
Momoji No Jutsu

Image found on Google* Disclaimer: (This is a fanfic of Naruto) I do NOT own Naruto or its characters. This is made for entertainment purposes only. I own my own characters, that is all. Timeline will not be Canon. But may follow that route. Read at your discretion. This is only meant as a pastime for me. I am bored so I'm doing this. Okay. Bye.

Sunlit_Smile · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


Batting my eyes, I woke up resting comfortably inside a warm fur sleeping bag. 

It was night and I could see a haven of stars stretching and encompassing the entire sky. Trees all around were illuminated by a golden flickering flame. 

I could see Kasami keeping the fire going while I did not see Momoji but knew she was somewhere around. 

Not a few seconds later, she returned with a couple of dead rabies in tow. 

When I stepped out of the wagon, Momoji greeted me excitedly while Kasami nodded. 

"Um… is that dinner?" I said looking at the rabbits and Momoji nodded. I then walked over and sat on the recently cut log next to Kasami. I shivered at the cold but when I saw Kasami and Momoji were not bothered by it, I felt my masculinity finally tank. "Kasami...San."

"Yes, Young Master. "She turned her head and her gaze pierced into me and made me blush. 

"Y-Your a Senju right? What… what was it like back when you were…"My voice trailed off. "You know. "

There was a brief moment of silence. The crackling of the campfire echoed in the small clearing. Momoji was still preparing the rabbits. Kasami then opened her eyes that I did not know she even had closed. 

"It was… unpleasant. "Kasami stared.deeply into the campfire before her. Illuminating her beauty by a hundred times, she gaped her lips and continued. "Back then, when I was a little girl, we were doing well in our little village. We had food, clean water, resources to build our homes with. It was… peaceful. "

"What happened?" I was unsure but I could tell that something went wrong. What she said next shouldn't have surprised me but, her beautiful voice trailed and sang along with the crackling firewood.  

"War. "A single word caused the surrounding forest to stop silent. "The peaceful days could not last as the small villages scattered around were not villages but small bands of families. We did not know how to fight war. With fists, crude weapons made for forming and building, and the greed of man drove our nation into turmoil. 

My family was not spared and most of my family died in a raid from the enemy. 

The Senju name was just a normal one with a few dozen members at the time. But we trained ourselves and were lucky to resist the wave of enemies. 

Among the families, there was the Senju, the Uchiha, and many more. 

Blood, death, and tears was all our era was about. Such small families then began banding together and formed bigger villages to attack others. 

There was a time where rivers of blood flowed endlessly for 3 days as entire villages were wiped out in brutal free for all war. 

At the pinnacle of the war, it was certain that those that remained would grow to become pillars of the next and future generations. 

Among them, at the very front lines where the brave women who put in the work in the war effort and were considered powerhouses that would one day become the leaders they were meant to be.


Such a thing was not welcomed by the greed of men and in turn, a silent war gripped the major families as the brave women who fought valiantly were being suppressed and culled to make way for a controlled future. 

Many of us died and our blood lines were cut off at the roots. 

Momoji Uchiha.

She was my rival in the battlefield and the only one I would acknowledge that could take my head. 

We first met when I was 13 years old. We had been rivals ever since. 

However, the war came to an end when I turned 22 and in the last final push, after a change of management within our two families, we were both betrayed and sent to kill each other once and for all. 

We both perished that day but not before we slaughtered hundreds until we both went down. 

Our names were forgotten in history I suppose. Among us, there were 13 powerful women who devastated the Earth with Jutsu that was otherworldly. Rocks as massive as mountains rained. Floods as wide as entire lakes or oceans stormed the battlefield and killed it in bluish-red. There were so many Justus that went unknown and sealed by the majority of the men who took over the families that remained. 

However, that era was a time of monsters and me and the Uchida were at the bottom of the barrel.compared to those monsters. "

I sat in wonder and fascination as well as astonishment and shock. My mind was still reeling in that I didn't even notice that I was eating while sitting in the warm lap of Momiji and resting my head on her comfortable breasts.

I then waited for her to continue.

"By the time we were nearing our death, I had heard that the 13 pillars of the battlefield had been slowly disappearing over the past several months of the war. 

Women became a rarity and many families fought over the vitality of women like cattle. 

I knew that 3 of the 13 pillars went to war with their own families and died in the end due to underhanded tactics. 

You need to understand, Young Master… 

The men were not in control in the old era as there was no control to start with. 

