
Modern Human Lord in Another World

Demon Lord in the modern earth? Well, How about a Human Lord reincarnation to another world? Born in 1880-08-18, he’s a living legend, the one who starts world wars, the one who invented nuclear weapons, the one who advanced technologies behind the scenes, the one who manipulates organisations, the one who really controls the world. And now in 2020 he succeeded in his goal and got to another world? Moreover a fantasy plus medieval one? (Come watch the other world get rekt by our Lord!)

Ridoux_Studio · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2 - A good life?

[ ?? - White Void ]-[ Year ?? ]


?? : "..."

The naked Lord thought in his mind : 'Hmm, according to my current memories, I'm 98.71% sure that I've died...'

?? : "Let's see.. Alright i can hear my voice… hearing CHECK"

The Lord first checks his 5 senses, he looks at his hands and other parts "sight CHECK"

He then bits his lips "taste & touch CHECK", then sniffs his blood "smell CHECK"

After that he tried using his sixth sense. But didn't get anything.

?? : "...Instinct UNKNOWN"

The Lord frowns, now he's 99.32% certain that he's dead.

Now he tried to stimulate his life force inside his body. But nothing happens, in fact he can't even sense a minuscule of life force.

?? : "...99.83%...hmm"

The Lord lowered his head, he was aiming his heart, suddenly he stabbed there with his right hand and plucked it out, he was looking at the beating heart in his hand and the blood splashing profusely from him, he waited 15min, still nothing changed even though 64.12% of his blood was now outside of his body.

?? : "99.94%"

Finally he beheaded himself with the other hand, however in the next instant everything returned to its initial shape, his heart and head functioning normally.

?? : "99.99998%" he said


In that moment something appeared with a flash, almost instantly he took his fighting pose. After the flash dissipated, a humanoid figure could be seen, after the view cleared completely, according to his commonsense he could tell it is a human woman, though according to his hormones reaction he could tell that the woman was the most mesmerizing and beautiful being from the other gender he ever met.

The woman : "H.."


Before the woman could even speak two letters she was bombarded with ultra fast punches and kicks from every direction, and the Lord figure was flashing around her while throwing terrifying hits at his target.

However the woman seems perfectly fine even after taking his hits that's capable of breaking rocks for more than 5 minutes now.

The woman : "Are you Don.."

Before she could finish her sentence, one of the seemingly endless hits hit the left-top side of her calf and she felt ticklish, which caused her to stop her sentence.

The Lord smirked at this, it seems this thing had a weak point after all.

The woman frowned : "ALRIGHT! That's enough!"

When she finished her sentence, he felt an incomparably powerful force field send him flying at the speed of sound, he was flying in the endless white void for several minutes before finally crashing down and bouncing countless times before the momentum at last stopped.

?? : "W..Wha..BLUGH"

He coughed mouthfuls of blood mixed with his utensils, 'Such Physiques defying bitch' he thought.


'flashy bitch' he thought when the woman appeared again before him.

The woman spoke with a mocking tone : "I hope you learned your lesson now?"

The Lord however betrayed her expectations and smirked instead.

?? : "100%"

The woman was confused, what's with this human, he suddenly attacked her out of nowhere and after she gave him a good beating, instead of feeling fear or anger he actually smirked?

The woman : "I can't believe it!, you're the first soul to even dare attack a goddess like me!, moreover a trivial human at that?!"

The Lord's eyes flashed with different lights when his trained-brain heard the 4 words : soul, goddess , trivial human.

First when he heard the 'soul', he thought 'Oh, so the soul's system existed after all, i guess those indian monkeys(Monks) were right after all, now that i've confirmed its existence…, Ki..ki..ki i'm looking forward to my immortality projects after researching every cranny of this system, wait does that mean that insects and bacteria have souls too? Better research that later, Ah and thi...'

In that microseconds his brain processes what even Einstein's brain couldn't do in seconds, not to mention normal humans.

After that his endless thoughts got cut when he heard the 'goddess', this time he frowned inside his mind and thought 'Shit! I guess everything has an owner, does she survey the soul system?, if that is so , I have to kill her!, but it's near impossible to kill that physiques defying bitch without good equipments, but i could manage if i have even a fucking needle, but who thought i would be literaly naked, no wait, she said 'goddess like me' so there's a possibility that there are other gods/goddess besides her, guess i'll put killing her aside, i won't approarch her untill i know all the gods/goddess there and their abilities befor making a move against any of them…, wait, i can create conflicts between them and have them fight each other, Hi..hi..hi yet another thing to research, and…'

But then he heard 'trivial human', the moment his trained-brain processed the meanings of this words


He instantly shot-out his killing intent. His killing intent was so thick that it made even the freaking goddess jump 100m backwards, with cold sweat running down her spine.

