
Zuliu's Master

* 3rd person POV*

" Zuliu... Let's hunt pheasant!" Wei Wu Xian suggested cheerfully.

" Young Master, do you really love copying rules with 2nd Young Master Lan that is why you keep breaking rules?" Zuliu teased.

" You....*sigh* ... You know Lan Zhan and I are just friends, best friends... Nothing more.... Also he is not a cutsleeve how can he love me... Again I will make it clear, we are just best friends... No strings attached."

' Young Master if you just know how Master love you so much... Hayysst when could you even understand his feelings for you.' Zuliu thought.

" Young master, you always get in trouble." He said while smiling.

" Zuliu, you know I just finish my 10th punishment yesterday and luckily grandmaster Lan and In Uncle Lan is not here. We don't have class so can I not  enjoy this day. It happens only once a while."

Zuliu don't anymore know how to convince his young master to follow rules and don't break more GusuLan rules.

To his luck Nie Huaisang arrived and now his young master's attention went to his friend.

" Nie-xiong, how are you? What will you do today that we don't have class?"

" Wei-xiong you want to come with me. I'll go to Caiyi town to have a taste of good life. You know the food here in Cloud Reccesses is really tasteless. I want to eat something good."

" Well Zuliu let's go with Nie-xiong there." Wei Wu Xian spoke to his right hand man with much excitement.

" Young Master.... Fine * sigh*... Do I need to call young master Jiang and a-yang?" Zuliu already quit convincing his young master when he saw his puppy eyes.

' who could dare disobey you young master. Now I know why my master is too whipped.' he thought he said this in his mind. Unfortunately he said it softly out of his mouth which ofcourse escaped the ears of his excited young master but not of the young man in green clothing talking to his young master.

" No need Zuliu. I will call a-cheng myself. You and Nie-xiong wait here. Nie-xiong I'll go first." Wei Wu Xian said while walking away from the two.

Nie Huaisang faced his friend's right hand man.

" I'm glad to meet the core melting hand and talk to him personally today." Nie Huaisang said.

" Would like to return the pleasure Young Master Nie. The mysterious owner of the Nie assassin group." Zuliu said.

" You really do have your sources Zuliu right. But why can't I know who your real master is. He is really too cunning not to leave any clues behind." Nie Huaisang said with a smirk.

" My master is no other than the Second Heir of YunmengJiang Sect. The famous second Lotus Wei Wu Xian." The core melting hand said monotonously.

" Why did I hear you saying your master is too whipped with my dear friend?"

' Shit! I said it out loud. I wonder how did this mysterious assassin leader want.' he said, now surely, in his mind.

" Xing Zuliu I would really make sure to know who you really are. Make sure to never betray Wei-xiong trust in you." Nie Huaisang said now with a deadly poker face.

Now both of them stood with an awkward silence. Zuliu is tensed because maybe Nie Huaisang also has a different motive for his young master while Huaisang is thinking who could 'Wen' Zuliu's master could be. What if he is still a Wen and now is in under cover.

' I must tell Hanguang Jun/ Master about this.' Nie Huaisang and Zuliu thought

Wei Wu Xian arrived about five minutes after the discussion and is now together with his and his right hand man's younger brother.

" Ohh you two, what's the matter why you are too silent?" Wei Wu Xian asked.

" Wei-xiong we just don't have something to talk with that is why we are silent." Nie Huaisang explained.

" Jiang-xiong you're here. let's go now." He continued.

The group now went out of Cloud Reccesses and went to Caiyi town.

Wei Wu Xian's attention was first caught by the Man who was shouting and holding a tray full of bottles of none other than Wei Wu Xian's favorite liquid. Wine. Not just an ordinary wine, but the wine he wished to drink for weeks now. Emperor Smile.

He quickly grab two bottles and start drinking while roaming around the market of Caiyi ofcourse with his other 4 companion.

They were joyfully buying what they wanted in Caiyi.

Wei Wu Xian's eyes was then caught by a blue and purple pair tassel. The Blue one have a cloud pattern while the purple one has Lotus pattern carves on it.

' It has a nice pattern of Clouds and Lotus. I could give one to Lan Zhan and the other one mine to represent our friendship.'

He then bought the tassels.

He then went with the other four who is continually buying things.

The five of them also never forget to buy chilli oil to give the bland food of the Lan Clan tasteful.

It is already lunch time and they are about to look for a tavern where they could buy food to fill their stomach, when suddenly Wei Wu Xian, who is not looking at road but with his attention is there with his companions and telling jokes, bump into someone.

According to Wei Wu Xian the person's scent is somewhat familiar. His other companion is now shocked when seeing the person whom Wei Wu Xian bump into.

He looked up and heard a voice saying with a teasing tone, " A-Xian is really not looking on the way or really wanted to bump with me." 

" Xichen-ge, Lan Zhan what are you doing here?" Wei Wu Xian asked.

" A-Xian isn't that supposedly my question?" Lan Xichen spoke up teasingly

" Xichen-ge we are just roaming around and relaxing ourselves here. You Xichen-ge?" Wei Wu Xian said.

" Well there is some mysterious case of drowning here in Caiyi. I sense it is water ghoul. Since you don't have class today, I asked Wangji to come with me." Lan Xichen explained.

" YunmengJiang is famous for their water ghoul hunting right Jiang-xiong? Why not you and Wei-xiong help Er-ge and Second Young Master Lan hunt for the water ghouls." Nie Huaisang suggested.

" Right. Xichen-ge why not me and A-Xian help you."  Jiang Wanyin suggested.

" Xiongzhang can they?" Lan Wangji asked which surprised Nie Huaisang.

