
Chapter 1

(Aoi hane POV)

I look at my sleeping daughter, it has been 5 year since Shisui death. I moved back to just outside konaha knowing it would be safer for mizuha and me.

(A couple weeks later)

       Today she got her fathers kekkei genkai, we were in town and mizuha went to play with her new friends while I shopped. I was buying some apples when I heard the kids screaming, I turn around and see and mizuha beating up a girl. I pulled mizuha off the girl, The girl gets up off the ground she she brings up a finger and shakily points at Mizuha. " demon!, that why your mom doesn't talk about your dad because he was a demon and so are you!" The girl ran away and I took mizuha home

"Mizuha" I said in calm tone "mommy I'm sorry, I'm sorry mommy don't be mad" she said breaking into tears "oh sweetheart, I'm not mad I just want to know what happened." " they were talking about what gift they were going to get their dads for father day, and then they asked me what gift I got my dad I said I don't have a dad, they asked why and I said He died protecting us like you alway say. Then Kiki said that I don't have a dad because he didn't love me or you so he left." She continues " then I said that dad loved us and she said if he loved you why did he leave, then I felt weird and started beating her up" she started to cry again and I hugged her " was she right mommy did dad not love us" she said " No!, she wasn't your father loved me and he loved you too" I let out a sigh " your father died protecting us, your fathers name was Shisui Uchiha and that weird feeling you had was the kekkei genki from your father clan. You are one of the only Uchiha's left, Mizuha Uchiha." She looked at me shocked "Mizuha Uchiha, I like it, it fits me." Mizuha said with her sass, 100% my child. "Well it should Sherlock because that your name" I said while tickling her.

Time skip

I woke up to the sound of banging at the front door, me and Mizuha opened the door,only to have a large man force his way past us into our home. "Excuse me but I don't remember inviting you into my house" I said glaring at the man. "My daughter told me what she saw today, how interesting to fine a uchiha, they're perry rare these days." He said with a smirk "lay a hand on my daughter and your daughter will know what it's like without a dad." I sneered at him. "The sharingan is a rare power,and I know quite a few people how would be interested in her." He said with a smirk on his face.He grabs my hand and pulled back a fist to hit me but before he could, I turn and flipped him. He land on the floor gasping for air. I grab the scroll Shisui had given to me when I ran from the house 10 year ago I have never opened it, it was labeled as a gift for Mizuha when the time was "right".

I wish Shisui was a little more specific but I guess the time is right when the time is right.

After I grabbed the scroll and the emergency pack by the door, took Mizuha hand into mine and ran of into the forest. They were after us, who they are I'm not sure. I just kept running and running with Mizuha a few meters ahead of me. I don't think I can run for much longer but mizuha has hardly even broken a sweat, I am slowing her down.

         Right then and there I made up my mind, I put the scroll in the bag along with a quick messy note before handing it to Mizuha. "Take this and don't stop running untell your at the the gates of the hidden leaf village" I said "I will hold them off and met you there" I said. I see her hesitate before she takes off to the village. Goodbye Mizuha I love you...Shisui here I come.

(Mizuha pov )

Mom hand me the bag and I keep running, suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my calf, I look down and there is a knife in the back of it. I pull out the knife and keep running.

     I crest the top of the hill and see the fight down below, my mom was never trained to be a ninja but that doesn't mean she didn't know how to defend her self. She looks extremely tried and another guy shows up pushing her to the ground. "Get up mom get up" I say quietly I see another guy come out of the shadows and lift her up by her hair  and she just spits blood on his face. Then he takes out his dagger and...stabs it right though moms chest.

I open my mouth to scream but nothing comes out, like the scream is trapped in my throat.I feel tears flow down my cheeks my eyes sting. A knife digs itself into my shoulder as another hits my arm."don't stop running untell your at the gates of the hidden leaf village" I hear her voice say,I run and I don't stop untell I'm right I front of the big red gate.


I have horrible story talking skills if your still here after that, thanks I will try to make it less...terrible in the future.