
Momoji No Jutsu

Image found on Google* Disclaimer: (This is a fanfic of Naruto) I do NOT own Naruto or its characters. This is made for entertainment purposes only. I own my own characters, that is all. Timeline will not be Canon. But may follow that route. Read at your discretion. This is only meant as a pastime for me. I am bored so I'm doing this. Okay. Bye.

Sunlit_Smile · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


I was reincarnated into the world of Naruto with the power of life and death. 

I was still very much mortal and could die by any normal means. But I had a limitless life span. 

My last name used to be Jejin Kazara. I was a 17 year old high school kid when I was suddenly run over on my way home by some ignorant stranger driving a car.

I then woke up in an empty white room and met a ROB. (Random Omnipotent Being). 

He gave me 2 wishes. He claimed that he was bored and I was too be used to relieve some of that boredom. 

I asked for the power of a God to test the waters and surprisingly, he accepted and gave me the power to preside over life and death. 

It baffled me at how irresponsible he could be. 

For my next wish, I wished for unlimited godly nanites that I could use to make anything I could think of.  

He also agreed but it came at a cost. 

I would need to survive until my 5th birthday.

And then, I was thrown into the world of Naruto. 

When I came to, I was in trash in some dark alleyway. I was bare bones and malnourished beyond belief. I was 3 years old and had no one. 

I had no memories like the protagonists of other novels I once read. I was alone and it frightened me to be in such a filthy place with criminals, deviants, and scum. 

I walked out of the alleyway and had to simply survive for 2 years until I unlocked and received my second wish. Once I have it, I'll be able to live forever. 

Looking around, I was saddened by the amount of bodies littered up and down the alleyway. There were few broken women who had died and left there to rot. Shaking my head, I then walked over their bodies carefully as I made my way out of the dark, depressing crevice. 


I emerged from the darkness and walked around the small poor town. 

My mind was racing with numerous thoughts about how to survive in the meantime. 

It then clicked and I looked around for a graveyard or cemetery. 

After a bit of searching, I found the place and saw many shallow graves as bones were seen as grave robbers were not an uncommon thing. 

Walking around as it was empty and a bit far from the rest of the village, I then began reading the old and faded tombstones. Most were buried in time while others were destroyed beyond recognition. 

I then stopped at a particular grave unlike the rest. It's name read;

Momoji. 22 years old. 

I rocked my head back and pondered for a while. Raising my hand, I then gulped and hoped it would work. 

<"Death: Configuration Alpha -- Sequence, Darkness: Etherial Rebirth">

I felt like a chunni, but then again, I had always been a bit like a kid. I was bullied a lot and alot of people hated me in my past life. Even my parents and especially my little sister. 

I collapsed to the ground, clenching at my shirt and at my heart as I felt it would explode at how fast it was racing. My body felt very weak and my muscles felt so heavy. I looked to the sky and felt my vision blurry as darkness surrounded me. 

I then passed out. 


Fluttering my eyes, I looked up and stared at a pair of bountiful mounds. My first instinct was to reach out and poke them without hesitation.

"Ahn!" A beautiful moan echoed in the area as I got up and turned my head at the culprit. "Y-Young Master… you are awake. "

Who is she? 

Before me, was a beautiful and busty raven haired and onyx eyed, woman with an impressive body and killer curves. She looked at me longingly and then it clicked. 

"M-Momoji? "Her eyes brightened and she nodded. "H-Hello."

"Greetings Young Master. "She then knelt and bowed her head to me. "I… this servant greets the Young Master and is grateful for being brought back to life! This one shall give her life and limb to protect Young Master with my life! "

Her eyes glistened as she stared at me. She didn't look like a zombie. I wondered if she was really human and I brought her back using my OP power. 

Gulping, I only looked at her delicious naked figure but instantly blushed as I turned around and cleared my throat as I regained my bearings. 

"P-Perhaps it would be best if I went to find something to cover you up-"I shuddered in surprise when she suddenly hugged me from behind and her warm breasts fell to either side of my head. I felt too much stimulation to the point where I passed out.  


