
MMORPG: The Realm of Axian

A street performer named Elan, who had no definite life determination, discovered the MMORPG: The Realm of Axian which became his new obsession. This famous virtual world offered immersive real-life functions and was accessible to almost everyone, regardless of their social status or economic background. He thought at first, that his life would be better in a world full of magic, but as he spent more time in it, the tables turned. The magic wasn't with him. Unable to contribute to his team, he was kicked out and mocked, ostracized by some of them who attached the nickname 'Zuiro' to his existence. Elan's love for the Axian world made him never leave. Instead, he influenced himself to move forward and tenaciously face all the troubles, hoping to savor his second chance with someone he was excited about. She was the one who never saw him as weak or different from others. However, when he discovered his newfound hidden skill and the blessing of a Goddess herself, his inner vengeance started to rise. Consumed by his overwhelmed hatred towards the magical users, Elan embarked on a chase for revenge. In the game, his ID is Liu Han, transforming him from the weakest to the most dangerous man in the Realm of Axian. What will happen to him next and what choices will he make?"

Winterfire · Games
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21 Chs

20. Relationship

He struggled to open his eyelids, a sense of weight hanging over them. The deep blue of his irises reflected the reddish shine and the shadows, while faint light scattered within the darkness. Nearby, the crackling of flames reached his ears, accompanied by a subtle warmth that touched his skin. He lay there, still disoriented, trying to make sense of his surroundings.

Slowly, he became aware of a change in his attire. The familiar weight of his armor was gone, replaced by the soft touch of a simple brown shirt and trousers against his skin. As he attempted to rise, the remnants of soreness and pain in his body opposed, and a low wail escaped his lips. Each movement felt like dragging against a current of resistance.

"Don't rush it," a soft voice murmured, positioned in front of the campfire. The speaker's form was obscured, and the voice delivered a comforting anchor. "The poison's effects haven't disappeared."

As his vision cleared, he found himself face-to-face with the source of the voice. Recognition and surprise mixed as he whispered, "Arunika... why am I here?"

"A had to teleport you when the situation become serious. I don't know why you trusted in that suspicious stranger," the woman explained, approaching with a bowl of steaming soup in her hands. "Here, it will hasten the neutralization of the poison."

The aroma of the stew reached his nose, a fragrant mixture of spices and warmth that stirred his appetite. Gratitude welled up as he accepted the bowl, his fingers wrapping around its comforting heat. "T-Thank you."

Arunika's presence beside him was a comforting reassurance. The soft crackling of the fire accompanied their conversation, its brilliance dancing in the depths of her eyes as she spoke. "I don't mean to follow you or anything, but I want to help you find your friend. Yet, I found you with them."

His spoon clinked against the bowl's edge as he took a bite of the stew. Its rich flavors spread across his tongue, a combination of textures and tastes that felt like an embrace. "I had a hunch that something wasn't right with them, but I chose to remain optimistic."

A wistful chuckle escaped him, a blend of irony and acceptance. "Turns out, my optimism led me to misjudge people."

Arunika's eyes held a mixture of understanding and a hint of something deeper as she replied, her voice a mix of exasperation and fondness. "Don't do it again! Spare yourself from the mistake I have felt."

The exchange left the air thick with emotions, an unspoken connection between them. Astorn fell into a contemplative silence, his gaze dropping as he absorbed her words. "I understand. I apologize for my recklessness."

With a fragile strength, he turned his attention to the woman by his side, a sincere appreciation. "Thank you for saving me, Arunika."

Arunika's stare flicked towards him, her surprise fleeting before she shifted her focus back to her bowl. She cleared her throat softly, her voice regaining its composure. "It's alright. Just promise me you won't repeat the same mistakes," she whined before resuming her meal, the sounds of her eating a quiet affirmation.

Astorn's lips curved into a faint smile as he almost finished his own meal. "I have to admit, this food is incredible!"

Arunika's expression held a mix of satisfaction and amusement as she took the last sip of her broth. A content sigh escaped her, a moment of pure delight. "For your information, my Cooking Skill is at level 10."

"That explains a lot then," Astorn replied, savoring the final bites of Arunika's stew creation. "I'm fortunate to have the latest Device; no need to log off for dinner."

Arunika turned to Astorn momentarily, her gaze holding a mixture of concern and wisdom. "Make time to log off and spend time with your family. You can always return to Axian, right?"

"Don't worry, my family is always busy and rarely home," Astorn responded with a nonchalant shrug, her emotions unaffected. "That's why I'm not concerned about not returning to the real world, even once."

Arunika chose to remain silent, abstaining from interfering in his family matters. She stood up after the bowl was emptied, its leftover vanishing without a trace. Returning to the inviting warmth of the campfire, she extended her hands, basking in its comforting heat.

