
MLP:Normal Life 2

Ceci n’est pas mon livre pour lire l’original suivez le lien https://www.fimfiction.net/story/306592/normal-life Human turned Unicorn Blank Page is finally settling down in his new form and home and life is returning to normal. What a normal life is however might be relative, especially when you suddenly changed species, are living in the castle, dating a god-princess and is followed around by changelings. Warning: Contains enough slice of life to make a entire cake of life.

Supe3rman1234 · TV
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50 Chs

Chapitre 15

Chapter 15

I followed Luna to our private chambers as she paused by the door to address the guard. She had returned to her old self already, and the dress she had been wearing had already been teleported... wherever she got it from in the first place.

"Has Captain Armor returned yet?"

"No, your highness." the guard answered with a salute.

She gave him a nod. "Make sure he knows to see us when he does. It regards the general state of his city guard." she ordered and then moved past him and inside, leaving me to bring up the rear and close the door.

"Well, that was a bit more interesting than I had planned." I said and used my magic to remove my suit jacket. Damn, I hated those things.

Luna turned with a smile and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "You did wonderfully, my Page. You kept calm and readied a shield, exactly like you have been taught."

Fighting down a blush, I grinned. "Seemed like the best idea. I was a bit surprised you didn't deal with the situation."

"You had it well in hoof." She answered with a smile and a nuzzle before she grinned as well. "Besides, it would have been rude to the guards. It is so rare that they get to protect their Princess."

I chuckled at that and nodded. "They did seem rather enthusiastic about hauling him away. I hope he doesn't... fall down the stairs or anything."

Luna frowned at that and looked at the door. "Our guards are more disciplined than that. Or at the very least, I would expect them to be. I will look into the issue... tomorrow."

"Oh? Have something planned for tonight?" I teased and eyed her.

"Perhaps." she answered with a small blush, flicking her ears. "But right now, I was thinking tea and stargazing on the balcony."

I paused, one fronthoof lifted off the floor before I nodded. "...That does sound like a rather good end of the evening."

"And perhaps more than stargazing." She whispered teasingly into my ear on her way to ring the bell to get some tea brought to us as I fought down a blush. Damn it, Luna!


The cup of spicy tea hovered before me in the golden glow of my magic as I took a sip of the hot liquid. I actually had two spells going at once. One of hold it and one to keep it from cooling down.

Not that I needed it for the warmth, Luna's wing across my back helped a lot for that. The air might be chilly, but an alicorn wing was nice and warm.

"Is it just me or did you make the sky extra beautiful tonight?" I asked, looking up at the stars. "I could have sworn there are deeper blacks and sharper stars."

Luna shifted a bit closer and her wing moved slightly. "I may have put some more work into it." she admitted. "I wanted tonight to be... perfect."

"Well, in my opinion it was. Good food, excellent company and I got to show how manly I was by defending my date."

"Speaking of which..." Luna said and turned her head, her horn lighting up in its dark blue aura. Seconds later, her target flashed into reality in the air next to her in a flash of the same blue magic.

Man, I have to learn teleporting. So cool.

Also practical.

"What is it?" I asked as I eyed the simple but well crafted wooden box.

"A gift for you." She answered with a smile as she settled it by my frontlegs. "Open it. I believe you will like it."

It was pretty flat, maybe ten centimeters thick and forty times forty wide, made from dark, polished wood. What in the world... ah.

I smirked at her, "It's a book, isn't it."

Luna grinned at me. "Open it."

Reaching out with my hoof I flicked the latch open. "You know you didn't need to get me anything."

"I know. I wanted to."

Using my magic, I folded the lid up before blinking in surprise at the content. It was a flat metal ring sitting on the silk lining of the box. Thirty centimeters in diameter, made from what seemed to be polished steel, the inside of the ring and about halfway out covered in gold engravings.

Giving Luna a curious look, I lifted it out of the box, noticing the razor sharp outer edge. "Luna?"

"Remember how I said you've reached the level of Apprentice if you had been a War Mage?" She explained quietly. "This is the traditional gift from Master to Apprentice. A Chakram, the weapon of a Unicorn War Mage. Sometimes spells are not sufficient and you need steel."

"It's beautiful." I said softly, turning it over in my magic.

Luna nodded. "It's old. Enchanted to protect it from age, they are not made anymore. I ordered it pulled from the royal collection this morning." she explained. "It once belonged to Master Spell Blade. He was a loyal friend and Protector of Equestria."

"...Thank you, Luna." I whispered and set it gently back in it's box. "It is a beautiful gift. I will keep it safe."

Luna snorted in amusement. "Perish the thought! Spell Blade would have had your hide for that idea! And mine for giving it to you!"

I looked at her in surprise. "What?"

"A weapon is meant to be wielded. I will teach you how it's used and how it's cared for." She explained.

Slowly nodding, I eyed the steel circle. "A sword would be a lot more practical as a weapon." I finally observed.

Luna nodded. "Indeed. There is a reason as to why the guard uses spears and swords and not these. I also have to admit to preferring a sword when magic is not practical in combat. I will be able to teach you the basics, however, and it is part of the tradition I have been teaching you."

I stared at her for a long moment before I sighed and put the Chakram back its box. "This is coming with brand new set of bruises, isn't it?"

That got a giggle from her and she nuzzled at my neck. "But I always kiss them better, don't I?"

"You know, we could always skip the bruises part..." I teased and shifted closer.

"On the balcony? Could you imagine the rumors?" She teased right back before getting up to stretch and turning to head inside.

Grabbing the box, I quickly followed with a grin.