' last time he did not want them to come. Now he is the one who is asking his brother for them to join. Hanguang Jun, you really want to be with Wei-xiong right? Hayysst the power of Love.' Nie Huaisang said in his mind.

" Huaisang, do you want to join?" Xichen asked.

" Uhmm.. Er-ge can I just wait for you until you come back. I really don't like anything that involves swords and sabers." He responded while hiding his face in his fan.

" Okay Huaisang, let's stay first in an inn since it's already afternoon. Tomorrow we will go to the Biling Lake. Huaisang do you want to go ahead to Cloud Reccesses or you'll wait for us in the inn tomorrow?"

" Xichen-ge I'd rather wait for you in the inn than go to Cloud Reccesses alone." He responded.

" Okay let's go to the inn first." They went to the nearest inn.

When they arrived at the inn Lan Xichen booked 4 rooms with the three rooms having two bed to save more.

Lan Xichen stayed in the only room with one bed. Nie Huaisang is roomed with Zuliu for Nie Huaisang's protection. Jiang Wanyin with Xing Changmei and Wei Wu Xian roomed with Lan Wangji. Xichen was very happy with how he arrange the pairing of the room.

Well let's just forget about the only two people who are not happy with the person whom they are paired with.

When they arrived at the room, Nie Huaisang and Xing Zuliu are looking suspiciously with the other person. Nie Huaisang sends a message to Lan Wangji by the talisman Wei Wu Xian invented in the past timeline.


*His message*

Hanguang Jun,

I have something important to tell you but I don't know how will we talk. Zuliu is still here in my room and I don't know how can we talk privately. This matter is about Wei-xiong and your probable rival for his heart.

Please... I don't know what to do to make The core melting hand disappear.

Nie Huaisang.


Lan Wangji, upon receiving the message, told Wei Wu Xian that he has to go somewhere. He gave Wei Wu Xian an 'alert talisman' which was also invented by him in the previous timeline.

" Wei Ying if there is a problem, send a spiritual energy to this talisman and I will arrive directly. Don't go out in the inn alone. I have to go first." He instructed his beloved.

" Okay Lan Zhan. Be careful as well." Wei Wu Xian said with a smile.

Lan Wangji went to the troubled Nie Huaisang.

He knocked the door and was opened by Zuliu.

" Master." Zuliu whispered.

" Leave us first. Go to Wei Ying and protect him." He responded still in a soft voice.

" Yes master. I will go now." Zuliu said and he went out.

Lan Wangji went near to Huaisang, who is facing the window.

" Young Master Nie." Wangji called out.

" Hanguang Jun, how did you... Never mind." Nie Huaisang responded

" What is it that you want to say?" He asked.

" Hanguang Jun, someone close to Wei-xiong is a traitor. I heard him say he has another master. To be specific he said, ' Now I know why my master is too whipped.' Hanguang Jun I guess you have a rival." Nie Huaisang explained.

" Having a rival is not a problem I will surely win." Lan Wangji stated in as a-matter-of-fact tone.

" But having a traitor is. May I know who the traitor is?" He continued.

" Well I sense it is Wen Zuliu... Well he is now Xing Zuliu...but as far as I remembered Xue Yang is not his brother how come now they are. Also I believe it's not a coincidence that they are both in Lotus Pier and serving both of it's young master. I can sense something fishy since the beginning. Unfortunately, I still can't track their Master. He is too smart to be outsmarted. Until now I'm still looking for his Master. Maybe he will take Wei-xiong. Hanguang Jun you must protect my best friend at all cost."

" Xing Zuliu?" Lan Wangji asked playfully.

" Yes... Hanguang Jun why are you so relaxed?" Nie Huaisang problematically said.

" Wait for a while." The only thing he said.

He then fished out a communication talisman and message Zuliu to come back of the room.

" Young Master Nie I advice you to use your invisibility talisman and just listen to the conversation without the other party seeing you and you will know the answer."

Nie Huaisang don't know what's going on but complied.

Minutes later Zuliu arrived.

" Master why did you call me?" Zuliu said.

' Master?... Maybe because he is Wei-xiong's best friend in this timeline.' Nie Huaisang thought.

" What happened today? You looked troubled." Lan Wangji said plainly with no emotions.

Zuliu then kneeled down and said, " Master I'm at fault please punish me. I was to careless a while ago and Young Master Nie had heard me while I was speaking to myself. I was praising Young Master Wei that time and I said that now I understand why you love him so much. I thought I said it on my head but sadly the words softly went out of my mouth. I did sense Young Master Nie is hiding something from us. He also know my ability of melting cores. And also, you told me last time to always checked the background of Young Master's friend. Master, the Young Master of the Nie clan is the leader of the Nie assassin group. I believe we shouldn't trust him deeply." Zuliu explained and bowed down with his head touching on the floor.

' What??!!! Lan Wangji is Wen Zuliu and Xue Yang's Master?' Nie Huaisang said in his mind in disbelief.

" You may come out now." Lan Wangji ordered and Zuliu wondered whom his master is talking to.

" Hanguang Jun why haven't you told me he is one of your man?" Nie Huaisang asked.

" Master?" Zuliu questioned.

" Young Master Nie did not asked. And Zuliu he can be trusted." He said convincing the two parties that they are allies.

" Well it seems like I worry for nothing Hanguang Jun." Nie Huaisang whined.

" Hanguang Jun?" Zuliu asked.

" Don't mind that." Wangji said monotonously.

" From now on both of you should work together. I hope I cleared your worries." Lan Wangji continued.

" Yes Master." Zuliu replied while Nie Huaisang nodded.

" I'll go back to my Wei Ying now." Lan Wangji said leaving the two behind.


Hello guys hope your doing well today...

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Smile 😁 😁😁😊😁