The goddess : "???????!!!!!!"


?? : "Y..Yo..UO..YOU DARE??!!"

*ROAR* His voice so loud it caused the goddess to flinch

?? : "You Dare Belittle humanity???!!"


The goddess : "..."

The goddess thought : 'Seriously?!!! Why the heck a t..trivial human has so much killing intent??!!

Is he really a human? I almost thought i'm facing a God-rank dragon?!!'

?? : "GRR!!"

If not for his tattered body that can't move at all, he would certainly focus his entire being to kill the bitch in front of him.

The goddess : *SIGH* "alright, i'm sorry i won't say it again if it bother you so much"

She bows sincerely, only then did the Lord regained his composure, he can't be blamed, after all he was 'Humanity Lord' the father of humanity, he's the only one alowed to abuse and boss them around, if anyone dared to belittle or screw with them he would sew a blanket with his skin, and make dinner with his fucking flesh.

After he insta-calmed down he used his brain again and thought : 'I wonder why did she say that? Did she not see the unlimited potential of evolution humanity has? Isn't my last project that destroyed all the planets powerful enough to demonstrate humanity's power?'

?? : "..."

The goddess : "Alright! I'll take your silence as forgiving me then" she immediately stood straight again.

The lord thought with clenching teeth : 'Should I kill the cocky bitch after all?'

The goddess noticed that he was still holding a grudge against her so she said helplessly : "You know what, as a compensation for what i said about your kind, how about i keep your memories and send you to another world with 3 abilities of your choice, it's very a tempting offer if i say so myself!"

The lord froze, 'compensation?' 'Keep your memories?' '3 abilities?' the moment he comprehends that he immediately switches to his business-mode Lord.

?? : "Oh, is that so?"

The goddess : "Yeah, normally i should erase your memories and send your soul to another world!"

?? : "And the abilities?"

The goddess : "...There would be no such thing, only the chosen ones who got to have that privilege!"

?? ; "Chosen ones?" said the Lord with the business smile in full bloom, even though it looked creepy with his current state.

The goddess : "Well, from time to time there would be some idiots, who would wreak havoc in the worlds so normally we send heroes to deal with them"

?? : "Why go to such an extent? Just go yourselfs and clean up the bastards quickly?"

The goddess : "We can't, We, the gods/goddesses can't interfere directly with the worlds, so that's our only choice!"

The Lords couldn't help but think of her as an idiot flashy cocky bitch, she basically told him herself from the sentence 'We can't' that there are others gods/goddesses, and that these all powerful guys can't interfere with him directly, and could only send some panty kids to him, wich means, all he have to do is to develop to the point that he can kill any living being in the planet… *SMIRKS*

He already thought of several plans before even entering the fucking world.

The goddess : "Now then, about the abilities, we have..."

The Lord interupts her : "Can I create my own abilities?"

The goddess : "it depends on what you want, since i can't give you skills like : reviving dead people, ultra mass-destruction magics, infinity mana or infinity shield/infinity evasion and the like"

The Lord smirked, who would possibly take such lame abilities?, if someone really takes such things then they must've had pop mixed with their brains.

If you're a human then there are only 3 abilities that you have to take no matter what, with this three even a newborn child can trample anyone and anything in any field.

The Lord spoke almost immediately after she finished speaking : "Then i want these 3 abilities : "

?? : "First One is : i want access to 100% of my brain capacity"

The goddess : "...What?"

?? : "Like I said, I want the ability to access 100% of my brain capacity, it's unfair that I'm only allowed to use 10% of something that is mine!"

The goddess seems confused. She doesn't understand what's the difference that you use 10% or 100% of your brain, wouldn't it only make you a little smarter?

So she spoke : "Are you sure you only want that as your first ability? You can have more powerful ones you know?"

'She's really stupid after all! Ki..ki..ki' The Lord thought, after all the humans managed to colonize the planet and even went to other planets, not to mention the mass destruction weapons they invented with merly 10% of their supposedly smartest brain in the planet, so it could be imagined how terrifying it is to give them access to the other 90% of their unreachable treasure.

