
Monarch Of Shadows In Douluo(Rewritten)

Arlos a weeb from modern times gets reincarnated in the world of Douluo Dalu with martial of the shadow monarch and a system to help him ---------------------------------------------------------- This version shadow monarch is a version I think is more suited for soul land so I modified it but the core abilities are the same but he won't be using a dagger but something more interesting

OrderofArmageddon · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Ch-8 Bibi Dong goes to meet Grand Worship


Bibi Dong could be seen walking up the stairs of the Elder hall. As she approached the grand door leading to the enshrine hall, it opened automatically.

The hall was as big as the Pope's hall. Everything was made out of white marbles and gold. Large pillars divided the hall into 4 sectors on each side of the hall, there were raised platforms in the sectors where six people could be seen cultivating and behind them the wall was embroidered with different figures representing their own martial souls.

At the end of the hall stood a magnificent golden white statue of an angel and in front of it a man rediating a divine aura stood with his hands at his back. He was a tall young looking man with golden hair and eyes. He was clad in golden Armour and royal blue robes. He was the first worship of the Spirit Hall, Qian Daoliu, father of the previous pope and one of the only three known limit douluo. And the six people cultivating around the hallway were the worships of the Spirit hall. Everyone of them had a soul power level of more than 95.

"I heard you took Ghost douluo's grandson as your disciple Bibi Dong." Qian Daoliu said.

"Do you doubt your hearing that you called me all the way here to confirm it ? did your age rot your ears ?" Bibi Dong said mockingly.

As soon as the words came out of her mouth all the worships started to release their soul powers and force it upon Bibi Dong.

She could be seen struggling but still held on but as the worships increased their soul power output she had to summon her martial soul. 9 soul rings raised from her feet and she was able to stand upright.

"Bibi Dong do you think you can do anything you want now that you've become the pope? Scream '' Golden crocodile Douluo shouted and increased his pressure even more as he did so, Bibi Dong was just about to release her soul skills but suddenly a golden power swept across the hall suppressing everyone. The origin of the soul power was from none other than the Grand worship.

"You are in front of the sacred statue of the Angel God you should mind your manners." Qian Douliu said.

Everyone took back their pressure and Bibi Dong un-summoned her martial soul.

all the worships bowed towards Qian Douliu and said in unison

"We apologize for grand worship".

"It's okay, don't repeat this again or I'll not be so polite." he said.

"Did you call me all the way here just to ask if I took in a disciple ? You know I've a lot of responsibilities as the Pope. Do you think wasting time here is worthwhile for me? and do you think I've to give a reason for everything I'm doing ? if I took a disciple it's my choice why do I have to inform you about it ?" Bibi Dong said in an angry voice. It could be seen clearly that she doesn't like the person in front of her.

"As he's a part of my spirit hall, should I not know about him ? What is his martial soul ? And innate soul power ? I don't think you'll take a disciple if he's any less than innate full soul power so it leaves his martial soul or should I say martial souls ? " Qian Douliu said with a cold tone.

Bibi Dong's pupils dilated and she cursed in her head Qian Douliu had caught her off-guard.

' This old bastard is really cunning. All these years of living weren't for nothing.'

"It's Shadow Monarch a beast and body martial soul with extreme darkness, death and thunder attributes and Kusarigama a weapon Martial soul suitable for both control and offence it also has extreme death, darkness, thunder and piercing attributes." she said with an annoyed tone.

Everyone present in the room could hear each other's heart rate increasing, the extreme attributes in his martial soul is almost a perfect combination of suitable attributes, this kind of perfect martial souls appear one in a thousand years but the bizzare thing is Yuze had two of them not only that they compliment each other perfectly. A godly combination of attributes and Martial soul. With the extreme quality of Yuze's souls, if given enough time he will most certainly reach limit douluo and have the chance to ascend to godhood too.

Qian Douliu started laughing loudly and the other worships followed.

"Excellent most excellent a worthy seedling to be your disciple indeed. Guide him well and the elder hall will support him with the resources for his cultivation. Hope he brings glory to the spirit hall." Qian Douliu said.

After Bibi Dong exited the hall, Lion Douluo looked towards Green luan Douluo and glowing feather Douluo and said "Yuze will join the academy and he'll be assigned to the special class. I hope he gets along with our grandchildrens."

"Yeah even if it's sad to say but he'll surpass them easily with that much talent just hope they get along and cause us less headache" Glowing feather Douluo said.

"Yeah," green luan Douluo said.

-flashback end-




-> Run (0/10)km

-> Push-ups (500/100)

-> Squats (500/100)

-> Sit-ups (500/100)


'I still have sufficient time left to reach school so I still have sufficient time to complete the 50km sprint.' Yuze spoke. He just took a bath after completing his morning workout. He dressed up and sprinted out of his room.




-> Run (50/10)km (completed)

He was standing in the middle of the woods.

'finally it's completed' he quickly used his spirit power to remove all the sweat from his body and changed into a new set of clothes then he just slipped into his shadow. After some time he emerged from a shade of a tree near the Spirit hall academy and walked towards the 'special class' classroom.

Just as he was about to enter the classroom someone put their hand on his shoulder stopping him.

Yuze looked back and he saw a boy with golden hair and a wide figure was holding his left shoulder.

'I already saw him but didn't think he'd stop me from entering the class. I could've kicked him the moment he was about to touch me but thought he was just a child and wanted to say something so I decided to hear what he wanted to say.'

"Who gave you the right to enter the special class do you not know this is only for the geniuses of the spirit shall not just anyone can enter here." he spoke putting more force in his grip around my shoulders.

Yuze's eyebrows twitched, he felt nothing regarding the force that the boy applied on his shoulders. He stood there being too stunned to react

'What is this cliche? Does this bastard live under a rock or something? Does he not know I'm the Pope's disciple? Everyone knows my face at this point. And I'm even the grandson of an Elder of spirit hall. Is this boy stupid ?'

As the boy saw Yuze standing there and not reacting he got angry, he was about to punch Yuze but he suddenly flew away towards the teacher's table shattering it into pieces. Yuze had just kicked him in his abdomen. He couldn't even see when he got kicked but when he realised it was too late, he crashed into a table and fainted.


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