
Modification Illusion

Two kids. One Apollo, the other, Sarah. Both living in a dystopian future full of people with “modifications”. Everyone has them, well, most everyone has them. Then there’s people like Apollo, Sarah, and Zeke. Until Zeke decided randomly to join almost everyone else. Their world is constantly changing with new surprises around every corner. With their society on the brink of destruction, Sarah and Apollo have to face this new reality, with many twists

Ellie_Wyoming · Sci-fi
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35 Chs

Chapter 11: I Guess we Have a Deal

Author's note: Thank you so much for 2k! There are two new short story collections that will be updated shortly so be on the look out!

"Alright Sarah. Either you agree to help me with this job, or you can go back to them." Her head started pounding once again. "Fine, I guess we have a deal. What do I have to do now?" Well, I need you to first to start prepping. The maids will give you a nice dress for the ball we'll be attending, until then, just relax. You'll need to be put together. For your actual duties, you will be disguised as a noble. Fancy woman style, big ego, you get what I mean. We need, hmph…... I need, for you to swoon the prince. Get him to make his father hand over control. It's for our government Sarah. You wouldn't cross them again, would you?" Uncle Luke asked. Sarah shuddered. The thought of repeating all of that again made her cold to the bone. She couldn't go back, so, she said "okay Uncle. But I have one condition. You have to let me call everyone. I want answers, and I need to tell my friends. I think they're worried. Are we friends? I would like to think so, Sarah thought. "You have friends?" Uncle Luke asked rudely. "Sorry dear, that was rude. Carry on." "We need to talk, how do I activate these "powers"?" She asked. "You have to find them within your own emotions. Through time, you'll learn to manipulate your own emotions, it'll make your true powers manageable. You'll have to figure out the rest on your own. You're dismissed, have a good day, get settled in!" He responded. Sarah made her way back to her room, where Astrid was waiting for her. "How was your meeting Miss?" She asked, folding Sarah's unpacked luggage. "It was alright, I guess. Did you unpack for me?" Sarah asked. "Yes, you'll be here for another week and a half before you head across the borders, and you'll only be there for a couple of days before coming back here. So, I figured why not!" Astrid said energetically. They sat around talking about the meeting, and just making small talk while folding Sarah's clothes. Astrid then showed her a mermaid-styled ball gown, the color of the sky. "I think it will compliment your dark brown hair well. It'll also go with your gray eyes. A double compliment!" Sarah started, "you seem way too energetic for this Astrid." They both chuckled. Sarah's phone went off. "Oh, I'll give you some privacy. I'll be back with supper in about an hour! Grand Master Lok-Luke I mean. Sorry, point is, he said you're welcome to eat in the comfort of the guest room tonight if you prefer. I asssumethat's what you'd like to do?" She asked politely. "Yup! Thanks Astrid! See you in a bit." My moods really do keep changing, it's starting to worry me. I think about this later. Sarah thought as her phone went off again. "Oh! It's Blake! I should just call and explain."

Sarah called him and gave him the gist of her stay at her Uncle's estate. Blake offered to come and keep her company, since Apollo was nowhere to be seen. She agreed. "I'll have the maids keep an eye out for him, and I'll try to call again. Though I doubt he'd be all the way out here. Anyway, see you soon?" Okay, bye." Soon, I'll see them. I miss them, and Apollo. Blake seems really desperate about that. But I can tell, Apollo's okay. I can feel his heartbeat. He doesn't feel sad anymore either. I guess I should keep the telekenitheis thing to myself as well. I should get ready for them! Sarah thought happily. She started pushing the bed towards the wall. "Okay, how is that going to work?" Sarah said to herself quietly. She then remembered that she was supposed to text Apollo. "I think I'll call, actually." Sarah whispered.


Apollo: Sarah?

Sarah: Yes, it's me. Isi and Blake said that they couldn't get a hold of you, what's happening? Why aren't you at school?