What became a family soon twisted and turned into a band of cold killers with greed as their crest. 

I dare not think about what happened to my mother and younger sisters after my death. But I knew that my family was among the better off as I had also heard that the Hyuuga family had begun developing a seal to place on their slaves to make them obedient. "

My eyes widened as I remembered that seal from the show. So it was created from the forgotten era before Harashima and Marada. 

Which means that both of those guys paled in comparison to the 13 pillars-


The 13 pillars! Yes!

"The 13 pillars… they were considered the strongest yes?" Kasami nodded and I had a fire burning in my eyes as I then stood firm and raised my hand to the fire. "The 13 pillars of the forgotten era were strong. I may not know many things, I may not even know war as you both do. But I want them… No, I must have them! Will you… help me in this, Kasami Senju, Momoji Uchiha. 

Will you lend me your strength in bringing back the 13 pillars back to life for my own selfish purposes?"

Both met my eyes and then turned to each other as they knelt and agreed without missing a heartbeat. 

"Very well, I shall take responsibility for all 13 pillars and reunite them to once more walk this Earth and rule it as they once envisioned for my peace!"

""Yes, Young Master!"" Both shouted and I nodded with a hint of warmth in my chest. 


Traveling onward to the next town, we arrived and entered the village. 

It was cleaner than the last one. Had more houses and buildings. 

But we passed them by and rented a room at an inn. Momoji then left to gather intel on the final resting place of the other 11 pillars. 

I yawned and turned to Kasami as I then dropped my sleepy head onto her shoulder. She picked me up and room me to my bed. 

The door then closed and I was alone in my dreams. 


*Kasami POV*

The Young Master is very cute for his age. His blue hair reminded me a lot of the 4th pillar, Rain. She had the same hair color and eyes as the Young Master does. Her affinity with wood and water made her an unstoppable force in the battlefield. 

I still remember seeing the aftermath of one of her battles when I arrived with my squad to assess the damage. 

It was a sight straight to behold and shudder from. Hundreds of thousands of corpses laid littered all on the ground. The amount of crows present was no joke and it made it look like the black sea of death from top the crater. It baffled many in just what kind of Jutsu would cause that amount of destruction.

To this day, I never knew but I remembered seeing Rain for the first time when she returned and gave a prayer for the fallen enemies. 

Even though I wanted to fight her, when I saw her that day, she was just too beautiful for me to interrupt her. So I pet her finish and then our eyes met. 

Neither of us wanted this war. We only wanted peace like before. But that was impossible as too much blood uad been spilled already. 

The downfall of the 13 pillars was not due to our families, but because of us combined, at the rate we were going, another few years and there would have been no one left to attain the 'peace' we all so desperately yearned for.

Young Master. 

He wants peace as I knew That this land was still at war and in turmoil. My successors were incompetent. My great grandson, Harashima Senju from what Momoji Uchiha had told me, seemed foolishly naive. He preaches peace but spills blood. Unlike the Young Master who wanted to revive the 13 pillars and ensure his version of peace was one where he was safe. Not the rest of the world. 

That is the difference between them and somehow, the Young Master has the power to revive the dead. 

I was sure I died at 36 but look at me now. I look no older than when I did in my prime. Momoji Uchida as well. Her breasts had started to say during our final days. Neither of us could fool around with men either and we died virgins. 

Well, it didn't matter as I know the rest of the 11 pillars were the same. It was stupid how no man had the balls to approch us. 'The great 13 pillars was a concept of great strength and fear.' 

But as I see it, they were just a bunch of sissies too insecure about their feeble masculinity. 

Young Master, though young, knows his weaknesses and asked us for our help. 

To a pillar, let alone 2, he met our eyes and told us without batting an eye that he would take responsibility for us. That was more than a sealed marriage vows for Momoji Uchiha as I saw her a stream trickle down her legs and it went unnoticed by the Young Master at that moment. 

It honestly surprises me how that perverted old woman could keep herself in check for so long. She had never shown an interest in any man before and now, with the Young Master? 

Tsk. What a beast. I must protect the Young Masters chasity from that evil woman! 

And the other pillars, they'll devour the Young Master if I am not careful. 

No! As his loyal follower, I shall protect him from then! I just grew stronger than I was in the past and train! 

For the Young Master!! 


The door closed as silence enveloped the room and very light breathing could be heard. 


Chapter titles will remain unnamed.

I dislike having to look at the chapter titles but if it becomes a problem, then I'll add them at a later date.


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