
MMORPG: Darkness befall

"The weak will ganged up on the strong and call it justice" ___ Power was intoxicating, No man can resist doing everything they want when they have absolute power. Luo Feng, A sadistic man who likes seeing everyone despair. "Why are you doing this?!" "Because it's fun" He replies. Maybe the world had enough of his wickedness, He died after getting struck by lightning one day. But perhaps the world had an interest in him, He got reincarnated inside a newly released MMORPG game. "Where're the players I could bully?" [Dying here will erase your soul, your goal was to kill all the dragons, good luck -M] "Now that's what I called an interesting challenge" Beating an MMORPG game without dying once? That's impossible... but that's exactly why his blood was boiling from excitement.

KuboSaki · Games
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3 Chs

Goblin Slayer (1)

[Xp +5]

"and... that's the last slime" Luo Feng said to himself as he picked up the loots, it took him five minutes just to go find and kill all five slimes.

"Can I use my UI?" Luo Feng suddenly wonders, he might be living on an MMORPG game but he wasn't an npc, and if he wasn't an npc then he must be a player.

In the first place, he could access his inventory, can't he?

And it turns out he really could use the user interface, He could add friends, message somebody, Look at his stats, and fix the setting, the only thing he couldn't do was to 'log out'.

Every time he clicks log out, This message appears.

"No logging out~ defeat every dragon first!" followed by a couple of strings of emojis.

He already expected that it's impossible to log out but it doesn't hurt to try doing so.

'Normally, VR games like this give players around 10 hours of game time at most' Luo Feng smiled when he remember this, when others could only grind for at most 10 hours he, on the other hand, could do it 24 hours a day!

That's 14 hours worth of grinding more! He will always be ahead!

While exploring the UI, He wasn't just idling in the forest, he was walking towards the village and now he reach the training field.

"Instructor Elgar!" Luo Feng shouted while waving his hand, The instructor who was talking with other players looked at him.

"You got the slime gels?"

"Yes, fighting them was rather difficult"

"Difficult...." The instructor was looking at his smiling face, He said it was difficult but not only did he take just nine minutes to defeat five of them but it doesn't seem like they managed to attack him at all.

If he was attacked then he will surely get some of the gooey liquid onto his clothes but only his sword was covered with slimes.

Still, the instructor didn't care much about it, The man might be more talented than he thought.

"Good, With this I can now let you use real swords"

"Quest [Killing Five Slimes] was completed"

"Reward: Xp+20, Rusty sword"

"I heard Blacksmith Agrotes need someone to bring him something from the forest, how about you take that task?" Instructor Elgar recommended to Luo Feng.

"Thank you, I'll look into that" Luo Feng replied, He smiled and bowed before leaving.

'Just as planned'

No one had seen this side of his gaming life but if somebody did they would have given him a new title.

"Two Faced"

And this time he was going to fully exploit this skill of him.

"...Real sword... this rusty sword looks really shitty tho..."


"Look, it's really true! The time inside the game is doubled of that in reality!"

"This is insane" Greed answers.

Greed was your average player, He was someone who was skilled at gaming but at the same time, he was not skilled enough to earn money from his skills.

"I gotta go now, I still have three quests I must complete" Greed says as he runs towards the forest.

"How come you had so many quests?!"

"Im just that charming" Greed answer as he disappears from the man's vision.

'But you're ugly...' The man did his best not to say these words as he doesn't want to hurt his friend's feelings.

"The tower of desire.... it's like a Japanese and Korean novel getting mixed together...."

When people think of medieval fantasy with sword and magic, they think of Japanese novels, If it's modern with super powers + a tower or a 'gate' then they think of Korean novels...

But the tower of desire mixes them together, just how chaotic will the game storyline be?

"Hopefully this game wouldn't have any massive plot hole" As someone who likes role-playing and getting immersed in the game, he just sincerly wishes that the storyline wasn't shit.


"So you're saying Instructor Elgar recommended you?" Blacksmith Agrotes asked, he was a man in his forty, He had thick eyebrows and an airplane could probably safely land on his forehead, he was also a few centimeters shorter than Luo Feng and his eyes looks really tired.


"Hmm.... swing your sword" Luo Feng was perplexed by the blacksmith's request but he did what he wanted, He took the rusty sword from his inventory and swing his sword.

"....Fine, ill believe in you, come with me then" Instructor Elgar likes starting his attack by swinging his sword upward, he will then swing his sword to the left and then to the right, this was how Luo Feng also did it.

"Thank you," Luo Feng said as he trailed after Blacksmith Agrotes.

Soon they reach Agrotes Blacksmith's, "Goblins multiply really fast, but how could they reproduce when there are only male goblins? They raped other species, humans, dwarves, elves, There was even a myth that there was once a goblin who raped a dragon"

Agrotes voice sound like he was angry, Luo Feng on the other hand tries his best to keep a nonchalant face.

'A quest that sounds really serious! I hit the jackpot! I should deepen my affinity with Elgar, his connection and fame might be better than I thought'

"Those motherfucker.... My kid was one of their victims...." Agrotes was clutching his hand very hard, his face was also dark.

"That's why... I created this sword, The 'Goblin Massacre'!"

"The quest [Goblin Massacre] was generated"
