
And he starved her for two days, not giving her anything to eat or drink, as if he had forgotten that her wronged husband was still locked up in the dark room. Finally, on the third day, he remembered. Lu Zhiyuan, who had been hungry for two days, looked at six big buns and fell into silence.

This treatment was far worse than what Jiang Junlin had received. When Ji Chi imprisoned Jiang Junlin, he even made Buddha Jumps Over the Wall for him.

Gu Ci summoned her courage and opened the door.

When Lu Zhiyuan saw the light, he looked up. Although he was the one who had been locked up, Gu Ci looked even more disheveled. Lu Zhiyuan felt sorry, but his gaze remained calm.

"Cici, take a good look at me. Who do I look like?"