

Chapter 18

*3rd person POV*

Lan Wang Ji, after clearing the misunderstanding between Zuliu and Huaisang, went back his and his Wei Ying's room.

Wei Wu Xian is there at the study table somewhat writing something.

Lan Wang Ji went near his beloved. He wanted to see what is he doing. Seeing this, Wei Wu Xian immediately hid what he is doing away from Lan Wang Ji's view.

" Wei Ying. What is it?" Lan Wang Ji asked.

" Nothing.... Nothing important... Just scribbles.... Just don't mind it....." Wei Wu Xian said.

" If it's nothing why dare hide it from me?" Lan Wang Ji said sternly. He do hate it when his love is hiding something from him.

" It's really nothing Lan Zhan... Let's go down now. Maybe Xichen-ge is already looking for us. It's almost dinner." He change the topic.

Lan Wang Ji wasn't able to do anything. He still has no right to force Wei Wu Xian to answer him. Apart from being his best friend, he is nothing. 

They went down the inn and now all of them starts eating.

While they were eating, Wei Wu Xian, who is longing to drink another bottle of wine,( He already manage to drink four bottles.), Went out and buy.

Lan Wang Ji always wants to keep his Wei Ying safe, and since the latter didn't allow Zuliu to follow him, Lan Wang Ji went to follow him.


Wei Wu Xian is roaming around the market when there was a lady bumping him.

" Sorry Young Master, I haven't been looking at the way." The lady said.

" It's fine young maiden. I won't really be angry at such a beautiful lady. By the way what's your name?" Wei Wu Xian flirted.

" This young peasants name is A-Qing.( Can you guess who is this?)"

" A-Qing, but you look older than me, how about Qing-jie." Wei Wu Xian said showing his famous bunny smile.

" You reminded me of my younger brother A-Ning." A-Qing said.

" Well I also have my jie. She is also very kind. She is about your age."

" Well I'm glad to know. I'll go ahead young master. I still need to gather herbs for the medicine we were making." She said and went ahead.

Unknown to Wei Wu Xian there were two people watching separately from the distance and fuming with anger.

One in White and one in all black clothes. The One wearing white went to their room while the one in black still hid in the dark.


*Lan Wang Ji's POV*

When I followed Wei Ying outside to ensure his safety, I saw him smiling and talking to a beautiful girl.

Wei Ying's face is in my direction so I hide for me not to be seen.

When Wei Ying smiled to the girl all my nerves popped out.

I must the only one who could see that precious smile. Only me, no one is ever permitted.

I know what I am feeling right now is Jealousy, but who could not be when you see your husband talking with someone beautiful smiling at each other.

The girl even manage to shuffle my Wei Ying's hair. Apart from Jiang Yanli or Wen Qing which is now gone to our sight, no other females allowed to touch my Wei Ying's hair.

I went up again as I cannot control my self already. I went and signalled Zuliu to follow his master and I went to our room.

As I entered the room, I remembered the paper Wei Ying was writing a while ago, it is just place at the table.

I went there and read it.

|•the message•|

I don't know why, but this is very hard to say at your front. I know I'm just writing this but I really don't want you to see this. I just want to vent my feelings in this paper.

SYML,( do you know what the abriviation means?) I love you. I know I cannot say this in front of you nor I can give you this letter. I know this sounds so crazy but this is from my deepest heart.

Unfortunately, I know you won't feel the same. I know you won't love me the same. I know you thought of me as a friend and no more than that.

I'm sorry if I fall for you. Don't worry, as long as you don't know and as long as you don't tell me to let go, I won't go. I'll stay where you are, I'll grab every hour, that I am still with you.

SYML, I hope you will never know this.



What the heck!

Who is SYML?!

Is this part of the butterfly effect, where Wei Ying won't love me....

Maybe that girl a while ago is SYML...

Well if this means Wei Ying will be happy and he won't suffer, it's fine to be his friend.... But I also love him.

Why can't he love me?...

Wei Ying do I really have to lose you for you not to suffer?...

As I think with my broken heart, I didn't notice, my tears slowly run down my cheeks. The slow flow of water became a rain of droplets, until I cannot control it anymore.

I went to my bed and continue sobbing.

I hid Wei Ying's letter so that he wouldn't know I have read it.

Due to a broken heart, I easily fell asleep.

*3rd person POV*

After talking with the Young Lady, Zuliu called Wei Wu Xian and he returned to his room then slept...

*Next Day*

Lan Wang Ji woke up about 4 in the morning. He then took a bath early and after doing all his morning routines he Immediately  left Wei Wu Xian, who is still sleeping soundly and went to his brother's room.

" Xiongzhang." Lan Wang Ji called out.

" Wang Ji why are you here this early. I thought you don't like to leave 'YOUR' Wei Ying alone." His brother teases which almost bring Lan Wang Ji to tears.

Lan Xi Chen upon seeing his brother in such situation immediately get worried.

" What's wrong? Did he dump you? Wang Ji tell me." He asked worriedly.

" He love someone else." Wang Ji said almost moved to tears.

" Did he tell you?" Xi Chen asked.

He shook his head.

" I have read it." He responded

Lan Xi Chen made Wang Ji enter the room and Wang Ji showed the letter.

"SYML" Xi Chen mumbled.

" Who is SYML?" He inquired.

" I don't know."

" Are....is this valid?... What I mean is is he really the one who wrote this?"

" Saw him writing when I returned."

" Well this SYML must be special from his heart... Also... Based on the letter they seemed close."

" Are you going to give up Wang Ji?"

" Never...but if that person did love him too and can make him happy...I can just step back and love him from the distance. Atleast, I can protect him and can see him happy." La Wang Ji said sadly.

" I'm sure A-Xian will find his happiness." Xi Chen said.

' but I want to be his happiness, like how I've been before.' Lan Wang Ji said in his mind

" Let's go down now Wang Ji and grab some breakfast." Wang Ji just nod in affirmation.

The two brothers, who knows that the others will wake up still later decided to eat first and bring some food in the other room so that their companion can eat when they are awake.