
I Found My Master

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Lu Zhiyuan chuckled self-deprecatingly, "Five hundred years later, he returned to the land of heartbreak. His homeland had long since fractured into scorched earth. The once-rebuilt temple lay in ruins, its priests weakened without offerings, slowly dissipating. The priest asked the oracle, 'Where has his beloved gone?' The oracle revealed the fate of his beloved. Desperate to find her, the priest hurriedly searched but found his beloved had violated the law and was burned alive on a stake. The priest was shocked and enraged, realizing that it was all the curse of the oracle. The weakening of the oracle's power was due to the priest breaking the barrier, causing the people to flee and cease their offerings. So, the oracle harbored intense hatred for the priest who had destroyed everything, and before his power dissipated completely, he cursed the priest once more."

Gu Ci remembered the story the fortune teller had told, and it was eerily identical!