
Mirai’s Hero Academia!Katsuki Bakugou x OC

Mirai Shiromi, was childhood friends with Izuku and Katsuki however that changed when they started showing their quirks. And Katsuki started to show his true colors, Mirai hated him ever since, but then time flew by. And well...suppose time does changes people.

Haha_I_write · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Shiromi vs Uraraka

Mirai and Katsuki had been classmates since preschool. While other children tended to keep their distance from Mirai, Katsuki was the only one who consistently approached her without fear or hesitation. As they spent more time together, Mirai began to notice certain qualities about him that stood out.

Katsuki had a deep admiration for the pro hero All Might, and he often spoke of his own ambition to become the greatest hero of all time. His bravery, although sometimes bordering on recklessness, was honest and true. He never shied away from a challenge or backed down from his convictions. In a world where many people put on airs or hid their true feelings, Katsuki's unfiltered honesty and unwavering determination made him someone Mirai felt she could trust.

One day, as Mirai sat perched on a sturdy tree branch, Katsuki stood below. He groaned, scratching his head in frustration.

"Man, I can't believe you got your quirk before me. And it's such a cool one too!" Katsuki yelled, uncaring of anyone nearby.

Mirai shrugged, "You think so? It's just a teleportation quirk. Some people have more unique ones."

Katsuki scowled, "Will you ever just take a compliment? Your quirk is cool, end of story."

Mirai paused for a moment, considering his words. Finally, she sighed, "Fine." she conceded with a nod.

Katsuki's expression shifted, a grin spreading across his face. He began to climb the tree, swiftly and easily as he made his way up to join Mirai on the branch.

As they sat side by side, looking out over the playground, a comfortable silence settled between them. The sun began its slow descent towards the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. Katsuki glanced at Mirai, the pensive expression on her face as she gazed at the fading light.

"Do you ever still think about them?" he asked, his voice uncharacteristically soft.

Mirai's eyes flickered to his, "Sometimes. But it's strange… there are times when I can't even remember their voices anymore, much less their faces."

Katsuki nodded, then he hesitated for a moment before asking, "What about the villain? Are you afraid they're still out there?"

Mirai's gaze dropped to her hands, her fingers curling into fists. "Yes," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

"Well, don't worry," Katsuki's chest puffed out, and he grinned, his eyes sparkling, "because I'm here!"

Mirai blinked, staring at him for a moment.


Katsuki's eyes widened, his cheeks flushing, "Wha—Hey! Stop laughing! Come on!"

Mirai shook her head, trying to stifle her giggles. "Did you seriously just say that? Haha… I swear, sometimes I don't get you boys and your obsession with heroes. I don't see what the big deal is about them."

Katsuki's jaw dropped, his expression one of utter disbelief, "You're kidding, right? Heroes are awesome! They swoop in, kick some villain butt, and always win! And you know, they're always there when you're in trouble."

Mirai tilted her head, considering his words. "Do you really think so?"

"Of course I do!" Katsuki exclaimed, his voice filled with unwavering conviction. "That's why I want to hurry up and get my quirk, so I can be a hero and do some awesome stuff." He paused, "And also… so you don't have to be afraid anymore. And stuff…" he looked away as he said

Mirai felt a warmth bloom in her chest, a genuine smile spreading across her face. "Katsuki…"

"And don't forget, I'll get to kick some villain butt too! I can't wait!" Katsuki's grin returned.

Mirai couldn't help but smile back, "Yeah, me too!"

In that moment, Mirai saw only the boy who dreamed of heroics, unaware that the very traits she admired—his fierce confidence and fearlessness—could twist into something unrecognizable.

┏━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┓

┗━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┛

Mirai finished clearing the room, ensuring that all the potential obstacles and debris were removed. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and placed a hand over her ear, activating the small blue earpiece,

"Bakugou, what are you doing?"

"Ha? What do you think? I'm finding that damn nerd!" Bakugou's voice crackled through the earpiece, his volume making Mirai wince.

"Yeah, you made that loud and clear," she replied, rubbing her ear. "But what about the girl?"

She could hear Bakugou grinding his teeth, "Just protect the damn weapon!"

"Bakugou? Hey! Bakugou?" Mirai called out, but there was no response. He had cut her off.

Mirai sighed, "Goddamn it," she muttered under her breath. But at least she had confirmation. If Bakugou was chasing after Midoriya, then Uraraka must be…

Mirai narrowed her eyes at the column in the corner, "You can come out Uraraka, no use in hiding anymore."

Hesitantly, a pink-tinted helmet emerged from behind the column, followed by Uraraka's nervous smile. As Mirai approached, Uraraka pressed a finger to her ear. "Deku, I've been spotted. Shiromi found me…"

"Deku…" She repeated softly, "you know, you really shouldn't make it a habit to call him that, it's an insult after all."

"I-It is? But De—Midoriya said it was fine, that it…'You can do it' Deku..or something like that."

'Izuku! What happened?! Why are you all beaten up!?'


Mirai shook her head, "Oh yeah? That's probably just his flustered self-talking. You know how boys can be." She pulled out her capture tape, the material stretching between her hands. "Well, whatever."

