
MMORPG: The Realm of Axian

A street performer named Elan, who had no definite life determination, discovered the MMORPG: The Realm of Axian which became his new obsession. This famous virtual world offered immersive real-life functions and was accessible to almost everyone, regardless of their social status or economic background. He thought at first, that his life would be better in a world full of magic, but as he spent more time in it, the tables turned. The magic wasn't with him. Unable to contribute to his team, he was kicked out and mocked, ostracized by some of them who attached the nickname 'Zuiro' to his existence. Elan's love for the Axian world made him never leave. Instead, he influenced himself to move forward and tenaciously face all the troubles, hoping to savor his second chance with someone he was excited about. She was the one who never saw him as weak or different from others. However, when he discovered his newfound hidden skill and the blessing of a Goddess herself, his inner vengeance started to rise. Consumed by his overwhelmed hatred towards the magical users, Elan embarked on a chase for revenge. In the game, his ID is Liu Han, transforming him from the weakest to the most dangerous man in the Realm of Axian. What will happen to him next and what choices will he make?"

Winterfire · Games
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21 Chs

21. A Night to Remember


Liu Han twitched in surprise, his voice rising in astonishment. He turned to Lunar Queen, his eyes locked into her mischievous gaze, her raised eyebrows forming a flirtatious arc beneath her broad smile. This time, he couldn't help but acknowledge that the aura surrounding her was distinct from the Lunar-Verse, an enchanting authenticity that made her presence all the more captivating.

"No way, I'd never do that!" The man exclaimed, instinctively putting a bit more distance between them.

"Well, I thought that was a win-win solution," the Lunar Queen remarked, extending her slender legs with graceful allure. The moonlight showered her in a soft, ethereal glow, turning her skin into a luminescent canvas as white as pure milk, with an otherworldly radiance that seemed to transcend reality.

Her hands cradled her form, creating a delicate arch that emphasized the delicate contours beneath the fabric of her black attire. These graceful curves hinted at a hidden attraction, now illuminated like an artwork unveiled in the moon's tender embrace. Tilting her gaze towards the stars above, she then directed her playful eyes back to Liu Han. "Is it that my Champion does not know how to kiss a woman?"

"Huh?" The man couldn't deny it; he had never experienced a kiss that resonated with lovers' emotions. The realm of romance was foreign territory to him, an uncharted domain. "You're teasing me!"

Lunar Queen lowered her head slightly, her laughter was melodic as a whispered symphony. "You are such an innocent!"

Liu Han chose silence, allowing the conversation to drift away like the rustling of leaves. His attention returned to the meal he was attempting to prepare, though, underneath the surface, he wrestled with unease and the fear that this unexpected situation might extend further.

Refusing the Lunar Queen's proposition would potentially leave him stranded in the forest, leading him to the circumstance that sent tremors down his spine. The notion of never having touched a woman, never having felt the brush of their skin against his own, seemed to echo in his mind like an unanswered question.

The mere contemplation of such intimacy brought forth beads of cold sweat, and yet now, a kiss?

As Liu Han continued with his culinary endeavor, his movements grew more erratic. His trembling hands resulted in a utensil slipping from the box, an accident that only deepened the Lunar Queen's amusement. She watched her Champion's behavior with an air of light-hearted travesty, her teasing evolving into a flirtatious mimic.

"No need to be embarrassed," Lunar Queen suddenly closed the distance between them, she crawled as graceful as the gentle sway of a willow in the breeze. "A man like you is indeed a treasure."

Liu Han found himself entirely flustered, trapped in a moment where escape seemed impossible, and rescue unnecessary as the Lunar Queen stood mere inches away.

Their gazes, hazel and intense, collided with a mutual fascination, igniting an unspoken connection between them. In the quietness of the forest, each heartbeat seemed to echo like the softest of whispers.

With a tender touch, the Lunar Queen steered Liu Han to lie down, her fingers becoming a bridge between their worlds. Her form hovered over him, a vision of classiness amidst the tranquil surroundings.

"I have no remorse," her voice resonated through the night, a serenade with the rustling leaves and the moon's peaceful glow. "For my heart has made its choice and placed its trust in you."

"I know your secrets," her words brushed against Liu Han's consciousness like a hidden shared in the night. "The world you left behind holds the same as the one we've woven here, does it?"

Liu Han found himself engulfed in an uncontrollable wave of anxiety. A sweat formed on his forehead, glistening under the moonlit dusk, while a roaring campfire cast flickering shadows nearby. Just above him, set precisely on his abdomen, Lunar Queen perched with a dominating demeanor, causing his heart to race at a breakneck pace.

However, it wasn't solely her presence that stirred him. The Goddess appeared to possess knowledge that should have remained veiled. "How could you possibly know?" Liu Han's voice quivered, a tremble of uncertainty weaving through his words.