"He might have logged off. Should we continue tomorrow?" Arunika spoke, her gaze steady on the horizon.

Astorn was momentarily taken aback, swiftly checking the information about his disbanded team and realizing he was left all alone. However, what truly seized his attention was the notification of an incoming message from the black-haired man. After being out of reach for so long, he finally responded.

[Open Message]

[Where are you? I'm making my way to the nearest Safe Zone, but I'm uncertain about the direction. I might wander around here until I find my way out. I'll update you once I reach the village.

We might need to part ways for now; I'll send you a Friend Request to keep you updated.

From: Liu Han]

Astorn beamed widely and almost erupted into euphoric laughter, his friend seemed remarkably untroubled. Yet, there was an enigmatic aspect he couldn't quite fathom — why was Liu Han still amidst the forest? Wasn't he supposed to have been teleported to the Safe Zone? Could he have actually survived the Thunderous Goblin attack?

"Arunika, are you certain that the Thunderous Goblin's attack struck my friend?" Astorn started to question the credibility of Liu Han's safety.

"I'm aware he was stunned for five seconds, and when the monster jumped towards him, there were still two seconds remaining on the stun timer," Arunika explained, turning her gaze towards Astorn with meticulous precision. "If only I had teleported him, he would certainly have survived and be here with you. Why do you ask?"

"No, I mean, my friend has messaged me," Astorn exclaimed, his relief palpable.

"Really? Where is he?" The woman widened her eyes, taking a step closer to the man who was still seated on the mat.

"That's why I was wondering if he's still lingering in that cave," Astorn said in awe. "Because he informed me that he's still in the Black Wood."

In the transition to the tranquil setting of a rice field, Liu Han too had fashioned a campfire in the forest, crafting it from wood collected from Tree Spirit. As the fire crackled, the aroma of roasted meat infused with a blend of salt and honey wafted through the air, a fair meal prepared with his limited supplies and cooking skills.

Despite his wish to exit the virtual world of Axian, Liu Han's primary focus was to navigate out of the daunting woods, as logging off amidst the wilderness carried substantial risks. His in-game character lay motionless, susceptible to potential threats from creatures or other players yearning for his possessions.

Straddling the precipice, he'd lingered in Axian for too long; his stomach now voiced its discontent, a hunger that feasting on his catch did little to appease, held back by the absence of formidable Device.

Contemplating his dilemma, Liu Han murmured to himself, "Trapped here, it seems. Another run-in with Mr. Ryan's rant awaits me, I suppose."

Fatigue weighed heavily on his eyelids. "What's the point of a life like that? Finishing the chores as fast as possible and returning to this realm again. I rather live here forever."

A sudden intrusion startled Liu Han. "Talking to yourself?" A voice emerged from his side, causing him to jerk and stumble backward. His eyes widened in astonishment as he faced a woman who appeared out of thin air. She stood close, her captivating face almost touching his.

"W-Who are you?" Liu Han stammered, a sense of unease creeping over him. This girl had materialized inexplicably in the heart of the wilderness. "Are you some sort of forest soul?"

"Really?" The woman straightened, a hint of annoyance on her lips. "Have you forgotten me already?"

"Hold on, let me guess," Liu Han attempted with a playful grin. Drawing from her exquisite complexion, raven hair, and alluring figure, combined with a voice he recognized well, Liu Han ventured. "Lunar Queen?"

A note of exasperation colored her response. She crossed her arms against her chest, her expression a mix of irritation and amusement. "Took you long enough. Yes, I'm the Lunar Queen."

Liu Han's bewilderment deepened. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the Lunar-Verse?"

The woman rolled her eyes. "As a Goddess, I can move between realms, you know? My sister's world is accessible to me."

A sense of confusion enveloped Liu Han. "Wait, the Aruna-Verse had a Queen also?"

With a nod, Lunar Queen affirmed, "Yes, indeed. She's like me, but of course more radiant in terms of shine." She settled down next to Liu Han, her knees bent. "Now, tell me, why has my Champion chosen solitude amidst this forest?"

A flush of embarrassment tinted Liu Han's cheeks as he hastily looked away from Lunar Queen's alluring form, now seated beside him. Her twin mounds pressed against her knees, sparking a mental whirlwind. Liu Han returned to tending his roasting meat.

"My friend has disappeared, and I don't know where," Liu Han explained, his words measured. "And I'm clueless about the nearest Safe Zone."

Lunar Queen's sudden existence was both a blessing and a riddle, her voice soothing and perplexing all at once. "Fear not, I can guide you," she offered, her head finding a resting place upon her knees. "But on one condition, of course."

Liu Han's brows furrowed as he regarded the Goddess. "What kind of condition?"

A hint of mischief sparkled in her eyes. "Give me a kiss."

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