When I woke again, I was in a new and unfamiliar place. There was a stained ceiling. I was inside a small room and in an unfamiliar futon. My old and dried shirt was gone and my body felt fresh. I wore new clothes and then wondered what happened. 


The sliding door then opened and in came Momoji. She was wearing dark clothes and in her hand, was a brown satchel with food, weapons, and what I could only assume was the flatter of money. 

"Young Master!" Momoji dropped her bag and in a blink, her breasts were suffocating me as she pushed me down. I began to wonder what this all was and began to curse the ROB who gave me this power without knowing the side effects. 


After a proper scolding on male to female boundaries, Momoji knelt on the floor with a pitiful expression on her beautiful face. She looked like the dream woman of many men. 

I nodded and then sat down while asking her what happened and where we were and what she was doing. 

She smiled brightly and then began informing me about her recent activities. Like a report to a superior, she began to recount everything she did in the past few hours in great detail.

She acquired a change of clothes. Then some wealth from local deviants and bandits. Next she cleared out the bandit hideout where we now were. 

She had gone out just half an hour ago and returned with food from the market. 

I nodded and then felt weird as she kept staring at me intently. I looked away but patted her head and blushed as I told her she did a good job. She beamed a happy smile and picked me up like a rag doll under her immense strength. 

I passed out again. 


In the following days, I slowly began to build up my body and regain some much needed nutrients. I wondered if my power had a limit but I remembered how much of a toll it took on my body as I was to bring back Momoji. 

Her appearance reminded me alot about a certain raven haired and brooding boy who was hellbent on power and revenge. 

I wondered if she was an Uchida but I dismissed that thought as it would be impossible to have such luck.

In any case, I was afraid of Momoji. Each time she was near me, I felt a shudder run down my spine as she looked at me with the eyes of a predator. 

It quickly made me reassess my ability to bring back people and risk having them acting and behaving like Momoji. 

I could only sigh as I told her to stay 5ft away from me at all times. She would nod in understanding only to break not a few minutes later and hugged me into her embrace again. 

It was hopeless.

As a virgin in both lives, I had no experience in those areas. In truth, I was ugly and fat in my past life. My bullies were also groups of popular girls who picked on me and often abused me for the fun of it. 

I developed a fear of beautiful people as it was all I had ever seen in my past while on the ground.  

I was afraid of Momoji but I did not want to admit it. I also never thought to hurt her either as I wasn't as delusional to think that she was like them in my past. I also did not have the heart for revenge anyway. 

All I wanted in this new life was to live in peace. 

That is all I ever really wanted. 

And for that to come to pass, I slowly developed my strength and ate the dishes Momoji made for me daily. 

After a full month, I felt much better than before. 

I could feel fat start to build up on my face and body. Nodding in satisfaction, I then set out to the graveyard once more with a set of clothes. 


Standing over the next target, I could only read the name;


Nodding, I next put my hand to the ground and mentally used the power. 

I felt half my energy was sucked away from me. Once it was complete, I stumbled a bit until Momoji caught me and held me up. 

"...thanks."I muttered softly with a blush on my face. "So, who did I bring-"

I saw long golden locks flutter in the breeze. My left eye visibly twitched as I wound up bringing back… 

"Another beauty." I sighed but felt it was not too bad. I then thought that maybe my power was cursed or something. "Momoji."

"Yes, Young Master. "Momoji then moved and covered the calm and composed woman as she met my gaze and I blushed while turning my head to face away while she changed. "It is done, Young Master. "

"Hmm." I then turned back and looked up to see the tall, equally busty woman similar to Momoji looking down at me with her dark brown eyes. "H-Hello-"

"Young master." She instantly dropped to one knee and bowed her head to me. I turned to Momoji to find an answer but she only smiled and licked her lips while looking at me. I shuddered and stepped away from her a little. "My name is Kasami Senju, Young Master. "

My eyes were wide open when I heard her family name. 

