
MLP:Normal Life 2

Ceci n’est pas mon livre pour lire l’original suivez le lien https://www.fimfiction.net/story/306592/normal-life Human turned Unicorn Blank Page is finally settling down in his new form and home and life is returning to normal. What a normal life is however might be relative, especially when you suddenly changed species, are living in the castle, dating a god-princess and is followed around by changelings. Warning: Contains enough slice of life to make a entire cake of life.

Supe3rman1234 · TV
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50 Chs

Chapitre 41

Chapter 41

"She was invited. She declined." Princess Celestia explained, "She called it, 'pointless'."

"I see."

For crying out loud. After all that work and she just..

Sighing, I then nodded, "Well, It's up to her I guess. Sorry for bothering you, Princess. It's just... with all the work to get Changelings integrated into society, even positions in the Royal Guard... It seems like such a waste to miss such an opportunity."

"Well, aren't you turning into quite the politician." Celestia commented, eating a forkful of her slice of cake.

"Now, now, there is no need for insults, Princess." I grumbled and crossed my frontlegs in front of me on the overly thick alicorn sized pillow, "I'm just looking out for a friend."

That got a chuckle from the large white alicorn, "I didn't realize you considered Queen Chrysalis a friend."

"Bah, not her. I tolerate Chrysalis. It is my guard, Skitter, I think of as a friend."

"Ah, I see."

Putting my teacup down, I floated the fork to try the cake for myself before I smiled, "Now that is good. Did the castle kitchens make it?"

"Indeed. They are quite good, aren't they. There are few ponies that can match them in that...and none of those are interested in permanent employment."

The rumors about Celestia's love for cake? Not quite true. Not even an Alicorn's metabolism would be able to handle that without making her as big as her celestial body(HAH!).

No, she went for quality not quantity.

And some quality it was. It was certainly the best cake I had ever eaten for sure. Of course, back on earth I didn't exactly had an habit to frequent restaurants where you could have found something of this quality, but still.

It was amazingly good.

"So what do you think about the Princess Summit?" Celestia then asked with a smile, "Excited?"

They were going to hold a meeting in the Crystal Empire. As far as I understood, it was a mix of 'hang out' and a 'this is how you Princess properly' course for Twilight and Cadance.

I nodded, "I am. I'm really looking forward to seeing more of Equestria. I have been here for quite a while now and all I've seen is basically Canterlot. This does seem like a good point to get started at that. I plan to do some traveling for a month or two when we get back, see more of the country."

"What does my sister think of that?"

I shrugged and put my cup of tea down, "She is encouraging it, even if she will be sad to see me go. Honestly... I think I would rather stay here with her, but I think this is something I need to do."

Celestia nodded, smiling gently, "Any idea where you will be going?"

"Not yet. There are some things I want to see. Manehattan for sure. The Everfree Forest as well. From what I heard, it will be the two places that will remind me of earth the most. I'll likely stop by Ponyville to visit Twilight as well. Clouddale if I can swing it. I almost have the cloud walking spell down, I should be able to do it reliably by the time I get there."

"You should be careful in the Everfree Forest." she cautioned me, "There are worse things than wild animals in there. Hydras, Chimeras, Timberwolves... and worse still."

I nodded and had another piece of my slice of cake. Oh yeah. Honestly, the Everfree Forest sounded like it belonged in DnD more than Earth.

But it was the one place in Equestria where the weather handled itself, where the animals managed their own business.

I had to go there.

"I know." I answered, "So all the books say. But I plan to stay close to the edge and Skitter and I are more than capable of defending ourselves."

"So I have seen. I have observed you and my sister's sessions at times. I'm impressed."

I raised a eyebrow at her with a small smirk, "Oh really?"

Celestia looked at me before she blinked and her cheeks turned a faint red, "Not that! Your magic and combat training!"


It was so rare to be able to get one over on either of the Princesses. It always felt so good whenever I managed it.

"I think I'm doing okay."

"I would say you are, especially for somepony that until three years ago had never touched magic. My sister always looks satisfied at the end."

I shot the alicorn a wary look.

Celestia looked as serene as always as she sipped her tea with a small smile.

Sighing, I shook my head and let it go instead focusing on my cake. I really should have known better than to play wordgames with an immortal by now. Especially one that spent the last eon involved in politics and running a country.

Resistance was indeed futile. But that doesn't mean I won't put up a fight. If anything Celestia enjoyed it, as far as I know nobody else talks back to her like this. Everyone seems to treat her almost as some kind of goddess. Justifiably so, they might not be called that, but they basically were. But even so that had to get old after a while.

"I like to think I make a good showing even if Luna is mostly on top of things." I countered, "She does have a couple of thousand years of experience on me but I think I'm learning. You are likely the only pony alive with more experience than she has, Princess."

"Oh, I don't know about that. Very few ponies can keep up with us so we usually end up practicing together. I think we are about equal in experience."

I just stared at her, "...We are talking about combat magic, right?"

Celestia just smiled one of her serene smiles, "Of course. What else could it be?" and took a fork full of cake before licking the cream of her lips.

...Well played.

Well played indeed.