
Chapter 1: The Familiar Man

The story starts off with Liu Ling asking Mei Yi how she is adjusting to the new job Alice Café and it is explained that Mei Yi is a 21-year-old orphan who suddenly quite her job the year before, went on a trip during the summer, and ended up in the hospital with amnesia. To pay for rent and tuition, Liu Ling introduced her to Alice café, and Mei Yi said she was grateful for that. Liu Ling than asked Mei Yi if she remembered anything, and Mei Yi told her that she's still dreaming about the same guy disappearing before her eyes again and again. Liu Hai, Liu Ling younger brother, came over and said that it might be because Mei Yi is deprived and offered to be her temporary boyfriend, but was rejected by both women because he was younger and had too much emotional history.

Then, a man came into the shop and ordered for a slice of all the cakes on display as well as ordering some whole cakes that were readymade, the store's special Cheshire parfait, fruit crepes, and a honey milk tea. However, one of the cakes was sold out and the man made a call in English to the original buyer. The two argued over the phone for a bit before the man ordered three more cakes to appease the heartbroken woman.

Because he ordered so many things, Mei Yi, Liu Hai, and Liu Ling helped him move the orders to the car and Mei Yi asked if they've meet before. The man said no and left. Mei Yi than returned to the shop and told her friends that the customer looked like the man in her dreams.

The customer, Ming Han, came back to the hotel and gave Layla the cakes, asking her when she would leave, and she complained about their long-standing friendship and how Ming Han is such a cold person. Ming Han said he never asked her to fall in love while on a research exchange and lose trail of what was important. He also asked her about his older twin, Ming Tian, and Layla said he disappeared somewhere, but she can't remember what happen nor can she find anyone who remembered that Ming Tian ever existed. Had Ming Han not reminded her, Layla said she would have been oblivious like the others. However, Yi Jiang, the twin's teacher and caretaker, said that he and the twin's parents do not remember Ming Tian despite Ming Han reminding them.

Layla said it was strange and changed the subject by telling Ming Han and Yen Jiang that she signed them up for a live television show of the paranormal. Ming Han refused to waste time on such things, but Layla blackmailed him into it using some embarrassing things Ming Tian told her about Ming Han's childhood.

That night, Mei Yi dreamt of the man handing her a flyer. Woke up and saw the flyer in her hand and decided to go for the recruitment.