"Maou~ "Momoji then turned to me and bent forward as she then met my eyes and pouted. "If you think that is something, Momoji Uchiha is better!" 

I felt my mouth drop in shock as I had my suspicions but they turned out to be true. 

Both women were young, the same age and a contrast to each other. 

They soon looked at each other and clicked their tongues. I had the shock of a lifetime and walked a bit away showing up my hand and telling them I needed a moment. While away, I could also somewhat hear their conversation.

"Tsk! Never thought I would meet you again… Momoji Uchiha. "Kasami bellowed as Momoji gave a cold and deadly side glance toward Kasami. 

"If you hurt the Young Master Kasami Senju, I'll rip out your heart and shove it down your throat. "Momoji showed a side that sent shivers of fear down my back but I could only listen along diligently while also collecting my thoughts. "You had better be grateful for Kasami Senju, unlike the old days where we fought to the death for our families, now we serve the Young Master for bringing us back. "

Both shuddered in fear and anger at a memory. 

"Yes. I do not wish to go back to 'that' place any time soon. "Kasami spoke with resolve. "I owe the Young Master my life. He pulled me from 'that' vile and wicked place and brought me back. I do not know what his story is but I could see he is an upstanding young man. "

"Yes. The Young Master is indeed great. "Momoji added. "But he is also scarred. "

"Hmm. I noticed how frightened and diligent he is toward the two of us. Most men would be content with seeing us once. The Young Master fears us not because of our power, but our bodies. "Kasami felt her heart ache. "The Young Master may have been through something horrible. "

"Indeed. I had searched around and found very little about the Young Master. But I believe I can make him open up a little in due time. "Her face then turned to an erotic smile. "And then some day in the future~ Fufufu~"

Kasami could only sigh as she thought Momoji had not changed one bit. 

In any case, I walked back and nodded toward Kasami as I wanted to go back and gather my things as I wanted to move or rather, travel to find more graves to build up my power so I could live in peace. 


After gathering our supplies, Kasami acquired a horse drawn supply wagon. I did not think of it much and fell asleep along the way to the next town which was a few days to a week away. 

Brushing my hair while resting on her thighs, Momoji had got me to open up slightly to her. I still involuntarily flinched from her affections but it happened less and less as more time went on. 

While she gently caressed my hair, I closed my eyes and still did not know what era I was born in. 

But I did know that the villages were not at war anymore. So it could be just a little after the end of either the 1sr or 2nd Shinobi war came to an end. 

I needed to have Momoji ask around for more information as I wanted to ask both Momoji and Kasami about what era they grew up and died but stopped myself. It made me feel like I would be asking something insensitive. 

I dozed off but could still hear their conversation inside the wagon. 

"You did not answer me before Momoji Uchiha. "Kasami spoke, her silky golden hair fluttering in the breeze. "Were you also betrayed that day when we fought. "

Momoji kept silent for several months until she parted her luscious lips and spoke. 

"Yes. "Momoji confessed. "My cousins rebelled against men and established a patriarchal caste system after my death from what I could gather. Tsk!"

Kasami closed her glistening brown eyes and said nothing more. 

"Kasami Senju, would you like to know about what happened with your clan?"  Momoji spoke indifferently and glanced at Kasami as she gave a single nod that only a true expert could notice. "Very well… Your family also developed a similar system. However, many members of your clan are dying out. Almost as if someone is cleaning up from the shadows. "

"So my descendants are being hunted… is that it?" Kasami remained composed but Momoji snickered as she could feel the unbridled rage and anger brewing inside Kasami's cold exterior. "Thanks. "

A passing cloud then blocked out the sunlight and in that brief moment, both pairs of eyes shone restrained a deep and cold deadly crimson hue that peered into the gates of hell itself from a forgotten era, waiting for a reason or chance to break free and cause chaos once again.

After the cloud passed and illuminated the landscape, the rest of the ride remained in a comfortable silence. 
