
Mine Everlasting

Have you ever tried to read My Immortal and just couldn't get past the bad writing? Do you want to actually understand the insane plot? Welcome to Mine Everlasting, the longest My Immortal rewrite (as far as I can tell). Come enjoy meeting all your favorite characters from Harry Potter all over again, but this time they're goth and have none of the personality from the original canon! I'm here for you as I rewrite all of My Immortal to be intelligible. Inspired by My Immortal by Tara Gilesbie.

LemonxLark · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Chapter 3- "A Lot Fo Kewl Boiz Wer It Ok!"

Jesus Christ. How am I supposed to write her cutting. It's such a vital part of the story. Also, I dedicated more to them doing drugs then I hoped I would have to, but I've also read more of this story than I hoped I would.


I barely controlled the skip in my step as I descended the staircase to the Slytherin dorms. Classes had been hell, but thank satan for my band. My ears were still ringing from our practice earlier and it amplified my exhilaration for the night ahead. I slammed the oak door to my room, and pulled out my black lace up boots with high heels. Of course, my outfit for the night had already been checked and perfected, and so pulling on my leather corset dress felt like a dream. Some finishing touches- fishnets for my arms and legs, teasing my hair, and as much black lipstick as I could pile on- and I was ready. Checking the clock, I realized I still had around 30 minutes, so I spent the time drinking some blood and carving lines into the skin on my wrists.

The time rushed by, and soon I was walking out to meet Draco at his black Benz, as he patiently leaned against the drivers side door. His hair was spiked a little more than usual, and he wore a shirt for one of the opening acts. I noticed his eyes were rimmed in kohl, which made their scarlet color even more stunning.

I put on my best moody expression before flashing a fanged smile at him, "Hey Draco."

He grinned back at me, "Hi Ebony."

I climbed into the passenger side of his car and gently brushed the black leather with my hand. He lounged in the front seat and navigated us to the venue, playing Good Charlotte songs all the way there.

He pulled out a pack of Marlboro's, some pre-wrapped joints, and a baggie full of something I hadn't tried before. Draco looked at me and smirked, "They're magic mushrooms. I was saving them for a special night." He winked, and I felt my pale skin slightly color.

Oh did the night feel special after smoking those.

We entered the concert hall without any trouble, smuggling the last of our goodies from earlier in with us. Luckily, we had made it early enough to get a good spot in the mosh pit, and so the two of us stood pressed together as the show began.

We danced, grinding up against each other as song after song played. I occasionally flashed a smile at Draco when a romantic lyric would be sung and he would smile back, a certain softness in his eyes. The band closed out the night playing "The Chronicles of Life and Death", which had always been my best friend's favorite song. I felt delirious hearing this song live, and without thinking I shouted "Joel is so fucking hot!"

Draco looked shocked and clearly pulled away from me, pushing into a few other people. I moved toward him, asking, "Are you okay?"

Then I realized and felt shame settle lightly in my guts, "Hey, it's ok I don't like him better than YOU!" I backtracked.

"Really?" asked Draco, barely looking me in the eye.

"Really." I affirmed. "Besides I don't even know Joel and he's married to Nicole Richie. I fucking hate that little bitch and their fucking kids." I fumed, and Draco laughed at my outburst. He put his arms around me as we danced to the final notes of the song.

After the show had ended, I pulled Draco into the line to buy myself one of their tour tee shirts. We stayed long enough in the venue, just drinking beer and laughing, that eventually the band members came out to sign some autographs and take some pictures.

I smiled as we walked out to the car, clutching the photographs and autographed shirt to my chest. I floated into the car and through most of the drive back to hogwarts, until Draco turned into the Forbidden Forest.


Best part of writing this- Finding out what has actually happened to Joel from Good Charlotte. Because the original has her talking about how he was dating Brittany Spears, while I'm updating to his marriage to Nicole Richie. I think I'm somewhat clever ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ

Next I'm writing a sex scene. Oooooh joy let's hope my skills in writing smut will actually come in handy for once!