
Modern Human Lord in Another World

Demon Lord in the modern earth? Well, How about a Human Lord reincarnation to another world? Born in 1880-08-18, he’s a living legend, the one who starts world wars, the one who invented nuclear weapons, the one who advanced technologies behind the scenes, the one who manipulates organisations, the one who really controls the world. And now in 2020 he succeeded in his goal and got to another world? Moreover a fantasy plus medieval one? (Come watch the other world get rekt by our Lord!)

Ridoux_Studio · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3 - Surrender or fight?

[ Tinlaos - Verdemilio Kingdom - Rosefold Magic knight academy ]-[ Year 497 ]

Currently in an open field, Hundreds of youths can be seen.

"Oi, Adam..."


And among them, two youngsters who seemed to be 15-16 years old.

"Can you see it?"

then one of them pointed, to which the other looked.

"Oh! That's good stuff..."

"I would give her 68%, what do you think?"

"Hmm, yeah i think so too!, what about that one?"

"Hyoho!, she deserves 77%!"

The two of them were looking lustfully at the girls around them.

*Murmur* *Murmur*

The other youths were whispering about the two.

"Kyaa, It's the Duo Perverts!"

"How disgraceful!"



Some of them were cursing the duo loudly, it seems the two are well known in the academy.

*Cheer* *Cheer*

After some time cheers can be heard in the front, and at the same time 6 girls appeared in the high-platform

"Kyaaa! It's the student council's six pillars!"


"How beautiful!"

"Kyaa! Maria-sama, please notice me!"

The students were shouting all over, after all the six girls were too gorgeous and good-looking for their age, every single one of them had a unique aura around them, and the swords in their waist made it even more magnificent and graceful.

"G..G-ilbert!, what's their score?!"



"Sorry, it seems i can die in peace now, see you in the after life Bro"

*Thud* The youth called Gilbert dropped backwards.



A bell sounded in the place.


"The president is coming!"

"Kyaa, Her highness is here!"

Suddenly the six girls stood neatly in the sides while making a path in the middle, to which a stunning and angelic beauty appeared, she had very long white hair reaching to her knee, and bewitching red eyes in her delicate face, she walked elegantly to the Microphone-like looking device and she spook.

"Welcome everyone! In behalf of the academy, i hereby thank you for your everyday hard works to this day"

Her voice was heard in every direction and was clear to hear even with the hundreds of students cheering nonstop.

"Now then, as you all now, today marked exactly half the first semestre, so it's the first-year students second combat exam"


"Gilbert, it finally came..."

"Yeah, the hateful day..."

"Shit! What should we do?! like in the entrance exam, we're just gonna have our ass wiped again!"

"Hah!, you mean your's, not mine"

"fuck, come on man, please help me with this, you're a level 2 apprentice knight after all!"

"You can't be serious!, how the fuck i'm supposed to help you in this?!"


"See, it's useless asking me!, you're the one who neglected your training all this time!"


"It's called 'reap what you sow' man"

The president's voice sounded again : "So, this will be sudden to you, but this time the academy decided to add another rule to today's exam"

*Murmur* *Murmur*


"Hey, did you know about this?"

"No, it's the first time i heard such a thing..."

"This time we decided that those who didn't get more scores than their last exam...will get expelled from the academy!"

*Shhh* suddenly a silence came.


"W-Wait, is she for real?!"

"Ah… i'm done for"

The students broke into commotion.





*SIGH* "Well… it was nice spending days here with you"


"Don't worry, i'll make sure to enjoy your share in your stead"

"Shut up!"


"I'll never give up!"


"I said SHUT UP!"

"Alright! Good luck Bro!"

And then Gilbert separated from Adam and disappeared into the crowd.

"Fuck it all! Like hell i'll go back like this!"

He thought in his mind : 'If i go back now, i'll definitely get killed, he won't tolerate me anymore, i'm sure of it!'


Adam knocked in a huge door.



A hoarse and firm voice was heard from inside.

Adams hesitantly opened and entered the door, what lies inside was an extremely exquisite study-room behind the lavish bureau sits an elegant old-man.

"So you came, TRASH child of mine!"

*Flinch* Adam flinched at that sentence, and said still looking down.

"Y..Y-es, Father..."


Then his father throws a letter to the ground.

"This is..." Adam looked at it confused.

"It's a recommendation letter"


"Your going to study in Rosefold Magic knight academy"


"It's the second best Magic knight academy in the neighboring country Verdemilio Kingdom"

"B-but why?"

*Bang* Suddenly his father hits the bureau.

"Because it's your last chance, TRASH!!"

*Thud* Adam dropped to his back from the sudden outburst.

"Did you think i'll allow you to keep our noble lineage with that criple body of yours??!"


"You never tried to train in your whole life! I thought it's okay since you lost your mother at a young age and you probably would return soon to your senses, but it seems i miscalculated this time..." he then gave a cold gaze to his son.

