
MLP:Normal Life 2

Ceci n’est pas mon livre pour lire l’original suivez le lien https://www.fimfiction.net/story/306592/normal-life Human turned Unicorn Blank Page is finally settling down in his new form and home and life is returning to normal. What a normal life is however might be relative, especially when you suddenly changed species, are living in the castle, dating a god-princess and is followed around by changelings. Warning: Contains enough slice of life to make a entire cake of life.

Supe3rman1234 · TV
Not enough ratings
50 Chs

Chapitre 33

Chapter 33

"You know they are watching, right?" I asked as I walked out onto the training yard alongside Shining Armor.

The larger stallion nodded slightly and glanced up at the balcony overseeing the training yard. "Oh yeah. Don't worry, I'll try to make you look good."

I smirked at him. "I think you should worry about yourself. A Captain of the guard beaten by an author?"

Yeah, like I really had a chance. He could just throw up a shield and stand there tanking everything I could throw at him until I dropped from exhaustion.

But smack talk was all part of it and I did hope I would at lead put up a good showing.

"Oh really?" Shining asked with a grin. "We just have to see. Rules?"

I shrugged. "No spells that will make it impossible to attend the dinner tomorrow?"

As much as I might want to skip it, getting hurt enough to be forced to stay in bed was a bit further than I was willing to go for it. Besides, it was one of the reasons that they were at Canterlot.

The second and more important one was to discuss the changeling situation.

"Sounds good." He agreed with a nod. "End at surrender or incapacitation?"


With that I headed towards the other end of the field. Okay, let's see what to do.

What do I know... captain of the guard, highly trained, completely overpowered with shields. It is possible that he will underestimate me.

He knows that I have trained with Luna, but not what I have been doing.

In a straight up fight, he would stomp me into the ground. So I need to make it not be a stand up fight.

The area was nicely lit up by torches on the walls, the stars shimmering far above as the moon helped light the scene up.

I turned to face him.

What do I have to work with... two racks of weapons along left wall, wooden spears and swords. My magic and the dirt on the ground.

"You may begin at the count of three." Luna called out from the balcony. "Three. Two. One. Begin!"

I started moving at once, running to the side as I threw a telekinesis beam in his direction. If hit, it would hit him like a kick.

Shining Armor didn't move, just tracking me with his horn, his pink shield flashing up a split second before my spell hit, blocking it flawlessly before returning fire.

Unable to get out of the way, I threw up my own shield, an angled plane deflecting it into the dirt a couple of meters away.

The impact caused me to take half a step back.

It was not a punch like Luna could throw them, but damn. Never felt any Unicorn hit like that before. Swift wasn't even close last I practiced with him.

So not just defense, then. He had one hell of an offense as well.

Being the brother to the Element of Magic I really should have expected that. But he had yet to move, just throwing up a shield.

He knew I couldn't hurt him through it.

So maybe if I...

Dropping my shield, I snagged three spears from the closest of the weapon racks and fired them in his general direction while diving to the side, avoiding a pair of spells flying in my direction. One of them passed close enough by that I could have sworn I felt the damn thing parting my coat.

If one of those had hit...

As expected, the wooden spears simply bounced off his shield harmlessly, clattering onto the dirt floor around him.

There was a short lull in the battle as I rolled onto my hooves, putting on a show of breathing hard as his shield dropped again.

"Hey, not bad." Shining Armor called out. "I was right that you were guard material. With a little more work, you would easily be accepted into basic training."

That's right.

Underestimate me.

"I wasn't aware we were done yet." I called back, taking a couple of steps towards him. "Unless you want to surrender."

He grinned and threw a spell in my direction and I deflected it to the side before I reared up and returned fire.


This was something I only managed for first time two weeks ago. Elemental magic was tricky, but fire was easier than cold. It was harder to remove energy than to add it and fire magic was basically nothing but a semi-controlled energy dump.

My horn lit up and I channeled my magic into a stream of fire in Shining Armors direction and I dropped back down on all fours. Before he was hidden from view by the flames I sent in his direction, I could see his shield bubble go up and a surprised expression on his face.

There was no way they would reach him, that spell didn't have the range, but that was what I had counted on. I couldn't keep the flames up for long, that spell drained magic like something insane as it was a pure elemental conversion of magic into fire with very little in the way of direction, but I didn't need to.

It was a distraction, not an attack.

Galloping forward, I dropped the spell and snatched the spears I threw earlier up in my magic and stabbed towards his shield, aiming them at him from three directions.

The spears slammed against his shield

Panting softly, I stopped like that, the spears pressed against his shield as he easily held them at bay.

"Check." I finally said, getting my breathing under control. "If you drop the shield, I win. If you don't... well, you lose."

Shining Armor raised an eyebrow. "I can hold this shield all night. How long can you hold those spears at the ready?"

I shrugged. "Maybe another fifteen minutes or so. Fire magic is a bitch of an energy drain."

Shining Armor nodded and sat down in his bubble. "It is. Damaging, though, if you manage a hit, but because of the drain, unless you have it as a special talent, you are better off with less flashy spells. Still, in this instance it served its purpose. A wall of flames coming at you tends to be distracting. Good job, you have me effectively mission killed. There is no way I can drop the shield and cast something else before you hit me with at least one spear."

"So, do you surrender?"

He smirked. "There is something else you have not thought of."


"You are just as locked down as I am. Move too far away and you will drop the spears and we are back at square one. If you don't, all I have to do is to sit here and wait for you to exhaust yourself."

Chuckling, I nodded and spun the spears around, stabbing them into the dirt. "Good match. You win. I just wish I had something heavy to lean on your shield so if you dropped it, it would squish you. That would have worked."

Shining Armor dropped the shield and shrugged. "Might have." he agreed and waved at the balcony. "If you want, I'll give you some tips tomorrow on how to unravel shield spells."

"...That would be awesome."

"Good. Now let's go find some something to drink that's older than we are."

"Now that sound like a plan I can get behind."