
Mine Everlasting

Have you ever tried to read My Immortal and just couldn't get past the bad writing? Do you want to actually understand the insane plot? Welcome to Mine Everlasting, the longest My Immortal rewrite (as far as I can tell). Come enjoy meeting all your favorite characters from Harry Potter all over again, but this time they're goth and have none of the personality from the original canon! I'm here for you as I rewrite all of My Immortal to be intelligible. Inspired by My Immortal by Tara Gilesbie.

LemonxLark · Book&Literature
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15 Chs


As my senior project, I'm rewriting all of My Immortal as well as I can. Why? Because Tumblr told me to. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy my attempt to make this story any better than it actually is. If you have any suggestions on how to lengthen this a little bit, please tell me. Actually, all comments mean so much to me, so if you even so much as read the first 3 words, just leave a comment with "love the first three words!" I swear it's the number one thing that keeps me writing.

xxxXXX Fangs for reading you guys! XXXxxx

(I do not own any of the characters who appear in this work)

Overall Warning for: minor smut, foul language, occasional drug usage, minor self harm, kidnapping, and general bad behavior.

It's really not that bad, just not for babies out there. Which I only say so all the babies out there reading this know how cool they are. What's up all you cool babies! And if you're not a baby, please enjoy~

Have some ideas about my story? Comment on where you think it'll go!

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