"Hiccc..." Adam shreaked in horror from that gaze.

"You better graduate from that academy, otherwise..." He then let a bit of his killing intent

"I think you know what will happens"

Adam face got pale as he thought : 'He'll definitely kill me for real this time'


Adam clenched his fists as he said : "I will… no i definitely need to win this! I can't go back like this..."

"Alright! The exam will start soon, I wish all of you good luck!!"

[ Rosefold Magic knight academy - The High-platform ]

The president turned around and walked back elegantly before stopping.

She said : "Lisa, I'll leave the rest to you!"

The girl called Lisa bowed and replied.

"Rest assured your highness"

The president nodded and said : "Let's go"

She then walked away with the other five members, leaving Lisa behind.

Lisa was one of the student council's six pillars, and holds the pillar of Improvisation, she has a lovely shoulder-length orange hair and eyes.

She also wore a dazzling orange dress which in contrast to the huge black sword in her back and the white bandages in her hands gave a kind of magnificent and fierce aura.

She walked to the microphone-like device and said : "Hello everyone, i'm Lisa, the pillar of Improvisation, now then, since we'll be starting the exam soon, i would like you to immediately move to the arena, and follow the teachers instructions!"

[ Rosefold Magic knight academy - The Arena ]

Rosefold Magic knight academy has a very wide and well-build arena which is 370m in diameter and reaches a height of 60 meters at its center, and the students sitting in the auditorium watching a match after another nonstop.

"Match 149 ends!, The winner is number 983! Congratulations you passed! number 866 you pass too!"

"Match 151 ends!, The winner is number 411! Unfortunately you get less points than your last exams! You failed! However number 97, you passed!"

The teachers we're all around the stage, examining the matches one by one while giving and writing points. It seems that it doesn't matter if you win, all that matters is how much you improved from the first exam.

"Match 169 ends! It's a draw! Congratulations both of you passed!"

Lisa keeps announcing the results while watchin over the matches from the honor seats.

"We'll now start match 278! Number 310! Number 333! Step to the stage!"


'SHIT!, it's my turn!' Adam thought with a pale face.

Suddenly a bulk looking student laughed to his heart content while shouting.

"Gahahaha, I can't believe I'm against the academy's cripple!"

He jumped from his seat that was 10m height to the stage directly.

*Crack* The stage cracked from him landing.

He then looked at Adam and said : "Oi! Why don't you jump too? Don't tell me you, a magic knight apprentice can't jump from that meager height?"

"HAHAHA, of course he can't!"

"Pfft!, he's a pig after all"

"Haha, he'll definitely die if he jumps from there"

Adam got pale 'Why does it have to be him of all people?', he then became very embarrassed while going down the stairs timidly.

"Number 310 and Number 333 are you ready?"

"Ah! Wait a minute!" the strong looking bulk student said while lifting one hand.

"What is it Number 310? You want to surrender?"

"Oh hell no!, it just i thought of something that most likely everyone present will agree to it"

Adam thought with fear 'what is he planning now! That guy always bully anyone who he finds an eyesore in his eyes, i can't even remember how many time he bully me this 2 months'

"Oh?, what do you have in mind?"

He then faced the students and said : "Guys, tell me who's the weakest student in our academy?"

"It's the cripple Adam!"

"Do you even need to ask?!"

"Yeah, i can't stand that guy! Even my 6 years old sister will beat him!"

"He's an eyesore!"

Everyone shouted that the weakest student in the entire academy is Adam.

The bulk student grins and asks again : "Now, Girls who's the biggest pervert of the academy?"


"Yeah, he's disgusting"

"Kyaa, he's looking this way!"

"He's better off dead!"

"Kill him! Olaf!"

Olaf grinned even more and said : "Then we can't have a filth like that in our academy can we now?"


"We can't sleep peacefully in the academy with that pig around!"

Olaf continued : "Then how about i criple him so he'll never be able to hold a sword again?"

Adam shouted in horror : "WHAT??!!"

"Oi, that's against the ru-.."






Everyone shouted in unison.

"No! Like i sai.."

"Now, now Lisa-sama, can't you see that all students want it?, don't tell me you'll betray their wish? You, one of the student council pillars?"


Lisa looked around and saw that it's really like he said and thought 'SIGH, well i too can't stand having others tarnishing our academy's name, so i guess it's okay?'

"Hmm... Alright since this is a special case i'll allow it, however this is only to show other students that we won't tolerate anyone trying to tarnish our academy name for their body desires like that one over there"

"Haha, you heard that everyone?" Olaf said while giving a sinister smile.



Adam felt like finding a hole and hiding in it, he thought : 'FUCK! I'm doomed, what should i do now? Surrender? NO! If i surrender and go back like this then i'll be dommed for real!'

"Now then Number 333, what will you do? Surrender or fight?"