"As the sovereign of the realm, ignorance is not an option, especially when it comes to my very own Champion," she murmured, her body leaning slightly forward, her exotic mounds pressing against Liu Han's chest, covered only by a thin shroud of black fabric. "An orphan cast aside by fate, can you fault me?"

Liu Han couldn't believe it—did she know all of this from Xaindan Cooperation's data? If that were true, the figure of the Goddess before him wasn't just an NPC, but possibly a user. Someone who held important influence within Axian, a Game Master?

"Perhaps now you thought that I work for them," the woman's face drew closer to Liu Han's, causing him to turn away. "That would be true."

"I possess the power to reshape the Lunar-Verse structure, provide you with choices, and even plan the Tower of Trial for you." She straightened her body once more, the sensual curve of her body accentuated the firm and substantial form of her well-rounded buttocks.


Lunar Queen's slender index finger swiftly pressed against Liu Han's lips, forestalling his words. "I know you have gone mad, but I'm not the one to blame."

Withdrawing her finger, she reached forward again, closing the gap between their faces. Liu Han's nearness to her was just a few inches—causing him to tilt his head back and close his eyes. "Because it was you who chose my option."

Unexpectedly, the Lunar Queen reached out and caressed Liu Han's cheeks with both hands, causing the man to reflexively open his eyes. This time, the Queen's expression shifted to a somber one, a hint of sadness emanating from her beautiful face.

"Now, isn't your fate a little brighter, My Champion?" Even her smile, which she now mustered, felt different from the mischievous ones before. This time, it appeared more genuine. "Haven't you wanted to change your life here?"

"Your second life, don't you wish not to squander it?" Lunar Queen's words pierced Liu Han's fragile heart, every challenging moment he faced without meaningful support now seemed to ease. "I'll repeat my words once more."

"I'll be here, by your side, always." The woman's words successfully brought rips to Liu Han's eyes; moisture threatened to come out of it.

"My Queen." Unconsciously, his voice turned incredibly soft, almost a whisper. "Thank you."

"It feels strange when you call me like that," Lunar Queen grumbled. "I'd prefer to be called Lunar."

Liu Han chuckled a little bit and answered, "As you wish."

"Yet, do you want to kiss me or not?" Lunar inquired, still straddled above Liu Han.

He fell into a momentary hush, suspended in the weight of his decision. The air felt charged with anticipation as he contemplated, his heart pulsating in rhythm with the seconds passing by. It wasn't a complex choice, but Liu Han's apprehension tangled with excitement, a cocktail of emotions churning within him.

After a brief pause that seemed to stretch into infinity, he exhaled a measured breath, his voice finally breaking the silence, "It appears my choices are limited."

Lunar Queen's lips curved into a triumphant smile, her victory shimmering in the air. "Close your eyes."

With an obedient nod, Liu Han succumbed to the moment. Lunar Queen's delicate touch once again graced his skin, her fingers tracing the outlines of his cheeks with a feather-light caress. The stillness of the night seemed to amplify the tension, the only audible rhythm being the quickening cadence of his heart—a rhythm building towards an uncharted experience.

Subtly, the plushness of her lips met the edge of his, a feeling so tender and yielding that it enveloped his mind. In that fleeting instant, his senses seemed to float; while his heart raced, he felt an unfamiliar tranquility—a sanctuary amidst the unknown.

Over time, Liu Han found himself reciprocating the phenomenon Lunar Queen ignited, a gentle dance of exploration and response. Their mutual surrender to intimacy submerged them in a shared world of raw emotion. Liu Han's hands ventured, tracing the curve of her hips and her back into her buttocks—an unspoken language of fascination evolving between them.

Lunar Queen's ardor intensified, her control slipping as breathy exhales intertwined with sweet, melodic sighs—a chorus of vulnerable desires. They engaged in an intricate exchange, a duet of longing and resignation, where neither wished to concede.

Liu Han, a novice in this situation, navigated the currents of spectacle, allowing the Lunar Queen to guide him through uncharted waters. Each gesture, each touch, amplified the depth of their connection. Her fingers wove through his midnight-black hair, a tactile testament to her fervor.

As dark wings unfurled, the flickering firelight that had been their sole companion dimmed, casting a twilight aura over the scene. Unbeknownst to Liu Han, these wings enclosed them, cocooning their world in an intimacy that transcended time.

In the embrace of this transformative night, Liu Han found himself swept away by a current of sensations he had never before dared to explore. It was a night destined to remain etched in his memory, a night to remember.

Hello readers! What a surprised chapter isn't it? I hope it's not too explicit and for your information, this chapter alone should be adult 18+. I never wrote this kind of scene but this is what I wanted to include. To immerse the Lunar Queen's characteristics and the bonds between them.

Thank you for all your support!

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