Apollo: Sarah, It's a long story. One that I don't know that I should talk about. Anway, since I have nothing better to do….I'm helping you.

Sarah: With what? Listen, my Uncle's fine. He hasn't done anything rash, he hasn't hurt anyone, he's fine. Andddddd, guess what?

Apollo: What?

Sarah: Isi and Blake said they're coming to stay here with me! I won't be alone now! Isn't that great?

Apollo: Yeah, that's good. Be safe, I have...….I have stuff to do. I won't be at school for a while, but I'm safe so tell them not to worry. Bye Sarah, I'll text you when I get this done

Sarah: Okay, tal-

*Call Ended*

Well that was odd. Why's he being so distant? Sarah thought curiously. He almost sounded disturbed, but what's the issue? He doesn't even know anything. I feel like I was thrown into the friendship, I shouldn't be so caring for him. I barely know him! But still, I feel connected to him. More than Blake and Isi. What am I supposed to tell them? Hey guys, I got him on the phone and he sounds awfully distraught, how was the trip here? Isi spent the next 20 minutes pondering her own thoughts, and inner nature. Her destructive thought process was caught off by her Aunt Mallory. "Hello Sarah. I need to explain something to you." "Alright, um.. Go ahead Aunt Mallory." Sarah said cautiously. "I know that your Uncle very briefly told you what is going on so I thought I'd elaborate. Your…..how do I say this….your demonic issues spring from his side of the family. Though there is supernatural supremacy throughout both sides of your family, there are more people on your father's side. You see, your mother and I were once both married into this family. I was married to your godforsaken Uncle, and your mother was married to his cousin. When two people intertwine their souls, like your parents did, they start to inherit each other's traits and in this case supernatural abilities. Your mother took some of your fathers power. The distribution works oddly though. Since your mother technically took some power away from your father, but he still had control of it, because it was rightfully his, he was weak away from her. Sorry, that's confusing. Do you get it?" Mallory asked calmly. "Sort of." Sarah replied. "So, she took some of his power, but it stayed his power?" "Correct." Aunt Mallory confirmed. "But it was still his power, so without his power being near him he was weak? Then Mom had his power, so he was weak when he was away from her?" Sarah asked. "Exactly!" Aunt Mallory said, excited she needn't say more. "I have a question for you though Aunt Mallory." Sarah said. "Right, go ahead." She answered. "Mom was married to Dad, and she took his power." Aunt Mallory nodded. "You were married to Uncle Luke, but both of you say that you're powerless. Can you explain?" Sarah asked, her curiosity on the matter slowly growing. "Yes, of course dear. The simple refined answer is that we didn't intertwine souls. Your mother married for love, as your Uncle and I didn't. Our marriage was more of a financial pursuit then for being young in love at the time. One thing led to another, your mother was pregnant and your Uncle and I were getting a divorce. So anyway, the gist of this talk was that you inherited it from your Uncle, not me, and we ne-" Sarah cut her off. "Aunt Mallory, where is Dad? Does Mom still have his power?" Sarah asked innocently." "Your mother still has a portion of his supernatural powers. Your father, he's not dead sweetheart. I know that's what you were told as a child to keep you from feeling abandoned. But I think it's about time. I'm sorry that your mother can't give you this talk but, he left. He's alive, out somewhere doing business. We can't change his final decision, so that's that." Mallory finished. "Why did he leave?" Sarah asked, her face in a deep concentration. When she asked, she wasn't looking at Mallory, simply staring at the wall, waiting for a response. "He was frightened dear, let's please leave it at that." Mallory responded. "Fine, what else were you saying?" Sarah asked, aggravated that she didn't know the real reason for her fathers sudden disappearance all those years ago. "We, as in your godforsaken Uncle and I, we noticed something. You're weaker than normal. You don't have the same energy to you, and that can really only mean one thing right now. Did you intertwine your soul with anyone?"