
Miracle Summoner

"The talent in magic is top-notch, but physical abilities are worthless? Summoning numerous familiars, yet staying in the back alone? To this, I only have one thing to say. 'None of that matters!' This is the story of a young boy who cherishes miracles, both receiving and giving." "As long as I have my familiars (companions), I am invincible!" -------------------------------------------------- [This is a translation! The story does not belong to me. The author who wrote this is, in my opinion, one of the best fan fic author I've known and none other can compete with his work. I want his amazing story to reach other readers too. He's written multiple works and this is not his best. I just wanna try translating this one cuz I don't want to ruin his best work. So I'll see if I can translate this properly. I'll be using Google translate and Chat GBT to help me translate this as good as possible. And please if you can, support the original author of this story. The Author's name is "RuQingRuSu". I hope you guys enjoy. ] I'll try and upload at least 5 chapters a day since the author already finished this story. I've just started so I'll be updating this book as much as I can per day.

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1366 Chs

-1010- Calm morning

Breakfast at the Minamiya household was mainly prepared by Rozen.

After all, expecting that self-centered witch sister to prepare breakfast herself was an impossible task.

So, at some point, Rozen started preparing all three meals at home. Even though Rozen used to be someone who relied on others for everything, under Natsuki's strict demands, he still enrolled in several cooking classes. In less than a month, he transformed into a versatile cook, leaving even the star chefs in those cooking classes astonished.

This was also thanks to the help of his Mind's Eye.

He could grasp timing, temperature, sequence, and the cooking process's conditions, making it seem effortless. With this ability, what culinary skill couldn't he master.

It must be said that since ascending to the divine realm, Rozen's Mind's Eye had reached an unexpected height. He could use it to master all aspects of daily life, a feat unprecedented in the world of automaton.

The Mind's Eye was originally a state achieved by monks who transcended worldly desires, saints who comprehended universal truths, and martial gods who pursued the peak of their skills. So, it was only natural that others could achieve it in various fields as well.

If someone exceptional could see the essence of life and the path through cooking, perhaps they could also obtain the power of the Mind's Eye.

This technique was included in the highest echelons of magus because, in the end, they all delved into the deepest mysteries.

Rozen's situation was due to the accumulation of several worlds and the expansion of his horizons, continuously raising the level of his Mind's Eye.

With a few transformations, he finally reached the divine realm, where he could even peer into the workings of the world. Naturally, he could also balance various fields, which was akin to obtaining the Mind's Eye in all aspects.

In this state, it was no longer just profound but rather extraordinary.

However, as long as Rozen continued to traverse one world after another, accumulating knowledge and insights, his Mind's Eye would continue to ascend, right?

Perhaps, like in the past, there wouldn't be massive transformations anymore, but with continuous accumulation, someday, Rozen might be able to peer into the true cosmic truth and eventually reach unimaginable heights.

Of course, this was something that would happen far in the future. It was too early to discuss these things now.

Currently, Rozen was simply utilizing his unique advantage to improve various skills, including cooking.

Although initially, Rozen found preparing meals troublesome and lacked motivation due to his inherent laziness, Natsuki saw through it all, leading to her strictness, which might have been the reason.

Given this, Rozen truly had to thank Natsuki. Thanks to her admonishment, Rozen almost became a perfect person in all aspects. Through various insights, his Mind's Eye continued to improve.

Therefore, after realizing that these household chores helped improve his Mind's Eye, Rozen no longer resisted them, personally taking care of everything.

In this way, preparing breakfast became a kind of enjoyment for Rozen, allowing him to quickly prepare everything.

At this moment, the people gathered in the house were enjoying breakfast in the dining roo

"So, besides her name, she doesn't remember anything else?

Kojou sat in his seat, drinking milk for breakfast, looking solemnly across the table.


There, Avrora, wearing Rozen's coat, held a freshly baked bread, feeling a bit fearful under Kojou's gaze, hiding behind Rozen.

"That's right."

Rozen could only bear Kojou's gaze for Avrora, speaking with some helplessnes.

"Perhaps it shouldn't be said that she remembers nothing at all, just that, apart from her own matters, she clearly doesn't have many memories."

After all, Avrora had just been unsealed yesterday, waking up from a long slumber of many years.

"The Fourth Primogenitor's bodies were scattered across various worlds. Although they've all been found now, No. 12..."

Before Rozen could finish his sentence, Avrora interrupted.


Avrora emphasized.

"Alright, alright, it's Avrora, not No. 12." Rozen chuckled, then continued to address Kojou, "Avrora woke up only yesterday. Unlike the other matrices, it's normal for her to have few memories."

All twelve matrices were parts of the Fourth Primogenitor. If they had been sealed across different worlds since their creation, then from the day they were unsealed, they were essentially born into this world, experiencing it for the first time.

In other words, the current Avrora was akin to a newborn baby, knowing nothing else except her own existence.

"As for the other matrices, some might have been awakened for a long time, while others might have appeared only recently, falling into the hands of their current owners after various twists and turns, right?"

Rozen casually speared a piece of ham with his fork while chatting with Kojou.

This was probably the real reason why Avrora knew nothing except her own matters.


"If that's the case, then what did those two matrices from yesterday to become emotionless like that...?" Kojou muttered softly, gazing at Avrora.


Rozen fell silent instantly.

Only Avrora, seeming not to understand the conversation between Rozen and Kojou, remained timidly hiding behind Rozen.

"Anyway, now that she's awake, the candidates, led by Zaharias, and the other matrices will sooner or later come knocking. Before that happens, I hope Nagisa's condition improves."

Rozen broke the silence, expressing his concern.

Kojou was now troubled.

"I've already called my mom. She doesn't seem to be on Itogami Island at the moment, so I don't know when she'll be back to help treat Nagisa."

Kojou wasn't sure whether to feel relieved or not. Mimori's absence spared her from the disaster of being frozen in the North District's MAR Research Institute, but at the same time, Kojou didn't know how to take care of Nagisa.

Rozen could only help soothe Nagisa's soul and exorcise spirits. As for treating her physical weakness, it was better left to specialized doctors.

"For now, let's use my magic to help maintain Nagisa's vitality." Rozen suggested, "What about your school?"

Rozen and Kojou were still students and had to attend school today.

"Help me and Nagisa get excused." Kojou didn't hesitate, "We can't just leave Nagisa alone at home."

"In that case, also keep an eye on Avrora for me." Rozen didn't object, nodding, "I've set up a barrier nearby. If anything goes wrong, I'll use space manipulation to return immediately."

Kojou naturally had no objections.

The two continued their breakfast.

Unaware, Avrora looked uneasy, tightly gripping Rozen's coat.