Moreover he wasn't just anybody he was someone who stands above all of humanity past and presents, no being has ever reached his efficiency in brain activities, so if he got this, he was basically god by then.

Of course many scientists argued about this theory in his world and denied such things, however it is an unchangeable fact that humans aren't exploiting all of their brain capacity.

So he went and experimented with some humans back in the old days to discover the cruel reality, it seems that he succeeded in unlocking the other parts of the brain, however soon after that, the brain would collapse from overloading, so no matter how he tried he couldn't possibly escape this cruel fate.

So he spoke : "Ah, i'm perfectly fine with it, i don't want to trouble you so much after all"

The Lord unleashed his business smile in full bloom again.

The goddess giggled : "Oh, how nice of you, alright!, what about the other two?"

The Lord's eyes shone and he said : "It's just that after I access the other 90% capacity of my brain I would basically die immediately from overloading the moment I land in that world..."

The goddess then said happily : "Alright, then I'll give your body the ability to never collapse from overloading!"

The Lord hardly managed to compose himself, 'is she for real? I might actually have thought too highly of her?' The Lord thought, did she not understand the potential of that ability?

'A body that never collapses from overloading…, SHIT i'm getting goosebumps just imagining it.

she basically gave me godlike cheat-tool like it's nothing, with this i can use more than 100% of my brain since it will never collapse from overloading, moreover the same could be said for all other parts of my body, so i can train forever and never need to rest.

I also won't need to sleep, this last one seems simple but it's actually the most terrifying one because most humans don't know that their wasting half their lives in sleeping and so in everything else from half the training and so on, so with this i basically got x2 multiplier to everything i do in my life, fuck, there is too much benefits to this i can't possibly think of them all. Hi..hi..hi' *SMIRKS MANIACALLY*

?? : "Thank you so much, benevolence goddess"

Now the Lord had to please her as much as possible to get the last one to complete the perfect cheat ever in the history of isekai's shit.

The goddess blushed happily : "Ho ho ho, so you know it!, you know what, i'll give you anything for your last one, just keep quiet about it from the other gods/goddesses okay?"

The Lord was basically trembling at this moment, before speaking with difficulty, he thought in his mind 'If i get this one, then it's GAME OVER from the start for everything who stands in my way in existence!' the Lord's thoughts.

?? : "T..T-hen for the last one i want, i want my body to get all of its needs infinitely, so that i don't need to absorb anything from outside the body"

The goddess got confused again, she doesn't know what use did that have, isn't it basically like never needing to eat? It seems nothing special.

The goddesses : "...What"

The Lord sweating all over…

The goddesses pouted : "That's nothing like a skill, even though i got my hopes up to give you something flashy"


'.....' the Lord for the first time since his birth got his brain glitched for a moment.

'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA, Bingo bitch' The Lord basically went frantic as he jumped all over in his brain, 'DAMN IT! I can't calm down?!! I've got them all!!! This fat goldfish actually gave me godhood'.

He thought while having his trademark twisted grin in his face 'To think i actually got it, this one is very closely linked with the second ability.

with these two only an idiot wouldn't understand their extremely terrifying effect, one was a limiter breaker and the other was infinity provider, it's like having an engine that will never break even if you put the sun in its socket and the other was the one who would provide that sun whenever you required it! Do you know what this means???!!!

It meant that he'll never have to worry about fkin stamina energy and life energy which were essential to moves one's body, now as long as he trained his body to withstand the wind pressure and the like, he could basically run at light speed or even more, perhaps he could travel through space with just running at cosmic speed Hahahahahaha, Huh, since we're traveling at light speed could i travel through time as well? Better study that some later time Ki..ki..ki'

?? : "It's okay, holy goddess, I'm satisfied with your blessings as they are, please bestow upon me those three abilities and I'll never be more satisfied in my life than this moment!"

The goddesses said with a fake pout : "Hmph, whatever, I'll send you now! Have a good life!"

The Lord thought, 'A good life? Don't make me laugh! Ki ki ki!'

*SHINE* The Lord felt himself being sucked into something with another flash.

The Lord Frown and thought 'Flashy bi-t... well, forget it!'

And then he disappeared from that place.

"Ah! I forgot to tell him!" the goddess said after a while.

"W-Well, he will discover it on his own anyway… i think?"

"Hmph, who cares anyway, I need to get the other job done!"

*FLASH* After that the goddess disappeared too with a flash.