a white and blue robe with feathers embroidered at his back and around his sleeves. He had a cold face as if he's not interested in anything around him but his eyes look sharp observing every little detail. The thing that stood about him the most were his eyes, his eyelashes were also silver in colour, his left eye looks normal with a sky blue colour iris, it had a unique depth to it but his right eye was nothing like normal his whole eye was black in color with white dots that look like stars in a night sky beautiful yet scary.


Another was a girl, just some inches shorter than the boy, she had a vibe of easy going around her. She was wearing a white robe with golden shoulder guards. She also wore golden forearm guards. She has shoulder length royal blue hair with some stands of green mixed in between it was tied in a ponytail at the top of her head and held with a golden hair crown with blue crystals.


The boy first walked in the room and saw that golden-haired boy fainted on the floor then he looked towards Yuze, without showing any reaction he just went to the back of the class and sat there.

Just behind him came the girl, she was jumping around the hallway having fun as she entered the room, she saw that boy lying on the floor, she put her hands infront of her mouth and spoke in a soft sarcastic voice

"oh no this stupid got in trouble again grandpa Lion would be angry." She put her hands around her waist and started laughing goofily.

'she is mad? or just weird' Yuze thought.

After she noticed both Yuze and that silver hair boy giving her weird looks she stopped, she then stood straight, let out a cough, then acted as if it never happened. She went towards the fainted boy crouched down in front of the boy and poked his cheek, after seeing there was no response she let out a mischievous laugh and put her hands above his face and striked down with a tremendous force.


(all the crows sitting on the trees flew away)

the boy shouted at the top of his voice.

The golden-haired boy held his chick with one hand and his abdomen with another and started crying. Hand mark was visible on his cheek. The girl stood up and patted his head and spoke

"it's okay lah it'll get better lah, crying for what lahh"

"why did you hit me so hard you could've called me properly" the boy spoke while crying.

The girl put a finger in her lips making an innocent face, her eyes were shining. If someone looks at her now they'll get she's too cute to hurt someone.

"you didn't wake up when I poked you so i thought....i thought.... you maybe...died.... so I panicked and.... and...hit you..i didn't think it'll hurt so bad...am sawwryyy" she spoke as tears formed under her eyes.

"How could I be dead? I was literally breathing heavily you bit-" the boy spoke in anger but before he could finish his sentence a hand came crashing down on his other chick.

"AHHHHHH" he shouted and started crying again now holding both of his cheeks.

"how could you call me that am really hurt" she girl spoke with tears flowing down her eyes.

'this psycho girl just bitch-slapped him two times and now she's crying like she's the victim what the hell' Yuze thought.

"Stop the act Zhi, it's enough already" the silver-haired boy at the back of the class who was quiet the entire time spoke.

The girl came back to normal. The water around her eyes faded and then she spoke out

"You're no fun Zimo, you're always so cold you can't even let me have fun." and after that she again put her hands around her waist and started laughing goofily.

'What the hell have I gotten myself into. My only three classmates are a crybaby bully, a goofy maniac girl and a cold guy with an attitude, what did I do to deserve this weird trio.' Yuze thought about being flabbergasted with everything happening in the room.

As the girl was laughing a young looking boy around 6 feet in height entered the room wearing a black and red robe with a sword around his waist.


'he's fairly strong, most probably a spirit Douluo and that sword around his waist that's his Martial spirit, he's around 36 years old. Not everyone can reach that high in rank at such a young age if not really talented he's certain to reach Title Douluo in his life' Yuze analysed him with the eyes of the shadow monarch.

The girl stopped laughing and jumped from the teacher's platform and landed on a bench in the second row without making a sound.

"Good morning teacher" two of them greated him.

"good mo..mo.morning te..teacher." The golden-haired boy spoke almost sobbing.

"Yes good morning but what exactly happened here?" he said pointing at the broken teacher's table and towards the golden-haired boy who was sitting with both his hands around his cheeks.

suddenly all the three of them pointed there fingers at Yuze.



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