She charged at Uraraka, but a sudden eruption shook the entire building, nearly knocking her off her feet.


No fucking way.

"Bakugou, you idiot!" She screamed, "Tell me that wasn't you—"

In her peripheral vision, Uraraka was charging forward. Mirai lashed out with the capture tape, but Uraraka clasped her hands together and launched herself into the air, soaring.

So she can float herself too.

"Release," Uraraka called out as she glided across the room, heading straight for the weapon. But in an instant, Mirai materialized beside it, and the weapon vanished.

"Wah?" Uraraka's eyes bulged as she flailed her arms. Gravity took hold, sending her plummeting until she slammed into the wall, legs askew.

"Sorry, Uraraka," Mirai said, now standing on the opposite side of the room, "but I won't let you win that easily."

Uraraka's eyes narrowed, "Deku," she declared, "is giving it his all. So will I!"

She lunged forward, capture tape at the ready. Mirai met her charge head-on, evading Uraraka's attempts to make contact with her skin. Swiftly, Mirai maneuvered, disappearing from Uraraka's sight.

Uraraka's eyes darted, just as Mirai reached out behind her with her left arm. In a split second, Uraraka seized the opportunity, ensnaring Mirai's arm with her tape.

Mirai's hand flashed to her thigh holster and retrieved a sleek dagger. With a swift slice, she cut through the tape, freeing herself. Yet, Uraraka's swift reflexes surprised her, her fingers brushing against Mirai's waist.

Instantly, Mirai's stomach lurched as her feet left the ground. The room spun in a dizzying blur as she floated helplessly. Nausea clawed at her throat. Through the haze, she saw Uraraka sprinting for the weapon.

"Oh no, you don't!" Mirai growled through gritted teeth.

Mustering every ounce of concentration, she focused on the space beside Uraraka and teleported, her body blinking out of existence only to reappear directly in the other girl's path.

Uraraka's eyes widened as Mirai materialized before her. She tried to stop, but her momentum carried her forward.

Mirai braced herself against the papier-mâché weapon and pushed off hard. She launched herself at Uraraka, her foot slamming into the brunette's abdomen.

Uraraka let out a sharp gasp, the air knocked from her lungs. Mirai's kick sent her flying backward, her body arcing through the air before crashing to the ground.

Mirai watched, her chest heaving with exertion, as Uraraka struggled to get up. The brunette leaned heavily against a nearby column.

Clinging to the weapon for dear life, Mirai fought against the effects of Zero Gravity, desperate to keep herself from floating away again. How many minutes had passed? She wasn't sure, but it didn't matter. She was sure to win any moment now.

But then, Uraraka did something strange. She gripped the column tightly and in that moment, a large hole opened up in the ground, the ceiling above them shattered, and debris flying upwards.

Mirai's eyes widened as she lost her grip on the weapon.

"Sorry to do this, Shiromi," Uraraka called out, hoisting the column above her head like a bat. "Improvised special move: Comet Home Run!"

With a grunt of effort, Uraraka swung the column, using it to hit the debris charging towards Mirai.

"How is that a home run?!" Mirai raised her arms to shield her face as the rubble hurtled toward her.

"Release!" Uraraka shouted, and suddenly, the weightlessness vanished. Mirai felt herself plummeting towards the ground, but her attention snapped solely on Uraraka.

The brunette landed beside the weapon, wrapping her arms around it in a triumphant embrace. "Retrieved!" she announced, a relieved smile on her face.

"What the…" Mirai stared blankly, she glanced back at the gaping hole in the center of the room, then peered down, vaguely making out the figures of a blond and a curly green-haired boy. "What the…"

The intercom crackled to life, and All Might's voice boomed through the speakers. "For the indoor battle training, the hero team… wins!"

Mirai pushed herself up on shaking arms, grateful to feel the solid ground beneath her once more. Uraraka slid off the weapon, her face pale and tinged with green.


"I'm… sick…" Uraraka mumbled, her hand pressed against her mouth.

"Ah… yeah, I get it." Mirai grimaced, the mere thought of the vertigo-inducing experience making her own stomach churn.

She made her way over to Uraraka, placing a reassuring hand on the girl's back. Slowly, she began to rub in gentle circles, hoping to provide some comfort as Uraraka fought against the nausea.

"Easy there," Mirai murmured, her voice soft and soothing. "Just take deep breaths. It'll pass."

Uraraka nodded, her eyes squeezed shut as she focused on her breathing.

What the heck just happened? Well she lost, that's what happened. Ah well, she can do better next time, she can deal with the lost. But that is not what she's concerned about, if she lost then that means Bakugou…

Mirai's brow furrowed, but she shook her head, trying to push the thought aside.

"Come on," She said gently, helping Uraraka up and walking back to the monitor room.

I really hope the fight scene was decent enough, please send me your tips and suggestions to improve I am in dire need of help physically, mentally and psychologically.

Also I'm a few days late but happy Birthday Bakugou Katsuki!

Haha_I_writecreators' thoughts