
Miracle Summoner

"The talent in magic is top-notch, but physical abilities are worthless? Summoning numerous familiars, yet staying in the back alone? To this, I only have one thing to say. 'None of that matters!' This is the story of a young boy who cherishes miracles, both receiving and giving." "As long as I have my familiars (companions), I am invincible!" -------------------------------------------------- [This is a translation! The story does not belong to me. The author who wrote this is, in my opinion, one of the best fan fic author I've known and none other can compete with his work. I want his amazing story to reach other readers too. He's written multiple works and this is not his best. I just wanna try translating this one cuz I don't want to ruin his best work. So I'll see if I can translate this properly. I'll be using Google translate and Chat GBT to help me translate this as good as possible. And please if you can, support the original author of this story. The Author's name is "RuQingRuSu". I hope you guys enjoy. ] I'll try and upload at least 5 chapters a day since the author already finished this story. I've just started so I'll be updating this book as much as I can per day.

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1364 Chs

-1009- You want me?

—"Avrora Florestina."

This name, Rozen certainly remembered.

He still remembered when, back in the Demon Sanctuary in Gozo, Akatsuki Gajou and Liana Caruana named this vessel found in the underground tomb of the Fairy's Coffin.

Now, the girl actually reported such a name, which truly surprised Rozen.

"Did you happen to be awake at that time?"

Rozen asked in astonishment.


However, the girl who called herself Avrora tilted her head, looking puzzled.

Obviously, she didn't have memories of that time, but she remembered only this name.

Perhaps it was because Nagisa was in a state of communion with her at that time, allowing the girl to have some vague consciousness and remember the name given to her. That might be the case.

In other words...

"Besides this name, do you remember anything else at all?"

Watching Avrora's bewildered expression, Rozen suggested this possibility with a furrowed brow.

This made Avrora shrink her body again, behaving like a frightened child afraid of being scolded.


Rozen sighed as if relieved, leaning back on the sofa.

"So it ended up like this, huh?"

The girl in front of him was different from the other vessels.

This, Rozen finally understood.

As for the reason, Rozen somewhat guessed based on the current situation.

"If that's the case, then the so-called 'Blazing Banquet' is becoming quite intriguing."

Rozen couldn't help but sigh.

In this situation, Avrora continued to huddle in the corner.

"I... I believe you should offer me tribute."

Avrora timidly made this request.


Rozen was puzzled.

"Allow... allow you to present this to me."

Avrora pointed in Rozen's direction, showing a courageous demeanor.

This made Rozen's expression strange.

"Do... do you want me?"

Rozen felt like he had opened up a new world.


Avrora, on the other hand, was startled and shook her head continuously like a rattle drum.

At this moment, Rozen understood what Avrora wanted.

"You want the clothes on me, right?"

Rozen picked up the coat covering him.


Avrora nodded repeatedly.

Although her tone was arrogant, her actions and speech resembled those of a frightened little animal, which made Rozen somewhat amused.

But, at the same time, Rozen couldn't help but let go of his guard against Avrora.

"Giving you clothes is no problem, and I can even provide you with food and shelter, giving you a place to stay."

Rozen stood up, picked up his coat, and said to Avrora.

"A place to stay..."

Avrora seemed to be attracted by these words, ignoring her exposed body, raising her head, and looking at Rozen.

In that moment, from Avrora's eyes, Rozen saw unease and anticipation.

Seeing this, Rozen finally remembered.

(If she really doesn't know anything except her name, it's normal for her to be so uneasy.)

For Avrora, everything has been unfamiliar since the moment she opened her eyes, so how could she not feel unsettled?

Therefore, Rozen's mention of a "place to stay" must have resonated with Avrora to some extent.

Moreover, before this, the girl had been sealed in the ice, sleeping in the underground tomb for who knows how long. Upon careful consideration, the fate of this girl seemed quite cruel.

Thinking of this, Rozen's gaze towards Avrora changed somewhat.

"Yes, a place to stay." Rozen nodded in front of Avrora and said, "But the premise is that you must listen to me. You must not release beast vassals without reason, you must not harm others, and you must not wander around randomly. Unless someone threatens your safety, you must control your magic, understand?"

This was to prevent yesterday's events from happening again.

After personally confronting the beast vassals controlled by the Primogenitors, Rozen realized that they were more dangerous than he had imagined. If they truly had destructive intentions, destroying a metropolis in an instant was very simple, and sinking the entire Itogami Island was just a matter of lifting a finger.

If Hokuto hadn't ascended to the strategic pinnacle, Rozen would have had to put in some effort to deal with those beast vassals.

This was still when the Fourth Primogenitor had not awakened, and it was only the result of the manipulation by the vessels.

If the true Fourth Primogenitor awakened and used the beast vassals, Rozen estimated that he would have to exert all his efforts to counter them.

After all, Rozen was not in Chaldea, not in a singularity, and didn't have a powerful Servant to command. Otherwise, with the power of various servant, even the mad king, who had obtained the Holy Grail, could be defeated, and even the Twenty-Eight Demon Gods could be eradicated with a single move. Rozen was not afraid of the Primogenitors.

Therefore, in the absence of powerful Servants to command, the beast vassals of the Primogenitors were still quite threatening to Rozen.

In this way, if Avrora released beast vassals again, it was indeed possible to freeze the entire Itogami Island this time, turning it into a giant iceberg sinking into the sea.

Moreover, even the sea could be frozen, leading to unexpected catastrophes.

This was the beast vassals at the level of the Primogenitors, truly incarnations of natural disasters.

It was not a metaphor, but the truth.

Therefore, Rozen had to put a restraint on Avrora.

"If you don't agree, then you'll have to run around naked on the streets, can you do that?"

Rozen said somewhat maliciously.


Avrora immediately shook her head vigorously, her eyes tearing up again, looking like she was about to cry.

"Then it's settled, you must follow my instructions, understand?"

Rozen instructed in this way.

"I... accept your terms..."

Avrora could only agree reluctantly.

This made Rozen feel somewhat guilty.

But, this was also to prevent bigger disasters, there was no other way.

Was there really no other way? Wasn't he just enjoying abusing someone weaker when he saw it?

Rozen thought this way while tossing the coat to Avrora.

"You can temporarily wear this, and later I'll help you get some clothes."

Upon hearing this, Avrora quickly took the coat and then timidly looked at Rozen, still shrinking her body and not daring to move randomly.

Rozen naturally understood what this meant, shrugged his shoulders, and turned around.

Avrora breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the coat, and quickly put it on.


"The button of binding..."

Avrora's voice, on the verge of tears, suddenly sounded.

"What's wrong?"

Rozen immediately turned his head, then saw Avrora, who had put on the coat, grabbing the collar, looking helpless with tears in her eyes.

"You don't know how to button it, do you?"

Rozen was dumbfounded.


Avrora looked at Rozen with teary eyes.

"Alright, now I have to be a part-time nanny."

Rozen sighed and had to step forward to button up Avrora's coat.

"Let's go, I'll take you to have breakfast."

Rozen reached out to Avrora.

Avrora looked timidly at this scene, then slowly reached out her hand and placed it in Rozen's palm.